What is your favorite episoded of TNG? - SciFi-Forum


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What is your favorite episoded of TNG?

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    I favorize very much the episodes "The inner light" or "Tapestry"

    Yes, Picard is something like a Borg, but much er

    But "All Good Things" is nice too.


    Aber ich finde an dem Argument mit dem Mitlesen ist was dran.
    »We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody!«


      Originalnachricht erstellt von CommanderTucker
      @Narbo: Woher komm ich denn ??? Kannste das auch an meiner IP feststellen ?
      Nein, ich sehe nur wer der Provider ist und da du über T-Online reingehst, kann ich diesen so einfach nicht bestimmen.

      @Dingsdax: Don't give him the prog! He should learn English.

      @endar: I'm a doctor, not a coach! (Und ich mein nicht den Bus!)
      Recht darf nie Unrecht weichen.


        Originalnachricht erstellt von Narbo
        @Dingsdax: Don't give him the prog! He should learn English.
        Why won't he if he has the prog? (entweder kapier ich das wirklich nicht oder ich bin zu müde )


          Originalnachricht erstellt von Cpt DingsdaX
          Why won't he if he has the prog? (entweder kapier ich das wirklich nicht oder ich bin zu müde )
          Me, too!
          Recht darf nie Unrecht weichen.


            O.K. I´ll do my very best to write in a good English without to many mistakes....

            My favourite Episode is - and will ever be - "All good things". A quite wondelfull episode, that containes everything, star trek stand for.

            Greetings Muli
            "Wozu Socken? Sie schaffen nur Löcher!" Albert Einstein


              All's Well That Ends Well

              My favourite Episode is All good things. A wonderful ending for a wonderful series.
              And I liked it to see Q again.
              Los, Zauberpony!
              "Bin solch erzgutes Geschöpf und habe nun schon drei Menschen ermordet! Und unter den dreien zwei Priester."


                My favourite Episode is All good things,too. I like the futurecharacters of the crew and the three gondle Enterprise.
                Wir sind allet Borg. Und Du ooch gleich. Dein Widastand kannste vajessen. Weil wa nämlich Deine janzen Eijenschaften in unsre mit rintun werden. So sieht det aus.

                Generation @, die Zukunft gehört uns.


                  TNG had many interesting episodes but my favorite clearly is "Chain of Command , Part 2 " . Great acting by Patrick Stewart and an incredibly tense atmosphere make thie episode the best of TNG , IMO .

                  Isn't it wonderful that we all learned English at school ?!
                  “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                  They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                  Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                    Original geschrieben von NicolasHazen

                    Isn't it wonderful that we all learned English at school ?!
                    Well, my dear friend, I suppose, that it might be that way.

                    We should keep this and even some other Threads in English. It might be a nice fun for almost everybody....

                    "Wozu Socken? Sie schaffen nur Löcher!" Albert Einstein

