Ups, mein Fehler. Hast du eine Rote Uniform?
Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Was bin ich ? (rund um das Star Trek Universum)
You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
(2)Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
Eine Goldene uniform?You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
Bist du verheiratet?You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
(3)Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
(4)Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
Oh, noch so eine Frage, die ich mit "jein" beantworten muss (hat was mit der Natur meiner Existenz zu tun)...Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
(5)Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
(6)Das schönste Raumschiff in Computerspielen
2009: Machariel (EvE Online)
2010: SSV Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect 2)
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