[SPOILER-ALARM]Star Trek Into Darkness : Veröffentlichte Spoiler - SciFi-Forum


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[SPOILER-ALARM]Star Trek Into Darkness : Veröffentlichte Spoiler

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    STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (Die ersten 30 Minuten GESEHEN!)

    Hier hat ein Reporter die ersten 30 min. des Films gesehen.
    Am Anfang kommt sein persönlicher Eindruck, weiter unten eine Beschreibung der einzelnen Szenen:
    Für euch geschaut : Die ersten 30 Minuten von Star Trek Into Darkness | News | moviepilot.de


      Eine Beschreibungen des Plots aus dem Internet, also mit Vorsicht genießen:

      SPOILERThe Kiingons are becoming more of a threat to the Federation. Try have already invaded two planets and are threatening more. Admiral Marcus thinks Starfleet is too weak ne focused on exploration and needs more superior weaponry to protect earth.

      Section 31 is involved. They have been scanning the region of space where presumably they tracked the Botany Bay to find the 300 year old augments and use their superior skills and intellect to build up Earth's defences...
      Mal sehen ob das stimmt. Es wäre keine große Überraschung, allerdings kann sich das dann natürlich jeder ausgedacht haben.

      Weitere Szenen-Beschreibungen:SPOILERFive minutes before entering Pike's office, Kirk had been skipping along after Spock saying, "Yeah, we're cool. I haven't lost a single man. Pike's gonna give us the five year mission" and the meeting with Pike completely bursts his bubble. When Spock is dismissed from Pike's office and he talks to Kirk alone, he really rips into him, in a different take to the one we saw in the trailers. He's really angry, but you realise that Pike sees Kirk almost as a son and feels he can do much better. Kirk's command is ripped away, they give the Enterprise back to Pike, Spock is assigned to the USS Bradbury. Kirk leaves with his tail between his legs. Greenwood was fantastic in this scene. The movie really started here for me.
      There's another fantastic scene between Pike and Kirk the bar. Kirk is completely gutted an Pike tells him he asked for him as first officer aboard the Enterprisr, because he believes in him. Apparently he really had to go to bat with Admiral Marcus for the appointment.
      SPOILERSpock/Uhura are fighting. It's almost like a teenage spat. Spock is seriously having girl trouble. Uhura's mad at him because she thinks he doesn't feel. That he endangers his life without a thought about how it affects him. It's not unlike the accusations Kirk was hurling at Spock earlier. Calling him a traitor and a robot. She's pretty snitty and they have a bit of an argument on the way to Kronos with Kirk reluctantly in the middle. Then Spock suddenly reveals that he does feel. He recounts feeling Pike's death - the pain, the fear, the loneliness. He says he felt a similar thing at the death of Vulcan. He never wants to have to feel like that again. We see Kirk and Uhura both rect, chagrined. They have been unfair on Spock. On a side note, Uhura seems to really like Kirk now. She worries about him a lot. There is also a lot of touching. Everyone is always caressing everyone else. Lots of closeups of hands on arms or shoulders. Fanfic, here we come.SPOILERThey find and revive Khan and use his crew's lives against him to force him to do their dirty work.... But we only find this out as the story progresses

      Back in London, we all know Khan's blood saves the dying child and he enlists the father to bomb the Starfleet Data Archive. All the captains and first officers meet at Starfleet headquarters to plan strategy. Marcus reports that it was Harrison, and ex Sect 31 black ops specialist. Kirk is looking at vids from the bombing, and in a very cool extreme Google Earth kind of thing, he zooms in on Harrison. Kirk starts to ask why Harrison would bother to bomb a Data Archive when he knows all th material is n public record and starts to question the real motive, but for once he's unsure of himself and shuts up. Marcus has to wheedle it out of him.
      Kirk realises its just a ploy to get everyone together in the one room just as Harrison shows up to blow them all to Kingdom Come. Pike is badly injured, Spock runs to help him while Kirk picks up a gun and starts firing away at Harrison's ship, then throws some sort of piece of metal on the end of a fire hose thing into the ships vent, sending it crashing down, but not before they get a look at each other. As Pike gasps his last Breath, Spock melds with him. Kirk runs over and sees Pike is dead and bursts into tears, literally sobbing uncontrollably with Spock looking on. It's a very Powerful scene. It feels like that is Kirk experiencing the loss of his father.

      They find out that Harrison has fled to Kronos, in Klingon space, "The one place we cannot go." But Kirk insists on being allowed to go after him. So they devise a plan to travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone and Marcus organises for Kirk to carry a payload of advanced torpedoes that they have been developing. They beam them all aboard Enterprise, but Scotty won't sign off on the manifest because their shielding means he can't scan them to see what's inside. Therefore he refuses to have them aboard his ship because he doesn't know what danger they present. He also has a philosophical problem with the torpedoes and challenges Kirk. He doesn't like the military op. He wants to know if they are still explorers. Kirk orders him and he refuses, saying Kirk will have to fire him. So he does. Kirk appoints Chekov as Chief engineer and tells him to go get a red shirt. We all squeal. Scotty leaves the ship.

      In Engineering, Chekov discovers some weird fault or anomaly with the engines and Kirk instructs him to work on it. He leaves Sulu in command, and Sulu broadcasts to the surface that he has a whole pile of high-powered torpedoes pointing at them. Uhura goes with Kirk and Spock in the shuttle to find Harrison. She speaks Klingon, so this actually makes sense. After a StarWars-esque chase, the Klingons outnumber our galant trio but then Harrison shows up and starts wiping the floor with them all. He then walks up to Kirk and Kirk just lays into him (very neanderthal) and the blows just bounce off Harrison. Then Kirk decides he's not going to kill him, but take him into custody so he can stand trial on behalf of Admiral Pike.

      I forgot to mention, a weapons specialist called Carol Wallace has joined the Enterprise to look after the torpedoes. Spock is suspicious and runs her data. Discovers Wallace is her mother's name. She's Marcus' daughter. I am getting a little confused about the scene order, but they decide to beam one of the torpedoes down to some planet to see what's inside. McCoy goes with Carol, but when the torpedo arms and catches McCoys arm in it, he screams at them to beam Carol up to save her, but she bravely stays to try and disarm it, sort of winning their trust. She yanks loose some big component, the outer casing slides open, and of course inside is a cryotube with a frozen body. Back on the ship, Harrison asks Kirk how many torpedoes they have and they tell him, they have a payload of 72. Isn't that how many cryotube turns were aboard the Botany Bay?

      Kirk asks Harrison who he is really. He replies that he was a product of genetic engineeriing from 300 years ago and says his name is Khan (audience whoops, groans, cheers). He starts to cleverly bait Kirk, saying that Marcus scanned space for their vessel then revived Khan and held his crews' lives over his head, forcing him to work for them, develop superior weaponry etc. He asks, is there nothing you wouldn't do for your crew, Captain? This gets Kirk in his Achilles heel. He obviously has separation issues and doesn't want to lose a single member of his little family. Bones takes some of Khan's blood and injects it into a dead Tribble.

      Then Marcus shows up in a huge Dreadnaught-class ship. He tells Kirk that Khan is manipulating him and is surprised that Kirk didn't kill him. Kirk is suspicious of Marcus and won't hand Khan over. Says he's gonna take him back to Earth to stand trial. Marcus targets Enterprise and starts blowing them out of the sky. Kirk pleads for the lives of his crew, offers his life in their place, but Marcus just wants to destroy them. Carol jumps in so her father knows she's aboard, hoping that will stop the slaughter, but he just beams her aboard, then just as the Enterprise is about to be blown away, the Dreadnaught's weapons go offline. Scotty has smuggled himself aboard and is in control of the engineering deck. By communicator, Kirk decides to space jump aross with Khan with Scotty opening the port at his end. I the meantime Spock calls New Vulcan...

      Spock Prime appears on the view screen. Young Spock asks if, in his travels, they ever encountered a character called Khan? Spock Prime replies that Spock knows he swore he would never reveal details of their lives, but Khan was the most dangerous foe they ever faced and would kill them all without a thought. Spock asks whether they were able to defeat him and Spock Prime replies, "at great cost".

      Just as Spock is hearing of Khan's treachery on the Enterprise, Khan escapes from Kirk on the Dreadnaught. To cut a long story short... A big space batltle ensues, with Khan demanding that the cryotubes be beamed aboard the Dreadnaught, but Spock is a step ahead of him and Bones has removed the Cryotubes and Spock has armed the torpedoes, so they blow a hole in the Dreadnaught and as Khan plummets towards Earth (did I mention he had pursued them at Warp back to Earth? ) he aims the dying ship at Starfleet Academy to wipe them out. But the Enterprise is also in trouble. The Warp core is offline and the area is irradiated with no way to fix it. So begins the final scenes of TWOK, in reverse, even with most of the same dialogue. Kirk goes into the chamber / giant beer factory, with Scotty screaming after him, gets the core back on line, Spock defeats Khan then gets a frantic message from Scott that he'd better get down there.

      It's a lovely death scene, really. Poor Spock/Quinto is inconsolable. There is a lot of crying in this movie. Kirk dies.

      Kirk dies, he's literally in a body bag in sickbay with Bones looking on sadly. Then, okay... Stick with me here... Bones notices that the Tribble he was experimenting on earlier has started breathing. I mean, it's really bad. Try and forget about this bit.

      After Kirk dies Spock is really, I mean REALLY distraught. The rest of the crew think Khan must have died in the Dreadnaught crash but Spock is convinced that Khan would have survived, so he goes after him, with Uhura's blessing -- which means I guess they have reached a truce auto but this.

      And then you've seen most of this. -- Spock chasing Khan all over San Franciso in your typical blockbuster action chase scene. Khan's wailing the tar out of him but Spock keeps coming back for more.

      When Bones realises that Khan's blood can save Kirk (oh boy) he also realises he doesn't have enough, so tries to radio Spock to tell him to keep Khan alive. But Uhura volunteers to beam down onto this flying ship/platform thing and she just keeps stunning him and stunning him and Spock beats him until they knock him out.

      Then Kirk wakes up in a hospital bed two weeks later.

      Then there's a big gathering of Star Trek personnel. Kirk gives a big speech and they are finally granted the file year mission.

      Wie gesagt, das kann man sich vermutlich alles aus den Trailern zusammenreimen oder es ist halt tatsächlich eine komplette Beschreibung der Handlung. Stellenweise klingt das alles schon dämlich, das ist bei diesen Autoren natürlich aber kein Ausschlusskriterium.
      Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 23.04.2013, 17:32.


        Ich dachte, die schwarzen Spoiler-Balken sollten in DIESEM Thread wegbleiben?!


          Also wenn es DAS wirklich ist, dann wäre das eine maßlose Enttäuschung.


            Zitat von xanrof Beitrag anzeigen
            Ich dachte, die schwarzen Spoiler-Balken sollten in DIESEM Thread wegbleiben?!
            Ja, aber falls sich das als wahr erweisen sollte, wären das schon ziemlich massive Spoiler. Darum habe ich mich dann entschieden das in Spoiler-Tags zu setzen.

            Edit: Jetzt gibt es noch eine etwas ausführlichere Beschreibung des Finales.


              SPOILERDas heisst die Enterprise rettet sich vor dem Aufschlag mit einem Warpsprung? Also so wie die Gondeln aussahen, möchte ich bezweifeln das ein Raumschiff dazu in der Lage ist.
              Aber gut, man kann ja nicht zwei Schiffe crashen lassen im selben Film.^^
              Khan wird also ausgeknockt, aber NICHT getötet?


                Mal von dem ganzen lächerlichen Wirrwarr des Films abgesehen, soll das jetzt ECHT das Finale sein??? Was zum Teufel haben die denn da geraucht??? Tribble??????
                Ehrlich, wenn sich das tatsächlich bewahrheiten sollte, wird das ein äußerst dämlicher Film... Oh Gott... Oh Gott.....


                  Wenn diese Inhaltsangabe stimmt ist das der dümmste jemals gedrehte Star Trek-Film. Abrams und sein großer Story-Mixer... Alles einmal gut durchgemischt und fertig. Schmeckt scheisse, benötigt aber kein Hirnschmalz.


                    Tja, was soll ich sagen? Ein RIESENMÜLL!!!

                    Ich bashe eigentlich nie, aber was Abrams hier verbrochen hat, sprengt alle Worst-Case-Szenarien! Ich war ja schon fast Fan von ihm, ehrlich! Ich fand die ersten 3 Staffeln von Lost großartig, ich mag Fringe, ich liebe Super 8 und der letzte Star Trek Film war nicht überragend, aber er war für mich unterhaltsam. Die erste Szene mit der Kelvin ist super inszeniert, gemacht für großes Kino.

                    Das darf doch nicht wahr sein!? Echt, ich habe geglaubt, es sei ein neuer Charakter. Vielleicht jemand Bekanntes, ok, aber nicht jemand, auf den man sofort kommen kann und bereits alle Medien den Namen kolpotiert haben (ich dachte echt an Gary Mitchell oder an Kirk aus dem Spiegel-Universum).

                    Was mir noch überhaupt nicht gefällt: Am Anfang rettet Harrison=Khan=whoever das Mädchen, habe ich das richtig verstanden? Mit einer Blutspende? Die seine tollen Gene weitergibt, um ihre Krankheit zu heilen? Soll diese Szene alleine darstellen, dass John Harrison-Khan doch nicht so böse ist. Ey, was für eine billige Erzählweise. Da wird echt ein komplexer, vielschichtiger Charakter geschaffen. Und was hat nicht alles Abrams geblubbert, von wegen Harrison wird ein super Gegenspieler, ne Mischung aus Hannibal Lector, Jack Torance (Jack Nicholson aus Shining) und dem Joker aus der Batman-Reihe. Was für eine Anmaßung! Nun ist ein Gegenspieler entstanden auf dem Niveau des Vorgängerfilms. Ein Typ zum vergessen! Echt, ich dachte, es kommt jemand mit einer komplexen Lebensgeschichte, mit sich wandelnden Grundhaltungen und Weltbildern und MEHREREN Ereignissen, die sein jetztiges Handeln erklären. Tja, Ätsch, Pech gehabt!


                      Mal ein paar Tage ins Land gehen lassen... Das war jetzt das erste Review mit Inhaltsangabe das ich gefunden habe. Vielleicht ist es nicht mehr als Fan-Fiction (ich hoffe es). Wenn es aber doch zutrifft, dann bin ich mal auf die Reaktionen hier gespannt...


                        Zitat von Garak23 Beitrag anzeigen
                        Soll diese Szene alleine darstellen, dass John Harrison-Khan doch nicht so böse ist. Ey, was für eine billige Erzählweise.
                        Da geht es vermutlich eher darum schon mal die heilende Wirkung seines Blutes zu etablieren und den Vater dazu zu bringen, die Bombe zu platzieren. Was mit "doch nicht so böse" gemeint war, ist wohl eher, dass er zur Zusammenarbeit mit Starfleet gezwungen wurde und die seine Leute bedrohen.


                          Mal abwarten ob es wirklich die Story des Film ist oder nur Spinnerei.
                          Von der Story her wär es wirklich absurder Blödsinn aber vom Unterhaltungswert her hört es sich recht gut an.


                            Der 2. Spoiler liest sich wie in der "Geek" beschrieben. Alles andere wird man sehen! In der "Geek" werden die ersten 30 Minuten des Filmes besprochen, welche die "Macher" der Zeitschrift in der Preview gesehen haben.

                            SPOILER Es beginnt auf dem Planeten Nibiru (Erinnert ihr euch an den Film2012? Da wird derPlanet auch immer erwähnt). Den Planeten retten Kirk und seine Crew, wofür Kirk dann degradiert und Spock versetzt wird.

                            Dann kommt die Handlung aus dem 2. Spoiler hier und zum Schluss noch 2 alternative Szenen....

                            Ich will keinen Khan!

                            In dem Artikel wird der Name John Harrison mit einem Crewmitglied selben Namens in Verbindung gebracht, welcher ein Latino war, weshalb auch erst Latinos gecastet wurden... Vergeblich!

                            Zuletzt geändert von Anthea; 26.04.2013, 18:05.


                              Ich glaube bisher noch nichts und habe ehrlich gesagt auch noch keinen Spoilerbalken gelesen. Ich hoffe einfach, früh genug ins Kino kommen zu können, um nicht allzu viel drüber zu lesen.


                                Tja Leute...ich hab mich nun durch verschiedene Reviews gewühlt und auch wenn ich es nicht glauben kann:
                                Das "Tribble-Ende" (wer die Spoiler-Tags gelesen hat weiß was ich meine! ) ist leider keine Fiktion.
                                Was ich sehr enttäuschend fände.
                                Wenn man das Ende schon so gewagt inszeniert dann hätte man es auch mit Konsequenz durchziehen müssen statt dieses völlig bescheuerten Story-Twists!

