DS9 Fanclub - SciFi-Forum


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DS9 Fanclub

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    DS9 Fanclub

    I hope I am allowed to post in English here!

    Me and 11 others started a DS9 fanclub. Since we couldn't find any other DS9 fanclubs (please let us know if you know one) we presume that we're one of the first.

    You can visit us at http://www.ds9fanclub.com.
    We're building lots of sections for the fanclub. A few examples:

    - An encyclopedia.

    - Fan fiction.

    - Information about DS9 books.

    - The possibility for people to sign up for a character (or something else) related page. For example: if you ask the fanclub-leaders (called: founders) that you want to do the Sisko-page we give you some privileges and you'll be responsible for that part of our site.

    - A games section for everything about Deep Space Nine games and MODs.

    - Very cool forums.

    And much more...

    Currently the forums are visited very well, so you can start posting!

    You can also chat with other DS9 or Star Trek fans at our IRC-channels:
    channels #ds9 and #startrek

    So please visit http://www.ds9fanclub.com, you won't regret it!

    Of course you´re allowed to do so!

    I´m trying to translate it for our users who don´t understand englisch! I don´t think they´ll join you, but they surely wanna know what you want to say!

    Also mal auf deutsch:

    Die wollen nen englischsprachigen DS9-Fanclub im Internet aufmachen, wo einige Sektionen wie "Enzyklopedie", "Fan-Fiction", "DS9-Bücher", "Spiele" usw. eröffnet werden!
    Wer will, kann in Kontakt treten und seinen Beitrag leisten!

    Allerdings hat sich das für all jene, die die Übersetzung gebraucht haben, sowieso schon erledigt...


      Dieser Fanclub erfreut sich ja schon größter Beliebtheit!
      Naja, so ein Online Fanclub ist nichts für mich. Da mag ich lieber handfestere Dinge mit Treffen usw...
      Live well. It is the greatest revenge.


        Great. I'm your man.

        VOY sux


          Ein dreifaches hipp-hipp-hurra auf Zefram.
          Super Übersetzung.

          Die wollen ein eigenes Forum aufmachen, wohl als Konkurenz.

          Obwohl natürlich DS9 noch immer meine Lieblings-Serie ist, muss ich sagen, dass die hier wohl nicht alzu viele Erfolge erzielen werden.


            Originalnachricht erstellt von The_Borg

            Die wollen ein eigenes Forum aufmachen, wohl als Konkurenz.
            We have a lot of people saying thesame on a Dutch Star Trek forum. But there's a big difference: A Star Trek board is a board to talk about all trek, our DS9 Fanclub is just for DS9!

            Obwohl natürlich DS9 noch immer meine Lieblings-Serie ist, muss ich sagen, dass die hier wohl nicht alzu viele Erfolge erzielen werden.
            That's not very good since we're a new community starting to get bigger. We need all the support we can get.
            A question, The_Borg, if you're a niner, why don't you come and visit us? It never hurts to try!

            (you probably noticed that I reply English on German replies, well, I can read German but I'm not very good with writing)


              I think i`ll join your club. Why not?


                A question, The_Borg, if you're a niner, why don't you come and visit us? It never hurts to try!
                I guess you are right, there is no reason against.
                I'll come to visit your community.


                  I´m already registered there, and I´d like to add that once, 1,5 years ago, when our forum started, we were not bigger than this one is today!

                  btw: A "niner" is not a common description in Germany! I´ve never heard this before! We simply say...well...what do we say..."I´m a fan of ds9"!


                    I didn't knew 'niner' isn't used often in Germany. Well, DS9-fan then!


                      Gibt es eigentlich einen Ds9-Fanclub in Deutschland?
                      <<I brought back a little surprise for the Dominion.>> (Benjamin Sisko)

                      Die Erde ist das einzige Irrenhaus, das von seinen Insassen verwaltet wird.
                      (René Wehle)

