Hat P.Steward eine Freundin/Frau ? - SciFi-Forum


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Hat P.Steward eine Freundin/Frau ?

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    Hat P.Steward eine Freundin/Frau ?

    Hallo Leute,

    mich würde interresieren ob Picard irgendiwe eine freundin oder eine Frau hat. Ich habe nämlich noch nie über sowas von ihm lesen können...

    Bis jetzt ließt es sich immer so das er Single ist...

    Könnt ihr mir da weiterhelfen ?

    Thanks schon ma im voraus


    scotty stream me up ;)
    das leben ist ein scheiss spiel, aber die Grafik ist geil :D
    aber leider entschieden zu real

    Patrick Stewart got married to Wendy Neuss on August 25th. Brent Spiner was his best man.
    Quelle: http://members.tripod.com/~PatrickStewart/pstewart.html



      Bei solchen Fragen, die Schauspieler betreffen, lohnt es sich eigentlich immer, die Internet Movie DataBase zu besuchen.
      Da findet man solche (und andere ) Sachen:

      Spouse :
      Sheila Falconer (1966 - 2000) (divorced)
      Wendy Neuss (25 August 2000 - present)

      Trade mark : Bald head, British accented and authoritative voice and a dedicated Shakespearean bearing

      Trivia : Father of 'Sophie Stewart' and Daniel Stewart

      Announced his engagement to former "Star Trek: Voyager" producer Wendy Neuss, aged 39. [September 1997]

      US TV Guide - voted "Most Bodacious" male on TV 1993

      During the first season of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987), he was so convinced that he was going to be fired from the series that his bags remained unpacked for six weeks.

      Began to lose his hair at the age of 19.

      Found his beloved cat (which he named 'Bella') on the set of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987)

      Is best friends with his Star Trek cast mate, Brent Spiner, who was his best man at his wedding to star trek producer 'Wendy Nuess' .

      In episodes of _"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987)_, when Patrick Stewart sat down he had a habit of tugging on the uniform where it was not smooth but creased. Jonathan Frakes jokingly called this "The Picard Maneuver".

      Is a fan of Beavis and Butthead.

      Fermat Sim

