[037] "The Sanctuary"
Deutscher Episodentitel: "Das Schutzgebiet"
Inhalt aus der englischen Wikipedia:
Book receives a distress signal from his brother Kyheem, who says their home planet Kewjian is being threatened by the Emerald Chain, a syndicate of Andorians and Orions led by the orion woman Osyraa.
Kwejian's harvests have been devastated by locusts following climate changes caused by the Burn, and Kyheem made a deal with Osyraa to repel the locusts in exchange for Kewjian's trance worms. This caused a rift between Book and Kyheem. Civilizations that receive help from the Emerald Chain often collapse, so Discovery travels to Kewjian...
Kwejian's harvests have been devastated by locusts following climate changes caused by the Burn, and Kyheem made a deal with Osyraa to repel the locusts in exchange for Kewjian's trance worms. This caused a rift between Book and Kyheem. Civilizations that receive help from the Emerald Chain often collapse, so Discovery travels to Kewjian...
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Ich fahre damit fort, die verlorenen Discovery-Episoden im Stil der bisherigen Threads hier nachzutragen. Bitte seht es mir nach, dass ich nicht so viele Infos einfüge, wie meine Vorgänger, aber mir geht es jetzt vor allem darum, die Diskussionen ans Laufen zu bekommen und die Theman zu erstellen. Meine eigene Meinung werde ich später nachtragen.