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Star Trek 11 - J.J. Abrams übernimmt Regie!?!
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Es hat schon immer Science-fiction gegeben - die Wettervorhersage im Fernsehen.
-Peter Ustinov
Das offizielle Greenlight für Trek11 und die neuesten Casting-Gerüchte:
Official Announcement This WeekAfter spending almost almost a year in development Star Trek XI has been given the green light by Paramount. TrekMovie.com has spoken to a number of sources in and around Paramount to confirm that last week’s news of JJ Abrams decision to direct the film was indeed the last step before the film could go into pre-production. An official announcement is forthcoming, but we are told it will not include any casting information. The announcement this week will be the first official word from Paramount on Star Trek XI since the release of the teaser poster at last summer’s Comic-Con. The release is likely to not include any plot details or even a name for the film, but we have previously reported that the film is an origin story for James T. Kirk and his relationship with Mr. Spock. TrekMovie.com has also reconfirmed the film is set to be released Christmas 2008 with production starting sometime this summer or fall. Star Trek XI is to be produced by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof with a script penned by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. JJ Abrams did work on the story with the writers, but it isn’t yet clear if he will get a ‘written by’ credit as well. Orci and Kurtzman also have an executive producer credit as do unit production manager Stratton Leopold and Bryan Burk. No word yet on any budget, although it is expected to be higher than any Trek film previously made. The next major news on the film is likely to be casting announcements for the new Kirk and Spock. Of course TrekMovie.com will continue to monitor events update any additional news.
Now that the film is a go, the casting (and therefore the casting rumors) can begin in earnest. IGN is reporting that Paramount are in talks with Matt Damon, Adrian Brody and Gary Sinise to play ‘the big 3’ of Kirk, Spock and McCoy in Star Trek XI. Damon’s name was first mentioned last July when Marc Malkin of the Insider reported that Abrams was interested in the Oscar winner for James Kirk. Late last year Damon said he had not been approached, but would be interested if he liked the script. Brody and Sinise’s names have been suggested by many fans, but there had not previously beeny any reports connecting the actors to the production. IGN didn’t just stop with the big 3, they are also reporting that there may indeed be truth to the reports of James McAvoy playing Scotty and even threw in the name of Lost’s Daniel Dae Kim for Sulu. The IGN report also states that Damon’s talks are the farthest along. IGN’s list is not far from the suggestions from TrekMovie.com and other sources from months ago and would signify a fairly significant budget for the film. The ages of the actors would also signify a film taking place primarily very close to the time of the Original Series (with the exception of McAvoy). TrekMovie.com has not been able to confirm IGN’s report with Paramount or any of the actors respective agents. It should be noted that two weeks ago ‘Stax’ of IGN reported the ‘scoop’ that JJ Abrams ‘would only produce’ Star Trek XI.Mein Webcomic: http://www.hipsters-comic.com
Zitat von ADrian Beitrag anzeigenDas offizielle Greenlight für Trek11 und die neuesten Casting-Gerüchte:
Official Announcement This WeekAfter spending almost almost a year in development Star Trek XI has been given the green light by Paramount. TrekMovie.com has spoken to a number of sources in and around Paramount to confirm that last week’s news of JJ Abrams decision to direct the film was indeed the last step before the film could go into pre-production. An official announcement is forthcoming, but we are told it will not include any casting information. The announcement this week will be the first official word from Paramount on Star Trek XI since the release of the teaser poster at last summer’s Comic-Con. The release is likely to not include any plot details or even a name for the film, but we have previously reported that the film is an origin story for James T. Kirk and his relationship with Mr. Spock. TrekMovie.com has also reconfirmed the film is set to be released Christmas 2008 with production starting sometime this summer or fall. Star Trek XI is to be produced by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof with a script penned by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. JJ Abrams did work on the story with the writers, but it isn’t yet clear if he will get a ‘written by’ credit as well. Orci and Kurtzman also have an executive producer credit as do unit production manager Stratton Leopold and Bryan Burk. No word yet on any budget, although it is expected to be higher than any Trek film previously made. The next major news on the film is likely to be casting announcements for the new Kirk and Spock. Of course TrekMovie.com will continue to monitor events update any additional news.
Bei Brody und Damon bekomme ich Kopfschmerzen. Die passen so überhaupt nicht.
Mir wären aber trotzdem unbekannte Darsteller lieber. Star Trek lebt von Geschichten und nicht von Hollywood-Stars.<<I brought back a little surprise for the Dominion.>> (Benjamin Sisko)
Die Erde ist das einzige Irrenhaus, das von seinen Insassen verwaltet wird.
(René Wehle)
Zitat von Lope de Aguirre Beitrag anzeigenIch persönlich finde es zwar schade, dass TNG so einen miesen Abschluß bekommen hat, allerdings macht sich die Meinung im Fandom breit, dass TNG sich auf der großen Leinwand merh schlecht als recht geschlagen hat und das ein Neuanfang viel besser ist als ein weiterer TNG-Film.
Also ich finde die Besatzung gar nicht mal so übel. Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit den Original-Schauspielern ist gegeben, wenn dann auch noch das Makeup sitzt. Brody und Sinse sind tolle Schauspieler. Auch Demon hat schon so manch guten Film gemacht. Immer noch besser als Ben Affleck als Spock.
Was das Thema Krieg anbelagt so waren die Folgen "Schlacht um Ajon Prime" und "Die Belagerung von AR558" tolle Episoden (vor allem letztere). Könnte ich mir schon vorstellen. Allerdings müsste hier das Drehbuch richtig passen. Hier die Fans nicht abzuschrecken dürfte schwierig werden (siehe der Dominionkrieg und der Xindi-Konflikt welche das Fandom gespalten haben). IMO lebte ST immer vom positiven Blick in die Zukunft. Und nachdem die Zukunft von Star Trek von ST11 getragen wird, sollte er auch Roddenberrys Vision verkörpern. Wenn heutzutage alle unter Scifi nur noch Action, Krieg und Düsternis erleben wollen, ist es für ST wohl besser ein für allemal in den Ruhestand zu treten.
Aus nem TOS-Prequel könnte man viel herausholen. Die Zeit zwischen "The Cage" und "Where non man has gone before" gibt ziemlich viel her. Allerdings braucht sie auch viel Fingerspitzengefühl (welches ich Abrahms jedoch zutraue). Noch bin in optimistisch - war ich bei "Nemesis" auch bis ich letztenendes den Film gesehen habe.
Also in dem offiziellen Thread zu STXI hier im Forum im ST Allgemein U-Forum habe ich schon zu den möglichen Schauspielern geantwortet, nämlich so:
Also Brody kann ich nicht ab! Das wäre für mich für den Film ne Katastrophe, auch wenn er ein guter Schauspieler ist/sein soll.
Sinise mag ich persönlich, ist aber imo viel zu alt (Foto zeigt ihn jünger; wird im März 52) im Vergleich zum wesentlich jüngeren Damon (ist jetzt 36)!
Matt Damon mag ich und guck ich gerne. Hatte mal irgendwo in nem Forum nach den ersten Gerüchten über ihn als Kirk, einen Fan-Made Avatar gesehen von ihm als Kirk mit der Scheitelfrisur und Uniform. Da sah das klasse aus!Tu erst das Notwendige, dann das Mögliche, und plötzlich schaffst du das Unmögliche. (Franz von Assisi; 1181 od. 82 - 1226)
Warum beschränkt man sich denn eigentlich in diesem Thread nicht auf die echten news wenn es doch diesen Thread hier offiziellen Thread zu STXI hier im Forum im ST Allgemein U-Forum für all die wilden spekulationen und anderen Äusserungen gibt die rein gar nichts mit News zu tun haben! Und daraus besteht dieser Thread grösstenteils. Immer nur "ich finde das ist toll..." oder "ich finde das passt nicht...".
Das hat nichts mit News zu tun.
(Ich gebs ja selber zu ich hab den anderen Thread auch gerade erst entdeckt.)
An sich sollte man diesen Thread ganz schließen und im allgemeinen ST11 Thread weitermachen!
Die Frage ist geklärt.
JA ER WIRD REGIE FÜHREN!Das Schicksal beschütz Kinder, Narren und Schiffe namens Enterprise
Zitat von Peter R. Beitrag anzeigenBei Brody und Damon bekomme ich Kopfschmerzen. Die passen so überhaupt nicht.
Mir wären aber trotzdem unbekannte Darsteller lieber. Star Trek lebt von Geschichten und nicht von Hollywood-Stars."Mailand oder Madrid - Hauptsache Italien!" (Andi Möller) - "Und jetzt skandieren die Fans wieder: Türkiye, Türkiye. Was so viel heißt wie Türkei, Türkei." (Heribert Faßbender) - "Das war ein wunderschöner Augenblick als der Bundestrainer sagte: Komm Steffen, zieh deine Sachen aus, jetzt geht´s los!" (S. Freund) - "Ein Lothar Matthäus lässt sich nicht von seinem Körper besiegen, ein Lothar Matthäus entscheidet selbst über sein Schicksal." (L. Matthäus)
Die erste offizielle Meldung von Paramount:
HOLLYWOOD, CA, February 26, 2007 – “Star Trek,” one of the most popular and successful franchises in the history of movies and television, returns to the big screen under the creative vision of J.J. Abrams, the force behind “Lost,” “Alias” and “Mission Impossible III” for Paramount Pictures.
The team behind the film will include Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci (‘Mission Impossible III”) who wrote the screenplay and will executive produce with Bryan Burk. JJ Abrams and “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof will produce. The film will begin shooting this fall for a Christmas Day 2008 release.
One of the most popular film and television franchises of all time, “Star Trek” has encompassed 726 total episodes for television in six different series, beginning with the original 1966-1969 series created by Gene Roddenberry. The 10 “Star Trek” films have grossed in excess of $1 billion at the worldwide box office. The original characters have been named among the 50 greatest TV characters of all time and the Enterprise has lent its name to two proposed spacecrafts.
"If there’s something I’m dying to see, it’s the brilliance and optimism of Roddenberry’s world brought back to the big screen,” said Abrams. “Alex and Bob wrote an amazing script that embraces and respects Trek canon, but charts its own course. Our goal is to make a picture for everyone — life-long fans and the uninitiated. Needless to say, I am honored and excited to be part of this next chapter of Star Trek."
Brad Grey, chairman and CEO, Paramount Pictures, said, “We could not be more thrilled to be back in business with J.J. Abrams. The revival of the ‘Star Trek’ franchise is an important part of Paramount’s turnaround.”Paramount have now issued their first official press release related to Star Trek XI with the headline ‘J.J. Abrams to direct Star Trek Feature Film For Paramount in Theaters Christmas Day 2008.’ Abrams is quoted as saying. If there’s something I’m dying to see, it’s the brilliance and optimism of Roddenberry’s world brought back to the big screen,…Alex [Kurtzman] and Bob [Orci] wrote an amazing script that embraces and respects Trek canon, but charts its own course. Our goal is to make a picture for everyone — life-long fans and the uninitiated. Needless to say, I am honored and excited to be part of this next chapter of Star Trek. Brad Grey, chairman and CEO, Paramount Pictures, adds We could not be more thrilled to be back in business with J.J. Abrams. The revival of the ‘Star Trek’ franchise is an important part of Paramount’sturnaround. Here are the facts as laid out in the press release Director: J.J. Abrams Producers: J.J. Abrams & Damon Lindelof Screenplay: Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci Exec. Producers: Orci, Kurtzman and Bryan Burk Begin shooting Fall 07 Release Christmas 08 Script ’embraces & respects Trek canon’ no details on name, plot, era, or cast …exactly as TrekMovie.com has been reporting! Of course TrekMovie.com has also been reporting that the plot of the film will focus on the life of James T. Kirk and his relationship with Mr. Spock. Paramount will probably wait until casting announcements are made until you see them acknowledge the Kirk & Spock storyline officially (if you don’t count the big hint in the teaser poster). ————————————————————————————————— The following is the text of the official press release: J.J. ABRAMS TO DIRECT STAR TREK FEATURE FILM FOR PARAMOUNT PICTURES IN THEATERS CHRISTMAS DAY 2008 HOLLYWOOD, CA, February 26, 2007 – “Star Trek,” one of the most popular and successful franchises in the history of movies and television, returns to the big screen under the creative vision of J.J. Abrams, the force behind “Lost,” “Alias” and “Mission Impossible III” for Paramount Pictures. The team behind the film will include Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci (‘Mission Impossible III”) who wrote the screenplay and will executive produce with Bryan Burk. JJ Abrams and “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof will produce. The film will begin shooting this fall for a Christmas Day 2008 release. One of the most popular film and television franchises of all time, “Star Trek” has encompassed 726 total episodes for television in six different series, beginning with the original 1966-1969 series created by Gene Roddenberry. The 10 “Star Trek” films have grossed in excess of $1 billion at the worldwide box office. The original characters have been named among the 50 greatest TV characters of all time and the Enterprise has lent its name to two proposed spacecrafts. "If there’s something I’m dying to see, it’s the brilliance and optimism of Roddenberry’s world brought back to the big screen,” said Abrams. “Alex and Bob wrote an amazing script that embraces and respects Trek canon, but charts its own course. Our goal is to make a picture for everyone — life-long fans and the uninitiated. Needless to say, I am honored and excited to be part of this next chapter of Star Trek." Brad Grey, chairman and CEO, Paramount Pictures, said, “We could not be more thrilled to be back in business with J.J. Abrams. The revival of the ‘Star Trek’ franchise is an important part of Paramount’s turnaround.” About Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global company that produces and distributes filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), a leading entertainment content company with prominent and respected brands including Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks. The company’s labels include Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Paramount Classics, DreamWorks, MTV Films and Nickelodeon Movies. PPC operations also include Paramount Digital Entertainment, Paramount Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., Paramount Studios, and Worldwide Television Distribution. Fact Sheet“Star Trek” is one of the most popular film and television franchises of all time: – 726 total episodes for television spanning six television series – Original series, created by Gene Roddenberry, aired on NBC from 1966-1969 – 10 movies, grossing in total over $1 billion at the worldwide box office – Hundreds of novels – $3.5 billion in consumer products – 3 million visitors of Las Vegas’s “Star Trek: The Experience” since 1998 – Over 60 interactive software products since 1991; games in production for current and next generation game platforms J.J. Abrams is a talent widely admired by audiences and critics alike: – Winner of two Emmy Awards for “Lost” – 17 million viewers each week for “Lost”; a top-ten show – Hailed by the New York Times as “one of the most exhilarating storytellers in television” – Director of “Mission: Impossible III” – Creator of “Alias” and “Felicity” “Star Trek” has influenced the culture: – NASA’s first test shuttle was named “Enterprise” – The first commercial passenger carrier into space, Virgin Galactic, has announced that the first spacecraft of the line will be named V. S. S. Enterprise– An episode of the original “Star Trek” featured television’s first interracial kiss – Spock, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy, was named one of TV’s “50 Greatest Characters Ever” by TV GuideMein Webcomic: http://www.hipsters-comic.com
Zitat von TheMarsToolVolta Beitrag anzeigenWas hast du gegen Brody? Ein besseren Darsteller für Mr. Spock könnte ich mir zurzeit nicht vorstellen...<<I brought back a little surprise for the Dominion.>> (Benjamin Sisko)
Die Erde ist das einzige Irrenhaus, das von seinen Insassen verwaltet wird.
(René Wehle)
Zitat von Eaglemaster Beitrag anzeigenDiese Aussage hat so einen-ernsten Beigeschmack. Wie gut geht es Paramount eigentlich?
Zitat von newman Beitrag anzeigenSchließlich ist ST eines der größten Franchise, die existieren, richtig eingesetzt also eigentlich das perfekte Zugpferd und nicht nur eine alte Kuh, aus der man den letzten Tropfen Milch herausquetschten möchte.Es hat schon immer Science-fiction gegeben - die Wettervorhersage im Fernsehen.
-Peter Ustinov