Es gibt ein spezielles Lied das Picard immer auf seiner Flöte spielt das er in seinem zweiten Leben gelernt hat. nun wollt ich wissen ob es das als mp3 gibt.
Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Picards Flötenspiel
ich hab den innerlight-soundtrack hier auf cd.
sie heißt "the best of startrek 30th anniversary special"
das stück heißt "orchestral suite from the inner light"
weiß nicht ob euch das hilft
PS: eine melodie kann ich da beim besten willen nicht erkennen...sind nur ewig langsame töne aneinandergereihtMein Serien-Ranking:(ICH BIN AUF SAT1-STAND) DS9 | VOY | TNG | ENT | TOS
Mein Movie-Ranking: ST6 | ST10 | ST2 | ST8 | ST9 | ST7 | ST4 | ST3 | ST5 | ST1
B'elanna for Miss-StarTrek!!!
Scudo? Das ist doch 100% nicht das gesuchte Flötenstück das beim Abspann der Folge ein letztes Mal erklingt (*Gänsehautszene hoch 10*) allein schon weil da niemals irgendein Orchester dabei war»We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody!«
Sterni, das von Scudo erwähnte Stück ist nicht das reine Flötenstück, wie es am Ende der Episode gespielt wurde, sondern eine um Orchesta erweiterte Version.
Scudo, die orchestral Suite hat das ursprüngliche Flötenstück als Thema, von daher ist durchaus eine Melodie vorhanden, wahrscheinlich das, was du als aneinandereihung ewig langsamer Töne bezeichnest.
Zu kaufen gibt es die Noten hier“Oh my, that is quite toxic isn’t it?” (Weyoun) “Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.” (Kilana)
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Die Noten zu dem Flötenspeil hätte ich auch gern, aber darüber hinaus wollte ich immer schon wissen was das genau für ein Instrument ist was Piccard da spielt (was für eine Flöte ist das, gibts die wirklich? oder hat man da irgendwas für den film gebastelt?) Die meisten Flöten sind meines Wissens nach doch aus Holz, während diese - wenn ich mich richtig erinnere - aus metall war.
Die Flöte die Picard spielt ist mit ziemlicher Wahrscheinlichkeit eine penny whistle (auch tin whistle). Von der Klanghöhe würde ich mal vermuten, dass es die D-Dur gestimmte Version ist. ...gibt es im gut sortierten Musikladen für ein paar Euro zu kaufen und wird ähnlich gespielt wie ne Blockflöte“Oh my, that is quite toxic isn’t it?” (Weyoun) “Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.” (Kilana)
Was hältst du von den Vorta? Der Vorta-Fanclub freut sich über deinen Besuch.
Zitat von Trevianbeleibt nur noch die Frage wo es die noten gibt...
Zitat von KilanaZu kaufen gibt es die Noten hier“Oh my, that is quite toxic isn’t it?” (Weyoun) “Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.” (Kilana)
Was hältst du von den Vorta? Der Vorta-Fanclub freut sich über deinen Besuch.
@Trevian, es gibt im Netz 1 oder 2 Seiten, die sich damit beschäftigen und wir haben hier mal für einen anderen Thread die Flöte rausgesucht...
das Stück das jeder für eine Penny Whistle hält ist demnach angeblich ein solider Bronze-Block, damit Picard/Stewart nicht spielen musste. Die Melodie wurde dann von einem professionellen Flötisten auf einer Querflöte oder so eingespielt.
Ich schau mal ob ich das noch finde
....I asked around and found out that the music for the two episodes in question was written by Jay Chattaway ... and it was a fairly simple matter to get in touch with wind players who regularly work for him. One of these guys, Fred Selden, remembered scoring the episodes, and furnished this information: in one of the two episodes, the whistle was played by
Brice Martin, and in the other the whistle duties were shared by Brice and Fred himself. It is Fred's recollection that in the episode in which Brice did all the playing, it was actually played on a whistle, but in the episode in which they played together, they used both whistles and recorders....
......I spoke to Brice Martin today, and he confirmed that he was the whistle player on both episodes (Fred Selden did play a bit on one of them, but not in the spots in which Patrick Stewart appears to play on camera).
Usually when actors are shown playing instruments in films or on TV, it looks pretty bad, but once in awhile a director cares enough to do it right, and that's what happened here. Before anything was filmed or recorded, when all they had was a script, the director, the composer, and Brice got together so that Brice could show them the various instruments in his arsenal that might suit the purpose, (they settled on a pennywhistle), and a general idea of the sort of music that might work. The composer, Jay Chattaway, then wrote the appropriate cues, and they recorded them, with Brice playing the whistle parts (on an Oak D, incidentally); this is called a prerecord, because it's done in advance of the filming of the scene in question, and the idea is that the actors will be able to hear the music in order to fake along and have it look more or less convincing. Then, in this case, Brice actually got together with Patrick Stewart on several occasion and gave him whistle lessons. Apparently, at one point Stewart felt that he might be able to get good enough to actually play on screen, but it was clear to Brice that that was never going to fly, even as diligently as he was working at it.
So, what you see on the screen is this: Patrick Stewart is pretending to play, apparently pretty convincingly, and he's actually listening to the prerecord using tiny headphones concealed in his ears (they couldn't just play it back over speakers during the filming, because it would affect the sound of the scene itself), and coordinating with that. In one of the episodes (Brice couldn't remember which), what's called a hand double was used for one shot: somebody's hands other than Stewart's pretending to play, but a real wind player, therefore convincing--they couldn't use Brice's hands, because he's much younger than Stewart, and it would have looked phony. Brice couldn't remember whose hands were used, or maybe never knew.
Here's a bit of information I didn't expect to be able to get, but in this case luck was on my side: it turns out that the instrument Patrick Stewart was playing wasn't a whistle at all: the prop people at Paramount looked over Brice's instruments, and just made something that looked interesting, loosely based on them; in fact it was a solid piece of brass, very heavy according to Bryce, and of course made no sound of any kind.»We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody!«