Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht, das etwas übersichtlich zusammenzufassen. Wer einen Fehler findet, darf mich gerne informieren.
1. Staffel:
2. Staffel:
3. Staffel:
- [001] "Battlestar G. - Miniserie, Teil 1" / "Battlestar G. - Miniseries, Part 1"
- [002] "Battlestar G. - Miniserie, Teil 2" / "Battlestar G. - Miniseries, Part 2"
1. Staffel:
- [101] "33" / "33"
- [102] "Wassermangel" / "Water"
- [103] "Meuterei auf der Astral Queen" / "Bastille Day"
- [104] "Zeichen der Reue" / "Act of Contrition"
- [105] "Kein Weg zurück" / "You can't go home again"
- [106] "Das Tribunal" / "Litmus"
- [107] "Unter Verdacht" / "Six degrees of separation"
- [108] "Fleisch und Blut" / "Flesh and Bone"
- [109] "Ellen" / "Tigh me up, Tigh me down"
- [110] "Die Hand Gottes" / "The Hand of God"
- [111] "Der Zwölferrat" / "Colonial Day"
- [112] "Kobol (Teil 1)" / "Kobol's last Gleaming, Part 1"
- [113] "Kobol (Teil 2)" / "Kobol's last Gleaming, Part 2"
2. Staffel:
- [201] "Die verlorene Flotte" / "Scattered"
- [202] "Im Tal der Finsternis" / "Valley of Darkness"
- [203] "Die Gesetze des Krieges" / "Fragged"
- [204] "Leben und Sterben" / "Resistance"
- [205] "Die Farm" / "The Farm"
- [206] "Heimat (Teil 1)" / "Home, Part 1"
- [207] "Heimat (Teil 2)" / "Home, Part 2"
- [208] "Die Reporterin" / "Final Cut"
- [209] "Die Hoffung lebt" / "Flight of the Phoenix"
- [210] "Pegasus" / "Pegasus"
- [211] "Die Auferstehung (Teil 1)" / "Resurrection Ship, Part 1"
- [212] "Die Auferstehung (Teil 2)" / "Resurrection Ship, Part 2"
- [213] "Sabotage" / "Epiphanies"
- [214] "Schwarzmarkt" / "Black Market"
- [215] "Der beste Jäger der Zylonen" / "Scar"
- [216] "Das Opfer" / "Sacrifice"
- [217] "Mensch und Maschine" / "The Captain's Hand"
- [218] "Download" / "Downloaded"
- [219] "Das neue Caprica, Teil 1" / "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1"
- [220] "Das neue Caprica, Teil 2" / "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2"
3. Staffel:
- [301][302] "Okkupation - Am Abgrund" / "Occupation - Precipice"
- [303] "Exodus, Teil 1" / "Exodus, Part 1"
- [304] "Exodus, Teil 2" / "Exodus, Part 2"
- [305] "Verräter" / "Collaborators"
- [306] "Virus" / "Torn"
- [307] "Immun" / "A measure of Salvation"
- [308] "Helden" / "Hero"
- [309] "Der Ring" / "Unfinished Business"
- [310] "Auftrag ausgeführt" / "The Passage"
- [311] "Das Auge des Jupiter" / "The eye of jupiter"
- [312] "Die Supernova" / "Rapture"
- [313] "Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" / "Taking A Break From All Your Worries"
- [314] "Allein gegen den Hass" / "The Woman King"
- [315] "Bis nächstes Jahr" / "A Day In the Life"
- [316] "Streik!" / "Dirty Hands"
- [317] "Ruf aus dem Jenseits" / "Maelstrom"
- [318] "Berufung" / "The Son Also Rises"
- [319] "Am Scheideweg, Teil 2" / "Crossroads, Part 1"
- [320] "Am Scheideweg, Teil 2" / "Crossroads, Part 2"
- [400] "Auf Messers Schneide" / "Razor" (Movie-Special)
- [401] "Auferstehung" / "He that believeth in me"
- [402] "Die letzten Fünf" / "Six of One"
- [403] "Die Verblendeten" / "The Ties That Bind"
- [404] "Perfekter Schmerz" / "Escape Velocity"
- [405] "Meuterei im All" / "The Road Less Traveled"
- [406] "Ans andere Ufer" / "Faith"
- [407] "Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt" / "Guess what's coming to dinner"
- [408] "Sine Qua Non" / "Sine Qua Non"
- [409] "Wir alle sind sterblich" / "The Hub"
- [410] "Zur Erde!" / "Revelations"
- [411] "Die Strömung erledigt den Rest" / "Sometimes a great Notion"
- [412] "Erschöpfung" / "A Disquiet Follows My Soul"
- [413] "Die Lunte brennt" / "The Oath"
- [414] "Blut in der Waagschale" / "Blood on the Scales"
- [415] "Das verlorene Paradies" / "No Exit"
- [416] "Systemblockade" / "Deadlock"
- [417] "Der Pianomann" / "Someone to Watch Over Me"
- [418] "Gestrandet in den Sternen" / "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"
- [419] "Götterdämmerung, Teil 1" / "Daybreak, Part I"
- [420] "Götterdämmerung, Teil 2+3" / "Daybreak, Part II + III"