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Zitat von McWire
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PIKE: Mister Spock.
SPOCK: Captain. Engineering reports ready for launch.
PIKE: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on.
(Pike takes the Captain's chair)
PIKE: (to the communicator) All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure. Helm, thrusters.
SULU: Moorings retracted, Captain. Dock control reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock.
(the Enterprise and other ships leave the Spacedock)
SULU: The fleet's cleared Spacedock, Captain. All ships ready for warp.
PIKE: Set course for Vulcan.
SULU: Aye aye, Captain. Course laid in.
PIKE: Maximum warp. Punch it.
(Sulu "punches it" but the ship only flares up and does not enter warp. Everyone stares at Sulu)
PIKE: Lieutenant, where's Helmsman McKenna?
LIEUTENANT: He has lungworm, sir. He couldn't report to his post.
SULU: I'm Hikaru Sulu.
PIKE: And you are a pilot, right?
SULU: Uh, very much so, sir. I'm, uh, not sure what's wrong.
PIKE: Is the parking break on?
SULU: Uh, no. I'll figure it out, I'm just, uh...
SPOCK: Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?
(Sulu presses a couple buttons)
SULU: Ready for warp, sir.
PIKE: Let's punch it.
(they enter warp)
PIKE: Mister Spock.
SPOCK: Captain. Engineering reports ready for launch.
PIKE: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on.
(Pike takes the Captain's chair)
PIKE: (to the communicator) All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure. Helm, thrusters.
SULU: Moorings retracted, Captain. Dock control reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock.
(the Enterprise and other ships leave the Spacedock)
SULU: The fleet's cleared Spacedock, Captain. All ships ready for warp.
PIKE: Set course for Vulcan.
SULU: Aye aye, Captain. Course laid in.
PIKE: Maximum warp. Punch it.
(Sulu "punches it" but the ship only flares up and does not enter warp. Everyone stares at Sulu)
PIKE: Lieutenant, where's Helmsman McKenna?
LIEUTENANT: He has lungworm, sir. He couldn't report to his post.
SULU: I'm Hikaru Sulu.
PIKE: And you are a pilot, right?
SULU: Uh, very much so, sir. I'm, uh, not sure what's wrong.
PIKE: Is the parking break on?
SULU: Uh, no. I'll figure it out, I'm just, uh...
SPOCK: Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?
(Sulu presses a couple buttons)
SULU: Ready for warp, sir.
PIKE: Let's punch it.
(they enter warp)
KIRK: Where are we?
MCCOY: Medical bay.
KIRK: This is worth it.
MCCOY: A little suffering's good for the soul.
KIRK: (to a nurse) Hi, how are you.
MCCOY: Over here.
KIRK: My mouth is itchy, is that normal?
MCCOY: Well, those symptoms won't last long. I'm going to give you a mild sedative.
KIRK: Agh, I wish I didn't know you.
MCCOY: Don't be such an infant.
(he applies the sedative to Kirk)
KIRK: Aggh... how long is it supposed to...
(he falls unconscious)
MCCOY: Unbelievable.
KIRK: Where are we?
MCCOY: Medical bay.
KIRK: This is worth it.
MCCOY: A little suffering's good for the soul.
KIRK: (to a nurse) Hi, how are you.
MCCOY: Over here.
KIRK: My mouth is itchy, is that normal?
MCCOY: Well, those symptoms won't last long. I'm going to give you a mild sedative.
KIRK: Agh, I wish I didn't know you.
MCCOY: Don't be such an infant.
(he applies the sedative to Kirk)
KIRK: Aggh... how long is it supposed to...
(he falls unconscious)
MCCOY: Unbelievable.
McCoy gibt Kirk das Beruhigungmittel, sodass dieser bewusstlos wird.
SULU: Engines at maximum warp, Captain.
PIKE: Russian whiz kid, what's your name? Chenko, Chirpoff?
CHEKOV: Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir.
PIKE: Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, begin shipwide mission broadcast.
CHEKOV: Yes, sir, happy to.
(he punches in a code)
CHEKOV: Ensign authorization code nine-five-wictor-wictor-two
COMPUTER VOICE: Authorization Not Recognized.
CHEKOV: Ensign authorization code nine-five-vwictor-vwictor-two
COMPUTER VOICE: Access Granted.
CHEKOV: (shipwide broadcast) May I have your attention, please. At twenty-two hundred hours, telemetry detected at an anomaly in the neutral zone. What appeared to be a lightning storm in space.
SULU: Engines at maximum warp, Captain.
PIKE: Russian whiz kid, what's your name? Chenko, Chirpoff?
CHEKOV: Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir.
PIKE: Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, begin shipwide mission broadcast.
CHEKOV: Yes, sir, happy to.
(he punches in a code)
CHEKOV: Ensign authorization code nine-five-wictor-wictor-two
COMPUTER VOICE: Authorization Not Recognized.
CHEKOV: Ensign authorization code nine-five-vwictor-vwictor-two
COMPUTER VOICE: Access Granted.
CHEKOV: (shipwide broadcast) May I have your attention, please. At twenty-two hundred hours, telemetry detected at an anomaly in the neutral zone. What appeared to be a lightning storm in space.
Dazu passt auch, dass Sulu dem Captain bestätigt, dass sich das Raumschiff nun auf maximaler Warpgeschwindigkeit befindet.
CHEKOV: (on monitor) Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from Wulcan High Command that their planet was experiencing seismic actiwity.
CHEKOV: (on monitor) Our mission is to assess the condition of Wulcan, and to assist in the ewacuations if necessary.
CHEKOV: (on monitor) We should be arriving at Wulcan within three minutes. Thank you for your time.
(Kirk awakes in front of the monitor)
Kirk: Lightning storm!
CHEKOV: (on monitor) Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from Wulcan High Command that their planet was experiencing seismic actiwity.
CHEKOV: (on monitor) Our mission is to assess the condition of Wulcan, and to assist in the ewacuations if necessary.
CHEKOV: (on monitor) We should be arriving at Wulcan within three minutes. Thank you for your time.
(Kirk awakes in front of the monitor)
Kirk: Lightning storm!
Nachdem was ich selbst von Narkosmitteln aus eigener Erfahrung weiß, dauert der bewusstlose Zustand nach Absetzen des Sedativ meistens nur 10-30 Minuten. Es ist aus dem Film ersichtlich, dass McCoy Kirk nur eine große Injektion verpasst und nicht ständig nach schießt, immerhin wollte er ihn nur kurz außer Gefecht setzen, um ihn das Gegenmittel zu dessen Symptomen zu verabreichen.
MCCOY: Uh, Jim, you're awake. How do you feel?
KIRK: ah.. uh...
MCCOY: Good god, man!
KIRK: What? Ah!
(His hands come into view, extremely swollen)
KIRK: What the hell's this?!
MCCOY: Reaction to the vaccine. Dammit! Nurse Chapel, I need fifty cc's of cortazone.
CHAPEL: (offscreen) Yes, sir.
(Kirk replays Chekov's message as McCoy scans Kirk)
KIRK: Nice. We got to stop the ship!
(Kirk and McCoy are frantically running through the corridors)
MCCOY: Jim! I'm not kidding, we need to keep your heart rate down!
KIRK: Computer, locate crew member Uhura!
MCCOY: I haven't seen a reaction this severe since med school.
KIRK: We're flying into a trap!
MCCOY: Dammit Jim, stand still.
(McCoy hypos Kirk in the neck)
KIRK: Ow! Stop it!
(Kirk runs and finds Uhura)
KIRK: Uhura, Uhura.
UHURA: Kirk, what are you doing here?
KIRK: The transmission from the Klingon prison planet, what exactly was...
UHURA: Oh my god, what's wrong with your hands?!
(McCoy begins scanning Kirk again)
KIRK: It-it-it... look, who is responsible for the Klingon attack? Was the ship Romul...
UHURA: Was the ship what?
KIRK: (to McCoy) What's happening to my mouth?
MCCOY: You got numb tongue?
KIRK: (mumbled) Numb tongue!
MCCOY: I can fix that!
(McCoy briefly leaves)
UHURA: Was the ship what?
KIRK: (mumbled) Romulan!
UHURA: What?
KIRK: (mumbled, but clearer) Romulan
UHURA: Romulan?
KIRK: (mumbled) Yeah
KIRK: (mumbled) Yes!
(Kirk is hypoed again by McCoy)
KIRK: (mumbled) Ahh... dammit!
(a massive drill platform is in the atmosphere, from the Narada. Amanda sees it from her home, just beyond the Vasquez Rocks)
[Narada Bridge]
AYEL: Lord Nero, seven Federation ships are on their way.
[Enterprise Corridor]
(Kirk, McCoy, and Uhura are now running through the corridors)
UHURA: What's going on?!
MCCOY: Jim, come back!
UHURA: Kirk!
KIRK: Captain!
MCCOY: Jim, no!
KIRK: Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!
PIKE: Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise!
MCCOY: Captain, this man's under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melvaran flea vaccine, completely...
KIRK: Bones, Bones...
MCCOY: ...delusional. I take full responsibility.
KIRK: Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster. It's being attacked by Romulans.
PIKE: Romulans? Cadet Kirk, I think you've had enough attention for one day. McCoy take him back to medical, we'll have words later.
MCCOY: Aye Captain.
KIRK: Look, sir, that same anomaly...
PIKE: Mister Kirk...
SPOCK: Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel.
KIRK: Look, I get it, you're a great orator. I'd love to do it again with you to.
SPOCK: I can remove the Cadet...
KIRK: Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge.
SPOCK: By recommending a full stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?
KIRK: It's not a rescue mission, listen, it's an attack.
SPOCK: Based on what facts?
KIRK: That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth. Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. (to Pike) You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack to place on the edge of Klingon space and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack. Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.
PIKE: And you know of this Klingon attack how?
UHURA: Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself. Kirk's report is accurate.
KIRK: We're warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that.
SPOCK: The Cadet's logic is sound. And Lieutenant Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion.
PIKE: Scan Vulcan space, check for any transmissions in Romulan.
MALE LIEUTENANT: Sir, I'm not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan.
PIKE: (to Uhura) What about you? Do you speak Romulan, Cadet?
UHURA: Uhura. All three dialects, sir.
PIKE: Uhura, relieve the lieutenant.
UHURA: Yes sir.
PIKE: Hannity, hail the USS Truman.
HANNITY: All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, but we seemed to have lost all contact.
UHURA: Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission, or transmission of any kind in the area.
KIRK: It's because they're being attacked.
PIKE: Shields up, red alert.
SULU: Arrival in Vulcan in five seconds... four... three... two...
(the arrive into a huge space battle)
PIKE: Emergency evasive.
OFFICER: Running sir.
(bridge officers begin their reporting)
PIKE: Damage report.
OFFICER: Deflector shields are holding.
PIKE: All stations. Engineer Olson, report.
PIKE: Full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees, drop us underneath and...
(everyone is amazed at the massive Narada)
KIRK: ah.. uh...
MCCOY: Good god, man!
KIRK: What? Ah!
(His hands come into view, extremely swollen)
KIRK: What the hell's this?!
MCCOY: Reaction to the vaccine. Dammit! Nurse Chapel, I need fifty cc's of cortazone.
CHAPEL: (offscreen) Yes, sir.
(Kirk replays Chekov's message as McCoy scans Kirk)
KIRK: Nice. We got to stop the ship!
(Kirk and McCoy are frantically running through the corridors)
MCCOY: Jim! I'm not kidding, we need to keep your heart rate down!
KIRK: Computer, locate crew member Uhura!
MCCOY: I haven't seen a reaction this severe since med school.
KIRK: We're flying into a trap!
MCCOY: Dammit Jim, stand still.
(McCoy hypos Kirk in the neck)
KIRK: Ow! Stop it!
(Kirk runs and finds Uhura)
KIRK: Uhura, Uhura.
UHURA: Kirk, what are you doing here?
KIRK: The transmission from the Klingon prison planet, what exactly was...
UHURA: Oh my god, what's wrong with your hands?!
(McCoy begins scanning Kirk again)
KIRK: It-it-it... look, who is responsible for the Klingon attack? Was the ship Romul...
UHURA: Was the ship what?
KIRK: (to McCoy) What's happening to my mouth?
MCCOY: You got numb tongue?
KIRK: (mumbled) Numb tongue!
MCCOY: I can fix that!
(McCoy briefly leaves)
UHURA: Was the ship what?
KIRK: (mumbled) Romulan!
UHURA: What?
KIRK: (mumbled, but clearer) Romulan
UHURA: Romulan?
KIRK: (mumbled) Yeah
KIRK: (mumbled) Yes!
(Kirk is hypoed again by McCoy)
KIRK: (mumbled) Ahh... dammit!
(a massive drill platform is in the atmosphere, from the Narada. Amanda sees it from her home, just beyond the Vasquez Rocks)
[Narada Bridge]
AYEL: Lord Nero, seven Federation ships are on their way.
[Enterprise Corridor]
(Kirk, McCoy, and Uhura are now running through the corridors)
UHURA: What's going on?!
MCCOY: Jim, come back!
UHURA: Kirk!
KIRK: Captain!
MCCOY: Jim, no!
KIRK: Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!
PIKE: Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise!
MCCOY: Captain, this man's under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melvaran flea vaccine, completely...
KIRK: Bones, Bones...
MCCOY: ...delusional. I take full responsibility.
KIRK: Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster. It's being attacked by Romulans.
PIKE: Romulans? Cadet Kirk, I think you've had enough attention for one day. McCoy take him back to medical, we'll have words later.
MCCOY: Aye Captain.
KIRK: Look, sir, that same anomaly...
PIKE: Mister Kirk...
SPOCK: Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel.
KIRK: Look, I get it, you're a great orator. I'd love to do it again with you to.
SPOCK: I can remove the Cadet...
KIRK: Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge.
SPOCK: By recommending a full stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?
KIRK: It's not a rescue mission, listen, it's an attack.
SPOCK: Based on what facts?
KIRK: That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth. Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. (to Pike) You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack to place on the edge of Klingon space and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack. Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.
PIKE: And you know of this Klingon attack how?
UHURA: Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself. Kirk's report is accurate.
KIRK: We're warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that.
SPOCK: The Cadet's logic is sound. And Lieutenant Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion.
PIKE: Scan Vulcan space, check for any transmissions in Romulan.
MALE LIEUTENANT: Sir, I'm not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan.
PIKE: (to Uhura) What about you? Do you speak Romulan, Cadet?
UHURA: Uhura. All three dialects, sir.
PIKE: Uhura, relieve the lieutenant.
UHURA: Yes sir.
PIKE: Hannity, hail the USS Truman.
HANNITY: All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, but we seemed to have lost all contact.
UHURA: Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission, or transmission of any kind in the area.
KIRK: It's because they're being attacked.
PIKE: Shields up, red alert.
SULU: Arrival in Vulcan in five seconds... four... three... two...
(the arrive into a huge space battle)
PIKE: Emergency evasive.
OFFICER: Running sir.
(bridge officers begin their reporting)
PIKE: Damage report.
OFFICER: Deflector shields are holding.
PIKE: All stations. Engineer Olson, report.
PIKE: Full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees, drop us underneath and...
(everyone is amazed at the massive Narada)
Vergleicht man die Umschnitte und Anzahl der Szenen mit davor, können davor auch keine Stunden vergangen sein.
Also die neue Enterprise hat innerhalb von etwa 1 Stunde bis maximal 2 Stunden die Strecke Erde-Vulkan zurück gelegt, die kanonisch bei 16 Lichtjahren liegt.
Damit hat das Raumschiff 8 Lichtjahre pro Stunde oder 192 Lichtjahre pro Tag oder 70.080-fache Lichtgeschwindigkeit erreicht.
Mit der Geschwindigkeit kann man in 1,5 Jahren die Milchstraße durchqueren oder in 3 Jahren zur magellanschen Wolke fliegen
