Zitat von Revan
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Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Dawn of War und Erweiterungen
Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
merkwürdige ist noch das DoW keine installations probleme hat.
Das geht erst bei WA los.
Da braucht er für das Update fast 45min.
Die normale installation läuft dann aber einwandfrei.
Eine letzte vermutung wäre noch das es am MSI liegt.Zuletzt geändert von Revan; 14.09.2006, 12:28.Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang!
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenJa,
merkwürdige ist noch das DoW keine installations probleme hat.
Das geht erst bei WA los.
Da braucht er für das Update fast 45min.
Die normale installation läuft dann aber einwandfrei.
Eine letzte vermutung wäre noch das es am MSI liegt.Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenAlles ausprobiert.
Mein bericht:
Läuft immer noch nicht.
SP2 drauf .
Im Kompatibilitätsmodus gestartet.
Ich würd mal nen Fachmann zu Rate ziehen.Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenHab schon was im THQ-Forum gepostet.
Hoffe die wissen rat.
Ansonsten muss ich mich halt noch auf die Vollversion gedulden.
PS.: Kann es sein das der "Galaxy Conquest" Server wieder down istComing soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Zitat von Space Marine Beitrag anzeigenIch würde alle Register ziehen, es lohnt sich.
Zitat von Space Marine Beitrag anzeigenBei mir geht es (noch) einwandfei.
Mal gehts und dann mal wieder nicht.Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang!
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenHoffe nur das ich es vor der veröffentlichung schaffe.
Scheint zuviel traffic zu sein.
Mal gehts und dann mal wieder nicht
Haste schon eine Kolonie?
Ich schon 15^^Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Zum laden bringen wird ich die kiste nicht wegen ner demo.
Zu gc.
Hab bis jetzt noch meine hauptwelt.
Jedesmal wenn ich nen neuen planeten gefunden habe war ein anderer vor mir da und hat meine kleine flotte zu klump geschossen.
Rüste jetzt erstmal meine Talon's auf.
Dann hol ich mir ein paar planeten.Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang!
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenZum laden bringen wird ich die kiste nicht wegen ner demo.Spätestens wegen der Vollversion.
Zu gc.
Hab bis jetzt noch meine hauptwelt.
Jedesmal wenn ich nen neuen planeten gefunden habe war ein anderer vor mir da und hat meine kleine flotte zu klump geschossen.
Rüste jetzt erstmal meine Talon's auf.
Dann hol ich mir ein paar planeten.DU hast aber ne kriegerische Ecke, bei mir gabs noch gar keine bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen.
Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Meine wegen ner Demo bring ich mein notebook nicht zum EDV-Laden.
Die vollversion von DoW und WA lassen sich ja ohne probleme installieren(die patches nach der formatierung auch).
Hoffe das wird bei DC auch so sein.
Der typ den ich "Besucht" habe scheint inaktive zu sein.
Allerdings hatte er drei schiffe und ich nur zwei.
Jetzt hat er nur noch eins.
Hab schon die nächste flotte los geschickt.Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang!
Zitat von Revan Beitrag anzeigenMeine wegen ner Demo bring ich mein notebook nicht zum EDV-Laden.
Die vollversion von DoW und WA lassen sich ja ohne probleme installieren(die patches nach der formatierung auch).
Hoffe das wird bei DC auch so sein.
Der typ den ich "Besucht" habe scheint inaktive zu sein.
Allerdings hatte er drei schiffe und ich nur zwei.
Jetzt hat er nur noch eins.
Hab schon die nächste flotte los geschickt.
Naja, da kann man nur hoffen, dass die Vollversion geht.
Gibts jetzt ewigentlich ein ganz, ganz sicheres Erscheinungsdatum in old Germany??
Zu STGC: Meine Expansion kommt gerade auch ins Stocken...Coming soon...
Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Zum release kann ich dir immer noch nicht mehr sagen als das was bei Amazon steht, 31.Oktober.
Nur so nebenbei, das habe ich gerade im Relic-Forum gefunden, Text ist in Englisch und ich werde ihn nicht übersetzen, da es einfach viel zu viel ist:
Zitat von EinheiteninformationNightmare Shroud
- Allows the Necron Lord to strike terror into enemy units.
- Terrorized enemy units will cease attacking and run away in fear.
- Nightmare Shroud also makes the Necron Lord immune to morale damage.
Phase Shifter
- Allows the Necron Lord and nearby friendly units to phase out of the material universe.
- Phase shifted units are immune to all forms of damage, but cannot attack.
- Surrounds the Necron Lord with thousands of tiny scarabs.
- These scarabs greatly reduce the amount of ranged damage the Necron Lord takes.
- These scarabs repair the Necron Lord's body.
Solar Pulse
- Allows the Necron Lord to periodically unleash massive photon bursts.
- All infiltrated units in a large area are revealed.
- All enemy units in the area are blinded for several seconds.
- Blinded units cannot fire ranged weapons in the affected zone.
Phase Shift
- Causes the Wraith to shift out of the material universe, becoming invulnerable.
- Wraith is invulnerable while shifted but can do no damage and cannot use abilities.
- Allows Necrons to act out of phase with the normal time flow.
- Necron units advance normally while their opponents move in slow motion.
- Equips the Necron Lord with the Chronometron artifact.
Lightning Field
- Causes all units attacking the Necron Lord in melee to take large amounts of damage.
- Slowly charges up as the Necron Lord receives melee damage.
- Necron Lord can release a burst of energy once the Lightning Field has been charged.
- This ability is always active.
- Slowly charges up as the Necron Lord receives melee damage.
- Equips Necron Lord with the Lightning Field artifact.
Resurrection Orb
- Destroyed Necron units in the Necron Lord's vicinity have a chance of returning to life.
- The Necron Lord can periodically resurrect all nearby Necron corpses.
- Equips the Necron Lord with the Resurrection Orb artifact.
Veil of Darkness
- Allows the Necron Lord to cloak nearby friendly units.
- Veil of Darkness often gets disabled when the Necron Lord is injured.
- Veil of Darkness is always on unless the Necron Lord is wounded.
- Friendly units near the Necron Lord become infiltrated.
- Equips the Necron Lord with the Veil of Darkness artifact.
Magnetic Storm
- Causes the Energy Auxiliary to surge out into a magnetic maelstrom.
- Energy Auxiliary's components temporarily become a storm of deadly projectiles that damage all nearby units.
- Causes the Vespid to shred buildings with their diamond-hard claws.
- Vespids consume the resulting building chunks thereby regenerating their health.
- Devouring a building regenerates the health of the Vespid Stingwings.
- Left-click and target a building to activate.
Drone Self Destruct
- Temporary ability that allows the player to manually self-destruct the Drone Squad.
- Simulates the Drones' automatic self-destruct sequence when low on health.
Synapse Inhibitor
- Snare Trap that can temporarily disable the synapses of enemy units.
- Enemy units in the area of effect are temporarily immobilized.
- Left-click and target an enemy unit to activate.
Magnetic Blast
- Causes the Energy Auxiliary to send out a concentrated burst of magnetic energy.
- All enemy units in the path of the blast are thrown aside and take heavy damage.
Missile Barrage
- Causes the Skyray to fire its entire payload at a concentrated target.
- Focuses massive amounts of damage onto a small area.
Air Caste Strike
- Generates a massive, expanding pulse of destruction.
- Calls down a strike from Air Caste orbital weaponry on the targeted location.
- Left-click and target a location or enemy squad to activate.
Sonic Pulse
- Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters.
- Can disrupt and disorient nearby enemy infantry.
- Also has the ability to temporarily stun the crew of a vehicle.
- Left-click to activate.
Target Acquired
- High-powered shot that can pierce almost any armor type.
- Can only be fired intermitently to prevent over-heating of the XV22's weapon systems.
- Left-click and target an enemy squad.
Awakened Monolith
- Brings several of the Monolith's dormant systems back online.
- Allows the Monolith to summon more advanced units from their tombs below the planet's surface.
- Increases the power of the Necron Lord.
Engaged Monolith
- Brings most of the Monolith's dormant systems back online.
- Allows the Monolith to summon more powerful units from their tombs below the planet's surface.
- Further increases the power of the Necron Lord.
Fortified Obelisk
- Fortify this Obelisk.
- Fortified Obelisks have higher health and can better protect Strategic Points.
- Fortified Obelisks gain the Wailing Doom ability.
Heavily Fortified Obelisk
- Heavily Fortified Obelisks further reduce the time Necrons require to complete researches and summon units.
- Fortified Positions have an improved version of the Wailing Doom ability.
- Heavily Fortified Obelisks activate Gauss weaponry.
- Further fortify this Obelisk.
Heavy Gauss Cannon
- Permanently upgrade the weapon on this turret to a Heavy Gauss Cannon.
- The Heavy Gauss Cannon is more effective at penetrating vehicle armor.
- Fortify this Strategic Point.
Fortified Position Add-on
- Fortified Positions produce Requisition at a higher rate.
- Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with turreted pulse rifles effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
Heavily Fortified Position Add-on
- Heavily fortify this Strategic Point.
- Heavily Fortified Positions produce Requisition at a higher rate.
- Heavily Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with a turreted railgun effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
Dormant Monolith
- Necron Headquarters building.
- Bring the Monolith's systems back online to summon more powerful Necron units.
- Projects a Control Area around itself, allowing other buildings to be built near it.
- A fully restored Monolith becomes a deadly mobile fortress that can annihilate your enemies.
- Contains research to increase the number of units that can be built.
Energy Core
- Component required to bring the last of the Monolith's systems back online.
- Once the Energy Core is built you may upgrade the Monolith to a mobile fortress.
- Once upgraded, the Monolith will be ready to lay waste to your enemies.
- Allows the Necron Lord to manifest the powerful Essence of the Nightbringer
- Also contains research to allow the Necron Lord to manifest the powerful Essence of the Nightbringer.
Forbidden Archive
- Contains terrible artifacts that the Necron Lord can wield.
- Each artifact bestows unique powers on the Necron Lord.
- The Necron Lord can choose a maximum of three artifacts.
Greater Summoning Core
- Allows the summoning of more advanced Necron units from their tombs below the planet's surface.
- Allows the production of: Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers, and Tomb Spyders.
- Allows further upgrades of the Monolith.
- Place on Strategic Points and Relics.
- Solidifies your hold on a strategic location by placing a building on it.
- Can be upgraded with heavier fortifications, and to further reduce research and summoning times.
- Projects a Control Area around itself, allowing other buildings to be built near it.
- Reduces the amount of time required to complete researches and summon units.
- Increases both Squad Cap and Vehicle Cap.
Plasma Generator
- Generates the Power resource.
- A single Monolith can only support a limited number of generators.
- Plasma Generators are volatile and will damage anything nearby when they are destroyed.
Summoning Core
- Allows for the summoning of more advanced infantry units.
- Required to bring more advanced Monolith systems back online.
- Has the ability to periodically teleport Necron squads to other locations.
- Allows the production of: Flayed Ones
- Allows for the production of Wraiths.
- Unlocks the Summoning feature, which allows buildings to summon certain Necron units.
- Contains Necron researches.
Thermo Plasma Generator
- Generates the Power resource at a higher rate than Plasma Generators.
- Can only be built on top of Slag Deposits.
- Thermo Plasma Generators are volatile and will damage anything nearby when they are destroyed.
- Projects a Control Area around itself, allowing other buildings to be built near it.
Gauss Turret
- Emplaced turret equipped with a Heavy Gauss Flayer.
- Effective against infantry units.
- Can upgrade to anti-vehicle weapons.
- Detects infiltrated units.
Necron Warriors
- Heavy Infantry.
- Destroyed Necron Warriors slowly regenerate over time and rejoin the battle.
- Made of a flexible, regenerative metal.
- Slowly increase in power as more of the Monolith's systems are brought back online.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- When destroyed, some Necron Warriors may reassemble themselves and rejoin the battle.
- Made of a flexible, regenerative metal.
- Armed with powerful gauss weapons.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
Flayed Ones
- Heavy Infantry.
- Powerful melee warriors.
- These grotesque warriors drape themselves with the skin of their victims in a horrid parody of the living.
- Radiate fear and revulsion, and are a steady drain on the morale of nearby enemy units.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Like Necron Warriors, some Flayed Ones may reassemble themselves when destroyed.
- Heavy Infantry.
- These elite warriors were among the first to swear allegiance to the C'tan.
- Equipped with Gauss Blasters that are calibrated to penetrate vehicle and building armor.
- Only effective against infantry in melee combat.
- Like Necron Warriors, some Immortals may reassemble themselves when destroyed.
- Heavy Infantry.
- The newest breed of Necron, Pariahs are revolting combinations of Necron metal and human flesh.
- Inspire fear and revulsion in all surrounding enemy units, draining their morale.
- Anti-Psyker aura nullifies all enemy special abilities in their vicinity.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Each swipe of a Pariah's Warscythe slows the target's movement speed and lowers maximum health.
- This effect remains until the Pariahs are eliminated.
- Heavy Infantry.
- Has the ability to phase in and out of the material universe.
- Detects infiltrated units.
- The Wraith cannot be harmed while phased, but also cannot attack or use special abilities.
- Has the ability to phase out of the material universe.
- Has a devastating melee attack but can take little punishment.
- This lightning-quick raiding unit can travel quickly around the battlefield.
- Detects infiltrated units.
Necron Lord
- Commander Unit (Primary).
- Can equip himself with artifacts that greatly increase his power.
- Uses many powerful abilities focused on increasing the power of surrounding troops.
- Increases in power as more of the Monolith's systems are restored.
- Left-click to possess this unit with the Essence of the Nightbringer. The Necron Lord will temporarily transform into the Nightbringer.
- Damage inflicted by the Nightbringer is transferred as health to the Necron Lord.
Builder Scarabs
- Builder Unit.
- Can reinforce.
- Detects infiltrated units.
- Only Necron unit that can capture Strategic Points.
- Constructs all Necron buildings.
- Powerful Necron Warrior mounted on skimmer body.
- Fast moving unit good for raiding.
- Effective against Infantry.
- Uses Vehicle Cap.
Heavy Destroyer
- Fast moving unit good for destroying enemy vehicles or bases.
- Effective against Vehicles and Buildings.
- Uses Vehicle Cap.
Lord Destroyer-
- Lesser Necron Lord mounted on skimmer body.
- Fast moving unit with powerful abilities
- Can possess enemy vehicles, countering other race's heavy armor.
Restored Monolith
- Fully restored mobile fortress.
- Still functions as the Necron Headquarters.
- Able to lay down a rain of destruction upon all enemy units.
- Slow moving but capable of teleportation.
Attack Scarabs
- Small Necron scarabs with the ability to chew through any armor.
- Fragile but able to overwhelm larger units with sheer numbers.
- Effective against vehicles and buildings.
Tomb Spyder
- Effective against most unit types, with strong close combat abilities.
- Can create Attack Scarabs at a cost to its own health.
- Can repair destroyed Necrons lying in the field and restore them to fighting condition.
- Uses Vehicle Cap.
XV8 Crisis Battlesuit
- Heavy Infantry battlesuits reserved for the most elite of Fire Warriors.
- Can jetpack quickly around, and over, the battlefield.
- Equipped with heavy firepower that can be fired from a great distance.
- Weapons can be customized to deal with different opponents.
- Uses Squad Cap
- Heavy Infantry.
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
- Walker vehicles that are reserved for the most elite of Fire Warriors.
- Heavy Infantry battlesuit armed with dual missile launchers.
- Anti-Vehicle Unit
- Can transform into a powerful weapon platform.
- Effective against vehicles
- Can entrench to bring its railguns to bear, becoming a powerful fixed weapon platform.
- Entrenched Battlesuits have a minimum range and are effective against all targets.
- Uses squad cap.
Fire Warrior
- Heavy Infantry.
- General combat unit with a powerful ranged attack.
- Has weak melee attack.
- Has an incredibly long range but requires spotter units to sight the enemy.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Beast.
- This powerful beast of burden has been trained for use in war.
- Has the strength to destroy heavy vehicles and can take enormous punishment.
- Also has the ability to disrupt infantry.
- Effective against all unit types.
Kroot Hound
- Heavy Infantry.
- Advanced close combat unit.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Gains special attack bonuses against fleeing units.
Kroot Carnivore
- Infantry.
- Fast attack close combat unit.
- Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
- Able to Cannibalize corpses to gain health.
- Infantry.
- Scout/Recon/Sniper Unit. Good sight range.
- Has the ability to mark targets making them more vulnerable to enemy fire.
- Effective as scouts and support units.
- High firepower with low health.
- Supression fire slows enemy advance.
- Detects infiltrated units.
Vespid Stingwing
- Heavy Infantry.
- Fast attack close combat unit.
- Can jump quickly around, and over, the battlefield.
- Effective at disrupting enemy infantry and destroying buildings.
- Cannot capture or uncapture Strategic Points.
- Detects infiltrated units.
Tau Commander
- Commander Unit (primary)
- Can be upgraded with several powerful weapons.
- Can jetpack quickly around, and over, the battlefield.
- Powerful unit with many attack and deception abilities.
- Has no melee attack.
- Effective against all unit types.
Kroot Shaper
- Commander Unit (Secondary).
- Commands Kroot Carnivore and Kroot Hound squads
- Improves speed and health of squad
- Effective against all unit types.
- Plants Snare Traps, which slows enemy movement and attack speed.
Drone Harbinger
- Vehicle.
- Mobile Drone Hangar.
- Can launch drones to harass the enemy.
- Drones have a limited charge to power their weapons and propulsion systems.
- Drones must return periodically to recharge their weapons and propulsion systems.
Drone Squad
- Ambush Unit.
- Can burrow into the ground and ambush passing units.
- Has a short-ranged attack that is effective against infantry.
- Explodes violently when low on health.
Greater Knarloc
- Greater Beast.
- Legendary monster that has been tamed by the Kroot for use in combat.
- This enormous creature can unleash a swath of destruction wherever it steps.
- Effective against all unit types.
Hammerhead Gunship
- Heavy Tank.
- Heavily armed and armored weapon platform.
- Effective against vehicles and buildings.
- Carries more firepower than other heavy vehicles but cannot withstand the same amount of punishment.
Skyray Missile Gunship
- Vehicle.
- Mobile Missile Platform.
- Missiles can be fired at very long range.
- Can fire all missiles at once on a single location for concentrated destructive power.
Devilfish Troop Carrier
- Light vehicle.
- Stealth transport that can deliver infantry across the battlefield unseen.
- Burst cannon provides close defense.
Strengthen Power Grid Research
- Second of two possible upgrades.
Plasma Battery Storage Research
- Provides a global bonus to Requisition resource production rates.
- Preform this research if you have an excess of Requisition but not enough Power.
- First of two possible upgrades.
Escalate Engagement Research
- Second of two possible upgrades.
Full Scale War Research
- Provides a global bonus to Requisition resource production rates.
- Preform this research if you have an excess of Power but not enough Requisition.
- First of two possible upgrades.
Drone Harbinger
- Vehicle.
- Mobile Drone Hangar.
- Can launch drones to harass the enemy.
- Can manufacture new drones and repair damaged drones.
- Drones must return periodically to recharge their weapons and propulsion systems.
- Drones have a limited charge to power their weapons and propulsion systems.
Drone Squad
- Ambush Unit.
- Can burrow into the ground and ambush passing units.
- Has a short-ranged attack that is effective against infantry.
- Explodes violently when low on health.
- Commander Unit (Secondary).
- Inspires all Tau units on the map to fight with greater fervour.
- All Tau gain a morale, health, and damage bonus while the Ethereal is alive.
- Can create Holographic Projections of any Tau unit.
- Can summon an Honor Guard of XV8 Crisis Suits.
- Has many unique abilities.
- Kroot Shaper.
- Shapes the evolution of specific lines of Kroot for specialized anti-infantry warfare.
- Allows for the training of Eviscerator Kroot.
- Effective at disrupting ranged infantry and combating melee infantry.
Earth Caste Builder
- Builder drone provided by the Tau Earth caste.
- Constructs all Tau buildings.
XV15 Stealth Team
- Infantry light battlesuit
- Stealth unit able to attack and capture points while infiltrated.
- Equipped with jetpack to move across and over the battlefield.
- Can be upgraded with heavier weapons and research.
- Supression fire slows enemy advance.
- Armed with markerlights to mark enemy units, making targets more vulnerable to attack.
- Scout/Recon Unit. Good sight range and fast movement.
- Detects infiltrated units.
Particle Projector
- High powered particle beam, devastating against infantry units.
- Reduces the number of melee attacks the Tomb Spyder can make.
- Long Range.
- Limited effectiveness against vehicles and buildings.
Missile Launcher
- Upgrades the XV8 Crisis Suit with heavy ordnance missile pods.
Missile Pods
- Fires high-impact, armor-piercing explosive missiles.
- Effective against vehicles and buildings.
Heavy Flamer
- Upgrades commander's XV22 Battlesuit with a heavy flamer.
- Short Range.
- Effective against infantry.
- Very effective at breaking enemy morale.
- Strong weapon to counter units that try to engage in melee.Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang!