Zitat von Skeletor
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We'’ve delayed our ‘Star Trek’ [launch] ’til May. For those who think that’s something to be worried about, let me assure you: it’s not.
The producers came into my office last week and begged me – they said, “We are creating an entire universe; you know how fanatical ‘Star Trek’ fans are. We’re creating this universe, we need a couple more months to get the effects right, to get the world right. PLEASE let us have until May.”
With ‘Star Trek,’ which is the family jewels, I’d rather it be a few months late – and great – than than early, and not great. Because we will suffer for it.
So we made the decision to give them the time to make their perfect ‘Star Trek,’ which we are wildly anticipating. In addition, we have the ‘Good Wife’ spin-off, which was going to be ready earlier, so basically we just flipped their position [on] our calendar.
The producers came into my office last week and begged me – they said, “We are creating an entire universe; you know how fanatical ‘Star Trek’ fans are. We’re creating this universe, we need a couple more months to get the effects right, to get the world right. PLEASE let us have until May.”
With ‘Star Trek,’ which is the family jewels, I’d rather it be a few months late – and great – than than early, and not great. Because we will suffer for it.
So we made the decision to give them the time to make their perfect ‘Star Trek,’ which we are wildly anticipating. In addition, we have the ‘Good Wife’ spin-off, which was going to be ready earlier, so basically we just flipped their position [on] our calendar.
In wie weit diese Geschichte den Tatsachen entspricht, ist fraglich, da letzten Endes auch PR-Talk. Man könnte - *Aluhut aufsetz* - aus dem 3. Absatz genauso gut herauslesen, dass evtl. bei CBS jemand kalte Füße (vielleicht wegen der lauwarmen Rezeption der bisher veröffentlichten Infos oder weil Discovery augenscheinlich kein völliges Police Procedural zu werden scheint) bekommen hat.
Wenn ich schon mal bei Ekelpaket Moonves bin:
The price Netflix paid for the new “Star Trek: Discovery” series (sight unseen as the show went straight to series) will cover the show’s production costs.
“I go to bed at night a lot happier knowing that ‘Star Trek’ is 100 percent paid for before it goes on our All Access service,” Moonves said.
“I go to bed at night a lot happier knowing that ‘Star Trek’ is 100 percent paid for before it goes on our All Access service,” Moonves said.
Er wird jedenfalls nicht müde, immer wieder zu betonen, dass die Serie bereits bezahlt ist. Ich kann mir aber schlecht vorstellen, dass Netflix auch die Kosten für die Verschiebung/Verlängerung des Produktionszeitraums trägt. Sowas unterschlägt man natürlich gern. Falls doch, hat Les Netflix bei den Eiern und lässt nicht mehr los.
