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Star Trek Armada I - Hilfe
Recht gut für den Anfang, beinhaltet auch schon ein paar der bei mir aufgetretenen Fehler.
Zudem: Mit dem File hast du schon ne frage beantwortet die ich noch net mal gestellt habe:
Wo man die Starteinheiten festlegt.You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Ich habe eine DS9 Station ins Spiel eingebaut. Dieser wollte ich Bauoptionen verpassen für u.a.: - Jem'Hadar Attak und Battle Ship, sowie Cardassianischer Aufklärer und Galorklasse. Diese 4 sind ja alle im Spiel schon enthalten und über 2 Werften im Einzelspieler auf Baubar, sofern geentert. Also kopierte ich die Bezeichnungen aus den Werften in die Ds9 ODF. Die Bottons der Jem'Hadar werden angezeigt und ich kann sie auch bauen, die Cardis nicht. Woran kann das liegen?You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Die Original-ODF der Station:
#include "station.odf"
//Name of Ship class in Ship Display window & in edit mode & tooltip
unitName = "Deep Space 9"
tooltip = "Deep Space 9"
verboseTooltip = "The most heavily armed fortress in the Alpha Quadrant."
//This ship is a hero.
isHero = 1
//Ship label provided because this is a unique ship.
label = "Deep Space Nine"
//Race which can build ship & starting race of ship
race = "federation"
//Amount of time required to build ship
buildTime = 350
//Number of officers required to build this ship
officerCost = 0
//Number of crew required to build ship & Starting crew
crewCost = 1500
//Number of maximum crew (only specified if different from crewCost)
maximumCrew = 3000
//Dilithium Cost to build
dilithiumCost = 8000
//Number of Officers starbase gives by default
officerGain = 100
//Maximum number of officer quarters
maximumUpgrades = 0
//Max Shield Strength & Begining Shield Strength <1000
maxHealth = 10000
//Rate at which shield recharges (points per second... we think)
shieldRate = 20.0
//Maximum Value of Special Energy
maxSpecialEnergy = 1000
//Rate at which special energy recharges (points per second... we think)
specialEnergyRate = 10
//Possible Craft Names
possibleCraftNames = "Deep Space 9"
// phaser inerring
weapon1 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp23" "hp26"
// photon inerring
weapon2 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp40" "hp42" "hp46" "hp48"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon3 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp25" "hp22"
// photon upper pilons
weapon4 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp39" "hp43" "hp45" "hp49"
// photon upper pilons
weapon5 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints5 = "hp38" "hp41" hp"44" "hp47"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon6 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints6 = "hp27" "hp24"
// Hardpoints to hit for various systems and other locations.
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp30" "hp31" "hp32" "hp33"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp19" "hp21" "hp20"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp29"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp34" "hp35" "hp36" "hp37"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fconst"
buildItem1 = "ffreight"
buildItem2 = "fscout"
builditem3 = "fdestroy"
builditem4 = "fcruise1"
builditem5 = "fcruise2"
builditem6 = "fspecial"
builditem7 = "fbattle"
//Hardpoint location for building.
buildHardpoint = "hp17"
repairhardpoint = "hp01"
//AI system parameters
//These parameters influence how the AI evaluates and compares craft.
//An abstract number that represents how much extra strength must be
//used to attack this craft due to its weapons.
// (0.0=no weapons, 0.5 = average weapons, 1.0=many good weapons)
attackPower = 1.0f
//The normalized intrinsic value of a target. High value craft make good
//attack targets. (0.0=lowest value, 1.0=highest value)
intrinsicValue = 2.00f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in yellow status
weaponYellow = 1.5f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in red status
weaponRed = 2.5f
//These values are the hitpoint values of the systems
//If the value is set to zero the ship does not have that system
weaponsHitPoints = 1
//The following section's values should add up to 100
//Percent Chance out of 100 of life support being destroyed
lifeSupportHitPercent = 5.0f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of weapons being destroyed
weaponsHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of shields being destroyed
shieldGeneratorHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of sensors being destroyed
sensorsHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of hull being hit (crew dying)
hullHitPercent = 70.0f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of entire ship exploding
criticalHitPercent = 2.5f
eventSelect = "StarbaseSelect"
eventAcknowledge = "StarbaseAcknowledge"
eventAttack = "StarbaseAttack"
eventDecommission = "StarbaseDecommission"
//Runtime class label for instantiation of object.
classLabel = "shipyard"
keymapLabel = "starbase"
baseName = "newds9"
scaleSod = 1.5f
#include "station.odf"
//Name of Ship class in Ship Display window & in edit mode & tooltip
unitName = "Deep Space 9"
tooltip = "Deep Space 9"
verboseTooltip = "The most heavily armed fortress in the Alpha Quadrant."
//This ship is a hero.
isHero = 1
//Ship label provided because this is a unique ship.
label = "Deep Space Nine"
//Race which can build ship & starting race of ship
race = "federation"
//Amount of time required to build ship
buildTime = 70,7
//Number of officers required to build this ship
officerCost = 0
//Number of crew required to build ship & Starting crew
crewCost = 1500
//Number of maximum crew (only specified if different from crewCost)
maximumCrew = 3000
//Dilithium Cost to build
dilithiumCost = 5000
//Number of Officers starbase gives by default
officerGain = 100
//Maximum number of officer quarters
maximumUpgrades = 0
//Max Shield Strength & Begining Shield Strength <1000
maxHealth = 8600
//Rate at which shield recharges (points per second... we think)
shieldRate = 13
//Maximum Value of Special Energy
maxSpecialEnergy = 1000
//Rate at which special energy recharges (points per second... we think)
specialEnergyRate = 10
//Possible Craft Names
possibleCraftNames = "Deep Space 9"
// phaser inerring
weapon1 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp23"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon2 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp25"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon3 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp27"
// phaser inerring
weapon4 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp23"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon5 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints5 = "hp25"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon6 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints6 = "hp27"
// phaser inerring
weapon7 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints7 = "hp26"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon8 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints8 = "hp22"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon9 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints9 = "hp24"
// phaser inerring
weapon10 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints10 = "hp26"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon11 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints11 = "hp22"
// phaser upper pilons
weapon12 = "fwphas"
weaponHardpoints12 = "hp24"
// photon inerring
weapon13 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints13 = "hp46" "hp48"
// photon upper pilons
weapon14 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints14 = "hp45" "hp49"
// photon upper pilons
weapon15 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints15 = "hp44" "hp47"
// photon inerring
weapon16 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints16 = "hp40" "hp42"
// photon upper pilons
weapon17 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints17 = "hp39" "hp43"
// photon upper pilons
weapon18 = "wphoton"
weaponHardpoints18 = "hp38" "hp41"
// Hardpoints to hit for various systems and other locations.
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp30" "hp31" "hp32" "hp33"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp19" "hp21" "hp20"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp29"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp34" "hp35" "hp36" "hp37"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp28"
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "zcconst"
buildItem1 = "zcardbat"
buildItem2 = "zcarddes"
buildItem3 = "zjemdest"
buildItem4 = "fdestroy"
builditem5 = ""
builditem6 = ""
builditem7 = ""
//Hardpoint location for building.
buildHardpoint = "hp17"
repairhardpoint = "hp01"
//AI system parameters
//These parameters influence how the AI evaluates and compares craft.
//An abstract number that represents how much extra strength must be
//used to attack this craft due to its weapons.
// (0.0=no weapons, 0.5 = average weapons, 1.0=many good weapons)
attackPower = 1.0f
//The normalized intrinsic value of a target. High value craft make good
//attack targets. (0.0=lowest value, 1.0=highest value)
intrinsicValue = 2.00f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in yellow status
weaponYellow = 1.5f
//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in red status
weaponRed = 2.5f
//These values are the hitpoint values of the systems
//If the value is set to zero the ship does not have that system
weaponsHitPoints = 1
//The following section's values should add up to 100
//Percent Chance out of 100 of life support being destroyed
lifeSupportHitPercent = 5.0f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of weapons being destroyed
weaponsHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of shields being destroyed
shieldGeneratorHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of sensors being destroyed
sensorsHitPercent = 7.5f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of hull being hit (crew dying)
hullHitPercent = 70.0f
//Percent Chance out of 100 of entire ship exploding
criticalHitPercent = 2.5f
eventSelect = "StarbaseSelect"
eventAcknowledge = "StarbaseAcknowledge"
eventAttack = "StarbaseAttack"
eventDecommission = "StarbaseDecommission"
//Runtime class label for instantiation of object.
classLabel = "shipyard"
keymapLabel = "starbase"
baseName = "newds9"
scaleSod = 0.8fYou should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
zu 1.) Die Bottons sind nicht eingeblendet, also die Schiffe auch nicht baubar.
Wie gesagt, es sind die Orginale aus Armada und die bezeichnungen sind aus der Werft direkt 1:1 kopiert.
ich werd sie mal in me Föd-werft schreiben um zu testen ob sie dort laufen.
zu 2.) ich seh grad nen ganz dummen Fehler, hab die Waffen nicht durchnummeriert:
//Transwarp Drive
weapon1 = "gtwarpd"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02"
// Phaser
weapon1 = "bc2phas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02"
// Phaser
weapon1 = "bc2phas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp06" "hp07"
// Pulse Canon
weapon12 = "btpulse"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp03" "hp04"
// Pulse Canon
weapon12 = "btpulse"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp08" "hp09"
// Photon Torpedoes
weapon3 = "bdphot"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp05" "hp10"You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
ad 1.) wenn die buttons fehlen und die schiffe auch nicht baubar sind (keine texte beim maus-over), dann fehlt der eintrag in der tech.tt
ad 2.) da haben wir den fehler schon. da die erste waffe eine spezialwaffe ist, wird diese herangezogen und es wird interpretiert, dass sonst keine bewaffnung da ist. ist der gute alte copy&paste teufel
Zuerst einmal; danke, alle beiden Fehler behoben.
Neues kleines Problemchen: hab eine 8er Gruppe Interceporen, und lasse sie per Transwarp gut die Hälfte der Karte zurücklegen. Sie verschwinden zwar am Startpunkt, aber tauchen am Zeil nicht wieder auf. In der Übersicht unten sehe ich, dass die Spezialenergie abgezogen wurde. Wenn ich per Doppelklick auf einen der Interceptoren versuche ihn zu localisieren stürtzt das Spiel ab. Kürzere Strecken per Transwarp funktionieren Problemlos.You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Ich würd ja mal wieder gern Armada I zöckeln aber bei mir Stockt der Sound so dermaßen und dadurch auch ein wenig das Spiel das des 0 Fun macht.
Kann mir wer sagen wie ich das problem beheben kann bzw obs nen XP patch gibbet den ich einfach nicht finde?
Ach und ich würd gern ein paar Mods versuchen. Da ja anscheint der BoG Mod no net fertig ist muss ich mich mit anderen zufrieden geben. Wär also nett wenn mir wer nen Link geben könnt
Also das ganze liegt an der Hardwarebeschleunigung des Sounds. Sitze jetzt auf keinem XP Rechner und kann dir den genauen Weg dort hin nicht sagen. Es läuft auf jedenfalls über die Soundeinstellungen in der Systemsteuerung -> Hardwarebeschleunigung runterschrauben und los gehts
Gute Mods für A1? Da gibts nur eine und die ist noch nicht fertig! :P
Nein, Großkotzigkeit mal zur Seite:
Star Trek: Armada 2 Mods, Star Trek: Armada 2 Maps, Star Trek: Armada 2 Downloads
Armada Fleet Command - The Ultimate Star Trek: Armada Series & Birth of the Federation Download resource on the web!
Hier sollte alles Relevante zu finden sein. Kommt halt drauf an, was du an Mods bevorzugst.
Auf Armada Fleet Command würde ich empfehlen, wenn man auf einen großen Pool an Schiffen und Stationen der Standartvölker aus ist den Ares-Mod.
Für den hätte ich bei Interesse modifizierte ODFs im Angebot, die meiner Meinung nach "realistischer" sind als die vorhandenen.
Wer abseits der Standartrassen auch mal andere Völker spielen will, dem empfehle ich den Babylon 5- , den Star Trek vs Star Wars und den Star Trek Alliances - Mod.You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Zitat von Tommygun Beitrag anzeigenmir gefallen mittlerweile nicht mehr sehr viele sachen von armada fleet command. Die meisten schiffe/stationen sind doch schon recht betagt und deshalb von ziemlich mieser qualität (für die damaligen verhältnisse natürlich top).
a2 files hat da schon feinere dinge zu bieten.You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<