Ein Seven-Bilderrätsel ! - SciFi-Forum


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Ein Seven-Bilderrätsel !

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    Hallo, Hallo ein Moment mal, ich kann das Bild überhaupt nicht sehen!
    Moje je srce na pola koplja!!!


      Originalnachricht erstellt von Warp10
      Hallo, Hallo ein Moment mal, ich kann das Bild überhaupt nicht sehen!

      Dürfte daran liegen dass freenet zur Zeit mal wieder spinnt !
      @ Bashir
      Neg, auch falsch !
      “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
      They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
      Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


        Da bin ich beruhigt, hätte nämlich auch kein Bild zur Hand *puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh*
        Is that a Daewoo?


          Das Bild funzt wieder und damit keiner zurück blättern muss:
          Hier isset nochmal:

          “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
          They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
          Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


            wenn keiner das aktuelle Bild errät bitte ich hiermit jemanden ein anderes zu posten !
            “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
            They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
            Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


              So, hier ist die Auflösung:
              Es ist aus "Random Thoughts" !
              So schwer war das aber nicht !
              “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
              They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
              Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                Natürlich *gegenkopfhau*
                Hätte man am Hintergrund locker erkennen können.
                Is that a Daewoo?


                  Originalnachricht erstellt von DocBashir
                  Natürlich *gegenkopfhau*
                  Hätte man am Hintergrund locker erkennen können.
                  Natürlich hätte man es erkennen können, hat aber dummerweise niemand !
                  Also, ich warte auf jemanden der ein Seven-Bild postet !
                  “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                  They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                  Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                    Moje je srce na pola koplja!!!



                      Das weiss ja sogar iiich!

                      Das Vinkulum!
                      Hab aber kein Seven Bild.

                      Republicans hate ducklings!


                        Das ist übrigens mein Lieblingsbild
                        Moje je srce na pola koplja!!!


                          Hier ist mein letzter Versuch !
                          Noch einfacher gehts fast nicht:
                          “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                          They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                          Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                            Ich glaube das ist aus :Im Rückblick (Retrospect)???
                            Wenn auch nicht, es ist ein sehr schönes Bild
                            Moje je srce na pola koplja!!!


                              Originalnachricht erstellt von Warp10
                              Ich glaube das ist aus :Im Rückblick (Retrospect)???
                              Wenn auch nicht, es ist ein sehr schönes Bild
                              Nein, das ist leider falsch !
                              es ist eine andere Folge und auch eine andere Staffel !
                              “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                              They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                              Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                                "Tsunkatse" ?
                                Moje je srce na pola koplja!!!

