[035] "Scavengers"
Deutscher Episodentitel: "Aasgeier"
Inhalt aus der englischen Wikipedia:
The Discovery is upgraded to utilize future technology, including programmable matter. Admiral Vance sends other Starfleet ships on various missions across the remaining Federation space, but orders Discovery to remain at the ready for any rapid-response missions.
Book's ship arrives carrying a three-week-old message from him about a new discovery he has made, the black box for a Starfleet ship that was destroyed in the Burn. Burnham believes that she can use this black box to trace the origin of the Burn, but Saru orders her to remain on the Discovery in case they are needed by Vance. Burnham agrees, but then disobeys this order by taking Georgiou and Book's ship to go find him...
Book's ship arrives carrying a three-week-old message from him about a new discovery he has made, the black box for a Starfleet ship that was destroyed in the Burn. Burnham believes that she can use this black box to trace the origin of the Burn, but Saru orders her to remain on the Discovery in case they are needed by Vance. Burnham agrees, but then disobeys this order by taking Georgiou and Book's ship to go find him...
In eigener Sache:
Ich fange dann mal an, die verlorenen Discovery-Episoden im Stil der bisherigen Threads hier nachzutragen. Bitte seht es mir nach, dass ich nicht so viele Infos einfüge, wie mein Vorgänger, aber mir geht es jetzt vor allem darum, die Diskussionen ans Laufen zu bekommen und die Theman zu erstellen. Meine eigene Meinung werde ich später nachtragen.