so nun noch ich
du kannst eigentlich alles lesen was offizell zum EU gehört(aussnahme ist nur die spiegelwelt) wenn du einige bücher durch hast wirst du merken das es hier und da kneine fehler sich eingeschlichen haben aber es gibt eine einfache canon regel. die filme ist erste wahl um fehler zu beseitigen und 2tens jedes buch das neuer ist als die fehlerquelle gilt als gerade offizell.
hier nochmal das SW CANON stufen system:
The Holocron is divided into 4 levels: G-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.
G-canon is absolute canon; the movies, the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, and the radio plays. G-canon always overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.
C-canon is pretty much everything in the Expanded Universe; SW books, comics, and games. Games are a special case as generally only the stories are C-canon while things like stats and gameplay are N-canon. Though even certain things from stats and gameplay have made their way over to C-canon occasionally.
S-canon is "secondary" canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N-canon is "non-canon". What-if stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), game stats, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered canon by Lucasfilm.
so nun noch ich
du kannst eigentlich alles lesen was offizell zum EU gehört(aussnahme ist nur die spiegelwelt) wenn du einige bücher durch hast wirst du merken das es hier und da kneine fehler sich eingeschlichen haben aber es gibt eine einfache canon regel. die filme ist erste wahl um fehler zu beseitigen und 2tens jedes buch das neuer ist als die fehlerquelle gilt als gerade offizell.
hier nochmal das SW CANON stufen system:
The Holocron is divided into 4 levels: G-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.
G-canon is absolute canon; the movies, the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, and the radio plays. G-canon always overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.
C-canon is pretty much everything in the Expanded Universe; SW books, comics, and games. Games are a special case as generally only the stories are C-canon while things like stats and gameplay are N-canon. Though even certain things from stats and gameplay have made their way over to C-canon occasionally.
S-canon is "secondary" canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N-canon is "non-canon". What-if stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), game stats, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered canon by Lucasfilm.