Die Trilogien basieren auf Outlines von JMS, was die grobe Handlung auf jeden
Fall zum Canon macht. Nicht Canon können höchstens kleinere Details sein.
Fall zum Canon macht. Nicht Canon können höchstens kleinere Details sein.
>I seem to recall you mentioning that the book "To Dream in the City of
>Sorrows" was official B5 canon. Do you consider the "Legions of Fire"
>series to also be official canon? What is your opinion of the series?
In broad strokes, yes, the series is canon, since I came up with the outline
for all the Del Rey novels. And overall, I'm very pleased with how they've
been going.
>Sorrows" was official B5 canon. Do you consider the "Legions of Fire"
>series to also be official canon? What is your opinion of the series?
In broad strokes, yes, the series is canon, since I came up with the outline
for all the Del Rey novels. And overall, I'm very pleased with how they've
been going.