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July 15, 2010: Atlantis crossover? Which begs all sorts of questions! And another BIG guest blogger announcement! Josephmallozzi’s Weblog
Es sollen einiges fragen beantwortet werden.
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July 15, 2010: Atlantis crossover? Which begs all sorts of questions! And another BIG guest blogger announcement! Josephmallozzi’s Weblog
Es sollen einiges fragen beantwortet werden.
1. Where the hell is Atlantis?
2. If Atlantis is on Earth, does this mean Earth-based off-world ops are being conducted from the city?
3. If Atlantis has taken up permanent residence in the Milky Way, then it’s unlikely the Daedalus will be making a return trip to Pegasus anytime soon, meaning characters like Teyla, Kanaan (Yep, he made the trip.), Ronon, and Todd will be taking up permanent residence on Earth. Or are they? And if so, what the hell are they doing?
4. All well and good for Ronon, Teyla, and Kanaan who chose to come along for the ride, but what about Todd who is now a prisoner on Earth? And, hey, how the heck are the authorities going to see to his unique dietary requirements?
5. IF Atlantis has remained in the Milky Way, does this mean that all of the members of the Atlantis expedition last scene in the series finale are still working as Atlantis staff?
6. And what about the personal lives of our crew? IF Atlantis has been on Earth since the events of Enemy at the Gate (What is that? Almost a year?), how have the lives of our main characters progressed?
2. If Atlantis is on Earth, does this mean Earth-based off-world ops are being conducted from the city?
3. If Atlantis has taken up permanent residence in the Milky Way, then it’s unlikely the Daedalus will be making a return trip to Pegasus anytime soon, meaning characters like Teyla, Kanaan (Yep, he made the trip.), Ronon, and Todd will be taking up permanent residence on Earth. Or are they? And if so, what the hell are they doing?
4. All well and good for Ronon, Teyla, and Kanaan who chose to come along for the ride, but what about Todd who is now a prisoner on Earth? And, hey, how the heck are the authorities going to see to his unique dietary requirements?
5. IF Atlantis has remained in the Milky Way, does this mean that all of the members of the Atlantis expedition last scene in the series finale are still working as Atlantis staff?
6. And what about the personal lives of our crew? IF Atlantis has been on Earth since the events of Enemy at the Gate (What is that? Almost a year?), how have the lives of our main characters progressed?
