Hm...wäre es nicht vielleicht besser, in Anbetracht der ganzen "Neulinge" hier, diesen und einige andere Threads mit einer Spoilerwarnung im Titel zu versehen?
Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Ron Moore Blog Update [evtl. Spoiler]
Wiedermal ein größeres Update zu Fan Fragen:
- Roslins Entscheidung für Abtreibung in Epiphanies
- 13 vs 20 Episoden
- ist die Frau mit den belly-button shots in Scar Starbuck?
- mehr Episoden Ideen aus TOS?
- mit wem hat sich Six in der Mini-Serie getroffen?
- Wieso hat Adama nicht die Pegasus als sein Flaggschiff (nicht im Star Trek Sinne zu verstehen) genommen?
"Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
Sehr interessant. Besonders die Frage Pegasus als Flagschiff ging mir auch schon durch den Kopf.
With 20, you're spreading yourself out more and trying to keep more balls in the air at once. I won't say that's the only reason why we had a couple of shows that I wasn't happy with this season, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a contributing factor.
RDM arbeitet für NBC ja Momentan auch an zwei weiteren Genre Piloten/Serien mit (mir sind leider wieder die Namen entfallen). Zum Glück aber kein Space SF.
Und über die vielen Spoiler für das Finale im Netz:
"Surfed through the official boards and saw a LOT of spoiler photos from the finale. I'm not trying to be snarky, or ruin anyone's fun or trample anyone's speech, but I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed that so much material is getting posted. There's a lot of people who work really, really hard on the show who are waiting to see the finale and have the pleasure of surprising the audience and it's a bummer when it's ruined this close to the final airdate. Obviously, people can do what they want, it's a free country but I'd really appreciate it if the photos posted so far were confined to that thread and if people resisted the temptation to post any more shots or any more plot details. I've resisted going through the locked-down security regimes that the studios sometimes go through to protect material, but this is the kind of thing that could reverse that policy and make everything harder to access. Thanks and enjoy the show.""Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
"Surfed through the official boards and saw a LOT of spoiler photos from the finale. I'm not trying to be snarky, or ruin anyone's fun or trample anyone's speech, but I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed that so much material is getting posted. There's a lot of people who work really, really hard on the show who are waiting to see the finale and have the pleasure of surprising the audience and it's a bummer when it's ruined this close to the final airdate. Obviously, people can do what they want, it's a free country but I'd really appreciate it if the photos posted so far were confined to that thread and if people resisted the temptation to post any more shots or any more plot details. I've resisted going through the locked-down security regimes that the studios sometimes go through to protect material, but this is the kind of thing that could reverse that policy and make everything harder to access. Thanks and enjoy the show."
Er soll sich mal nicht so anstellen.
Und nein, es ist nicht nur "a free country"! Es gibt auch - man solls kaum glauben - noch andere Länder! Dieses US typische 'nur sich selbst wahrnehmen und den Rest der Welt ignorieren' kommt auch in BSG recht stark so rüber, wie ich ja bereits früher kritisierte. Leider.
Naja, irgendwo hat er schon recht
Spoiler sind schön und gut. Aber wenn man schon vorher fast alles weiß, macht es auch keinen Spaß mehr.
Als Autor ist dann auch nicht so schön, sich anzustrengen und Überraschungen einzubauen die für viele Fans sinnlos sind
Und "it's a free country" ist praktisch eine feststehende Redewendung. Du interpretierst da zu viel hinein.
Ich würde das gleiche über Europa sagen, nur dass der Ausdruck hier nicht so verwendet wird. Auch hier gibt es schließlich die Meinungsfreiheit
Und wie unten gesagt, läuft die Episode offiziell erst mal nur in den USA. Selbst englischsprachige Länder wie Kanada, Großbritannien und Australien sind Monate hintendran.
Für die sind sämtliche Informationen und Kommentare die sich bis dahin angesammelt haben Spoiler. Nicht nur das was vorab bekannt istZuletzt geändert von Serenity; 04.03.2006, 00:14."Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
Ich denke das Problem ist, dass die Spoíler mittlerweile auf dem offiziellen Board verbreitet werden. Bislang hat der Typ, der offenbar vorab Zugang zu den Episoden hat, immer im geschlossenden Spoilerforum auf Galactica Actual gepostet. Erst seitdem sich Galactica Actual aufgrund von Streitereien zwischen den Moderatoren selbst terminiert hat, postet derjenige auf und damit direkt unter den Augen von Ron Moore. Was schon extrem dreist ist...
Galactica gibt einem wie keine andere Scifi-Serie, die ich kenne, Einblicke in die Produktion der Serie (die Blogs, Videoblogs, Podcasts, ...). Es wäre schade, wenn sich das ändern würde, nur weil die Macher mehr Aufwand auf die Geheimhaltung verschwenden müssen, als auf die Kommunikation mit den Fans...
Neuer Eintrag
- wieso verwenden die Marines immer Nahkampf Uniformen (close quarter combat)
- ist Hera wirklich Sharons Baby? Woher kommen die Eizellen?
- gibt es bewusst Anleihen bei "Hillstreet Blues"? (Copshow die schon in den 80ern viele Aspekte moderner Dramen pioniert hat)
- wie konnte die Pegasus trotz moderner Computer entkommen?
- merkt Ron Moore wenn die Arbeit zu stressig wird und wie kann er dem entgegenwirken?"Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
Gleich drei neue Einträge
1.) Über iTunes gibt es jetzt "enhanced podcasts" mit zusätzlichen Bildern und ohne die Ad-Beeps
Und als normaler Download ein Mitschnitt eines Autoren Meetings über u.A. Scar und Sacrifice.
Davon wird es wahrscheinlich noch mehr geben. Außerdem neue Podcasts vor Season 3 mit Gästen wie Mrs. Ron
2.) Q&A
- war LDYB von der DeSanto Version inspiriert?
- wieso hat Adama die Demobilisierung hingenommen?
- wieso hat Lee zugenommen?
- wie sieht es mit Tighs Zukunft aus
- was ist mit Zarek?
- eine Frage über die Regie
- die Zelte in LDYB
- wieso haben Wahlen eine so hohe Priorität?
3.) Ein Bericht über die "Game Developers Conference" und Moores Erfahrungen mit Videospielen"Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
Wiedermal ein neues Q&A. Ziemlich viele Fragen, die ich jetzt mal nicht alle zusammenfasse
Sind ein paar interessante Dinge dabei. Vor allem über Moore's Navy Karriere. Er sagt zwar immer, dass er in der Navy (ROTC) war, aber wäre nach seinem Abschluss zu den Marines gegangen.
Navy und Marines sind in den USA zwar fast getrennte Teilstreitkräfte, aber organisatorisch unterstehet das USMC der Navy. Deshalb verwenden die Marines wahrscheinlich das ROTC Programm der Navy"Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway" - Lee Adama, Scar
"Throughout history the nexus between man and machine has spun some of the most dramatic, compelling and entertaining fiction." - The Hybrid, The Passage
Diesmal hat Ron Moore ein paar Fragen von englischen Fans auf der Sky One Seite beantwortet:
Here's what Ron Moore made of a selection of the questions you asked him...
Making what has now transpired to be a long running series requires much in the way of decisions and compromises to get things done. Can you tell us what, for you as the writer, has been one of the hardest decisions/ toughest compromises in making BSG?
The biggest thing we had to sacrifice as we went forward into the series was the idea that we could tell lots of stories out in the civilian fleet. We'd always conceived the show as being able to sustain any kind of format - murder mystery, medical show, procedural, etc - by going out into the rag-tag fleet and finding stories to tell aboard the other ships. But our first foray into the fleet ("Bastille Day") quickly showed us how impossible that was going to be. The cost associated with making the Astral Queen (Zarek's prison ship) was startling to all of us, and we were never able to really put an entire episode aboard another vessel in the fleet. "Colonial Day" was the exception that proved the rule, because we were able to simply go on location and shoot the buildings and exteriors as they were since the conceit of the episode was that Cloud Nine was simulating a planetary environment.
Still a top rate programme and wonderfully written and performed out. Best drama on UK TV!
Paul Fairley
Are there any plans for "expanded universe" works--novels or comics--covering Tom Zarek's career as an activist and terrorist? There would probably be a lot of interest out there in fandom for the nitty-gritty of "The Zarek Manifesto."
There are definitely both comics and novels in the works, and I know that Zarek and his back story are being mined by writers in both those formats.
Tony Cimasko
As a writer & huge fan of BSG and a big Sci-fi fan in general, I'd be curious to know what Sci-Fi films/books/TV influenced you the most when growing up?
The original "Star Trek" series was hugely influential in my personal and professional life. That show, its themes and characters really informed the way I looked at a great many things and I'm still struck by how deeply many of the ideas from "Star Trek" still resonate with me today. My wife will tell you that one of the ironies about me is that while my work can sometimes be dark and even disturbing, that at heart, I'm a bit of a starry-eyed idealist -it's the Kirk in me. "Trek" introduced me to science fiction novels like "Stranger in a Strange Land" "Dune" "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" (technically a short story) and Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy. "Star Wars" was a seminal work for me, as were "Blade Runner" "Alien" and "2001: A Space Odyssey."
Thanks for creating all these amazing characters - the show is the best damned drama on TV! Louise U. West Yorks. UK
We all see great episodes of Battlestar Galactica every week, but what to you, makes for an exciting and entertaining story/show?
For me, it's all about subverting my expectations of a piece of drama and pulling me into a story that I either have never seen before, or have never seen done in exactly this way before. For example, I loved "Donnie Darko" because the first time I saw it, I had no idea where it was going or how it could possibly end. Sam Peckingpagh's "The Wild Bunch" is a more traditional western, but I love it because it continually subverts your expectations of who the characters are, how they're going to react, and what their fates will ultimately be. I'm inspired by works like these to make my own scripts continually try to surprise the audience and deliver a story or a scene or even a line of dialog that's surprising in some way.
So much television and films are simply retreads of very familiar tales, the joy for me is in finding the unexpected moments that keep the drama fresh and interesting.
Mike Bratby
Now that you've given Adama and the fleet the means to actually find Earth, has that made you think any more about how you will ultimately end the series?
The possibility of everyone getting to Earth must be tempting but then you have to think of how that would play out with the Cylon threat. Will the conflict be over by then? Will Earth play a part in the Cylons defeat or will the twelve tribes simply never make it home? Or is it just too early on to be planning that far ahead?
I have given it a lot of thought, and yes, I do know how the series ends. And no, I won't tell you.
Thanks for giving us a fantastically character driven series. Ian H
I always assumed the colonies were in different star systems, especially since there was a line that Tigh said in the mini series. But I read a conflicting article in the Battlestar Galactica Magazine. I know it’s dorky, but I'd like to know the answer.
This notion actually changed a couple of times in the development of the miniseries script. At first, I thought having 12 colonies on 12 different planets was going to be too confusing and I wrote a version where all twelve colonies were on the same planet (called Kobol in that draft). But actually, that proved to be even more confusing and so I switched it to having twelve different planets within the same system. This was pushing scientific plausibility, but having to deal with twelve different star systems seemed even more confusing and I decided to go with the one star system idea, which was how the original series established it anyway.
I'd like to thank Sky One for this opportunity and Ron Moore for taking the time to answer our questions. Mahalo! Noa Kalanihuia
In the original series, the Galactica crew encountered different species on their journey to earth. Will the new Galactica crew begin to encounter any new species?
We don't plan on encountering any other sentient alien species out there (obviously, they've found plant and animal life on other worlds). It's a conceptual conceit of the show that we're going to deal with just the Cylons and the Humans and not get into other alien life.
Erin & Jon Osgood
Does Colonials have calendar system? Thank you for answer. Lukas "d3u5" Hadrava
They presumably do, but we've been deliberately avoiding talking about it. There's a fine line in the show between embracing familiar Earth terms for accessibility and crossing over into bizarre anachronism. It's certainly debatable as to where that line should be drawn, but to me, saying "January" will cross the line. By the same token, having them refer to a made-up month tends to pull the audience out of the show because it's a reminder that none of this is real.
Also what do you think about the rumblings on the Internet that the Cylons have already found Earth and have under their control? Mark Gunning
No comment.(And that's really just a no comment, don't read anything else into it-I'm just not talking about Earth at this point.)
Any interesting storylines you care to share that were rejected. Phillip Griffiths-Owens
No, because even the rejected stories are not really dead until the show is over. You always want to preserve the possibility that something may actually work later in the series.
Are the Cylons based on the REAL manufacture of genetically altered humans, that is, based on the Mannequin and Puppet Master projects, which it has been said, according to sources, are actual programmes for the manufacture of hybrid Humans which are (now in 2006) reaching adult maturity?
Miles Johnston
Number Six seems to be associated with the colour Red; she wears red clothes all the time, etc. She's the seductress, etc. I've noticed that Number Three, both Galactica-Three and Caprica-Three, seem to wear yellow clothes all the time. Was there a conscious choice to make her "colour" Yellow, just as Number Six's colour is Red?
I think this is more of a choice to help differentiate the characters rather than make a decision about who is defined by a certain color. We've dressed Number Six in various colors beyond red -it's just that red is a very evocative color on Tricia and we tend to use it a lot.
If you could ever do a cameo what would you like appear as? If you could own one action figure based on the new series, which one would it be of?
I'd like to be a pilot, but I'd have to shave and get a haircut, so that's not happening anytime soon. I'd like to own a Gaius Baltar action figure.
"Black Market" went pretty dark, with prostitution rings, etc. Did you have problems with the network for this? And in the end, given that you weren't satisfied with the episode, do you feel that it was worth it?
They voiced some concerns about the darkness of the fleet, but we eventually won out. I think the problems with "Black Market" had more to do with story issues in the script related to Lee's journey rather than the darkness of the setting.
Why doesn't Laird have a Scottish accent? Any miracle-worker with half a claim to the title needs a Scottish accent.
It's a good point and it's something we just didn't think about until well after we'd shot the episode.
With such a successful resume of sci-fi shows to your credit, you must have had some kind of introduction to it. Where do you draw your inspiration?
"Star Trek" was, and is still, enormously influential. I'd say that the written works of Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert and Harlan Ellison were also extremely influential and inspiring.