[001] "The Vulcan Hello" / "Leuchtfeuer" 2 [002] "Battle At The Binary Stars" / "Das Urteil" 2 [003] "Context Is For Kings" / "Lakaien und Könige" 1 [004] "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" / "Sprung" 1 [005] "Choose your Pain" / "Wähle deinen Schmerz" 1 [006] "Lethe" / "Lethe" 1 [007] "Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad" / "T=Mudd²" 1 [008] "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" / "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" 1 [009] "Into the Forest I Go" / "Algorithmus" 1 [010] "Despite Yourself" / "Nur wegen dir" 1 [011] "The Wolf Inside" / "Der Wolf im Inneren" 1 [012] "Vaulting Ambition" / "Blindes Verlangen" 1 [013] "What's Past Is Prologue" / "Auftakt zur Vergangenheit" - [014] "The War Without, the War Within" / "Flucht nach vorn" - [015] "Will You Take My Hand?" / "Nimm meine Hand" - Schnitt: 1,17