ANNIKA: Are we going to see the Borg?
MAGNUS: If we're lucky.
ANNIKA: Do the Borg have kids, too?
MAGNUS: Nobody knows. We'll be the first humans to study them up close.
ANNIKA: What do they look like?
MAGNUS: We're not sure exactly, but we think they might look a lot like us, but with technology inside their bodies.
(…) ANNIKA: Are they friendly?
MAGNUS: Well, they're different. They don't talk like us, or even think like us, but we're hoping to make friends one day
MAGNUS: If we're lucky.
ANNIKA: Do the Borg have kids, too?
MAGNUS: Nobody knows. We'll be the first humans to study them up close.
ANNIKA: What do they look like?
MAGNUS: We're not sure exactly, but we think they might look a lot like us, but with technology inside their bodies.
(…) ANNIKA: Are they friendly?
MAGNUS: Well, they're different. They don't talk like us, or even think like us, but we're hoping to make friends one day
Sie wissen das es Kybernetisch Lebensformen sind.
Sie wissen das sie sich erheblich vom sonstigen Aliens of the Week unterscheiden.
Recht viel, dafür das Picard bzw die Sternenflotte nix aber auch gar nix darüber wusste.
Wie man sieht, haben sie die Borg noch nichteinmal für gefährlich gehalten.
Field notes, U.S.S. Raven, Stardate 32629.4: after three months of tracking our Borg cube, the vessel entered a transwarp conduit. We followed in its wake. Our sensors tell us we've travelled all the way to the Delta quadrant, the Borg's native territory.
Wie ewähnt, es war alles Unglücklich gewählt von den Autoren bzgl dem was wir von TNG und den Borg wussten.
Und das ganze Funktioniert eben nur wenn man annimmt das die Sternenflotte nie den Begriff Borg oder Gerüchte davon notiert hat.