Laut Gateworld, erscheint die erste Hälfte der zweiten Staffel am 20. Dezember auf DVD.
Was haltet ihr davon, das die zweite Staffel in 2 seperaten Boxen verkauft wird?
Wenn der Preis wirklich stimmt, dann wird das 'n teures vergnügen...
Universal will release the first half of Battlestar Galactica's second season on DVD December 20 (Region 1 - North America), The Digital Bits is reporting.
The 3-disc set will include all 10 episodes aired this summer on The SCI FI Channel, from "Scattered" to "Pegasus." It will also include bonus features. The release will come with a rather steep asking price of $49.98.
Episodes will be presented in anamorphic widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio.
Presumably a "Season 2.5" release will follow the winter broadcast of the second half of the season, along with a full Season Two set for those who can hold out until later in 2006. Universal released the complete first season on DVD in North America just last month.
The 3-disc set will include all 10 episodes aired this summer on The SCI FI Channel, from "Scattered" to "Pegasus." It will also include bonus features. The release will come with a rather steep asking price of $49.98.
Episodes will be presented in anamorphic widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio.
Presumably a "Season 2.5" release will follow the winter broadcast of the second half of the season, along with a full Season Two set for those who can hold out until later in 2006. Universal released the complete first season on DVD in North America just last month.
Wenn der Preis wirklich stimmt, dann wird das 'n teures vergnügen...