Zitat von Mr.Viola
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Zitat von peterpan
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Interessant ist, dass Gates McFadden hier Regie geführt hat und die Folge einen Emmy für das Sound Mixing gewonnen hat. Ich bin ja fast versucht, der Folge noch 2-3 Sterne zu vergeben, aber auch hier wieder die Frage: Was hat diese sinnlose Füllfolge in der siebten Staffel zu suchen ?
Und warum verlassen ausgerechnet Picard und Data das Schiff, um den verloren gegangenen Torpedo zu entschärfen ?
Antwort :
PICARD: Maintain a sensor lock on the torpedo, Mister Worf. We'll have to go after it.
DATA: That would be inadvisable, sir. The asteroid field is unusually dense. The Enterprise is too large to safely navigate through it.
PICARD: Then I'll take a shuttlecraft and retrieve it. Mister Data, you're with me.
RIKER: Captain, the shuttle pilot who's on duty is Lieutenant Hayes.
PICARD: I happen to be a reasonably qualified pilot, Number One. Besides, these tests hardly require the Captain's personal attention.
RIKER: Understood. Enjoy yourself.
DATA: That would be inadvisable, sir. The asteroid field is unusually dense. The Enterprise is too large to safely navigate through it.
PICARD: Then I'll take a shuttlecraft and retrieve it. Mister Data, you're with me.
RIKER: Captain, the shuttle pilot who's on duty is Lieutenant Hayes.
PICARD: I happen to be a reasonably qualified pilot, Number One. Besides, these tests hardly require the Captain's personal attention.
RIKER: Understood. Enjoy yourself.
