Alle Jahre wieder wird Baltimore zum Nabel der Welt, zumindest für die Fans von Star Trek in gedruckter Form. Denn traditionell präsentiert Pocket Books im Rahmen der Shore-Leave-Convention einen Ausblick auf das Buch-Programm der nächsten Monate.
Zitat von Keith R.A. deCandido im TrekBBS:
Meine Einschätzung:
Ich dachte schon, der 2008'-Jahrgang sei schwer zu toppen, aber das hier haut mich echt vom Hocker. Pocket Books setzt konsequent auf seine besten Pferde im Stall, Vanguard, Titan und der DS9-Relaunch werden allesamt mit je zwei Bänden gepusht, TOS erhält einen Haufen neues Material (Sinnvoll in Anbetracht des anrollenden Medienrummels rund um ST XI), Myriad Universes scheint sich bereits vor dem Start blendend zu verkaufen, wenn bereits ein dritter Band in Vorbereitung ist, New Frontier wird fortgesetzt, Voyager wieder auf Kurs gebracht, kurz ein Highlight nach dem nächsten. Schön mit Dave Galanter, Margaret Wander Bonanno und Mike W. Barr auch mal wieder ein paar alte Veteranen an der Front zu sehen.
Fazit: Egal was aus dem Kinofilm werden sollte, die derzeit aktivste Trek-Sparte, die Bücher, sind weiterhin in guten Händen und blühen und gedeihen besser als jemals zuvor.
Zitat von Keith R.A. deCandido im TrekBBS:
Okay, here's the current schedule, with some new stuff announced for the first time at the Pocket presentation at Shore Leave, presented by Marco Palmieri and Margaret Clark. Please keep in mind that the schedule is tentative and subject to change, particularly as you get farther away from the present.
Key: hc=hardcover, ho=hardcover omnibus, tp=trade paperback, to=trade paperback omnibus, mm=mass-market paperback, mr=mass-market reprint
July 2008
Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism by William Leisner, Christopher L. Bennett, and James Swallow (tp)
DS9: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods (mm)
August 2008
Myriad Universes: Echoes and Refractions by Geoff Trowbridge, Keith R.A. DeCandido, and Chris Roberson (tp)
TNG: Greater than the Sum by Christopher L. Bennett (mm)
September 2008
Star Trek 101 by Terry J. Erdmann & Paula M. Block (tp)
ENT: Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels (mm)
Star Trek calendar
Ships of the Line calendar
October 2008
COE: Wounds by Ilsa J. Bick, Keith R.A. DeCandido, John J. Ordover, Terri Osborne, and Cory Rushton (to)
Destiny: Gods of Night by David Mack (mm)
November 2008
Destiny: Mere Mortals by David Mack (mm)
Academy: Collision Course by William Shatner, with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (mr)
December 2008
Destiny: Lost Souls by David Mack (mm)
January 2009
Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows, ed. by Margaret Clark & Marco Palmieri (tp)
TOS: Errand of Fury: Sacrifices of War by Kevin Ryan (mm)
February 2009
A Singular Destiny by Keith R.A. DeCandido (mm)
March 2009
TOS: Mere Anarchy by Mike W. Barr, Christopher L. Bennett, Margaret Wander Bonanno, Dave Galanter, Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore, and Howard Weinstein (to)
Titan: Over a Torrent Sea by Christopher L. Bennett (mm)
April 2009
NF: Treason by Peter David (tp)
VOY: Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer (mm)
May 2009
TOS: Crucible by David R. George III (ho)
Vanguard: Open Secrets by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore (mm)
June 2009
TOS: Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter (mm)
July 2009
TNG: Losing the Peace by William Leisner (mm)
August 2009
Seven Deadly Sins, ed. by Marco Palmieri (tp)
DS9: The Soul Key by Olivia Woods (mm)
September 2009
DS9: The Never-Ending Sacrifice by Una McCormack (mm)
October 2009
ENT: The Romulan War by Michael A. Martin (tp)
VOY (title TBA) by Kirsten Beyer (mm)
November 2009
Myriad Universes (title and authors TBA) (tp)
Titan (title TBA) by James Swallow (mm)
December 2009
COE: Out of the Cocoon by Robert T. Jeschonek, Kevin Killiany, William Leisner, and Phaedra M. Weldon (to)
Vanguard (title TBA) by David Mack (mm)
The following titles don't have publication months yet, but are intended for 2010:
TOS: The Unspoken Truth by Margaret Wander Bonanno (mm)
TOS: The Millennium Bloom by Mike W. Barr (mm)
Some artwork:
Star Trek 101
Destiny: Gods of Night (art by Cliff Nielsen)
Destiny: Mere Mortals (art by Stephane Martiniere)
Errand of Fury: Sacrifices of War
A Singular Destiny (art by Alan Dingman)
Titan: Over a Torrent Sea
TOS: Mere Anarchy
VOY: Full Circle
Vanguard: Open Secrets
Also, three images from the 2009 Ships of the Line calendar:
Some other notes:
Troublesome Minds will be a five-year mission story. Losing the Peace, like A Singular Destiny, Full Circle, and Over a Torrent Sea, will be a Destiny followup, in this case for the TNG gang. The Soul Key will pick up where Fearful Symmetry left off, while The Never-Ending Sacrifice will focus on Cardassia. Unspoken Truth will be a Saavik story, and The Millennium Bloom will be a Captain April story.
Finally, Seven Deadly Sins will have seven long stories in them:
Pride: the Romulans, by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
Envy: the Cardassians, by James Swallow
Wrath: the Klingons, by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Sloth: the Pakleds, by Jimmy Diggs
Greed: the Ferengi, by David A. McIntee
Gluttony: the Borg, by Marc Giller
Lust: the Mirror Universe, by Britta Dennison
Key: hc=hardcover, ho=hardcover omnibus, tp=trade paperback, to=trade paperback omnibus, mm=mass-market paperback, mr=mass-market reprint
July 2008
Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism by William Leisner, Christopher L. Bennett, and James Swallow (tp)
DS9: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods (mm)
August 2008
Myriad Universes: Echoes and Refractions by Geoff Trowbridge, Keith R.A. DeCandido, and Chris Roberson (tp)
TNG: Greater than the Sum by Christopher L. Bennett (mm)
September 2008
Star Trek 101 by Terry J. Erdmann & Paula M. Block (tp)
ENT: Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels (mm)
Star Trek calendar
Ships of the Line calendar
October 2008
COE: Wounds by Ilsa J. Bick, Keith R.A. DeCandido, John J. Ordover, Terri Osborne, and Cory Rushton (to)
Destiny: Gods of Night by David Mack (mm)
November 2008
Destiny: Mere Mortals by David Mack (mm)
Academy: Collision Course by William Shatner, with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (mr)
December 2008
Destiny: Lost Souls by David Mack (mm)
January 2009
Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows, ed. by Margaret Clark & Marco Palmieri (tp)
TOS: Errand of Fury: Sacrifices of War by Kevin Ryan (mm)
February 2009
A Singular Destiny by Keith R.A. DeCandido (mm)
March 2009
TOS: Mere Anarchy by Mike W. Barr, Christopher L. Bennett, Margaret Wander Bonanno, Dave Galanter, Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore, and Howard Weinstein (to)
Titan: Over a Torrent Sea by Christopher L. Bennett (mm)
April 2009
NF: Treason by Peter David (tp)
VOY: Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer (mm)
May 2009
TOS: Crucible by David R. George III (ho)
Vanguard: Open Secrets by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore (mm)
June 2009
TOS: Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter (mm)
July 2009
TNG: Losing the Peace by William Leisner (mm)
August 2009
Seven Deadly Sins, ed. by Marco Palmieri (tp)
DS9: The Soul Key by Olivia Woods (mm)
September 2009
DS9: The Never-Ending Sacrifice by Una McCormack (mm)
October 2009
ENT: The Romulan War by Michael A. Martin (tp)
VOY (title TBA) by Kirsten Beyer (mm)
November 2009
Myriad Universes (title and authors TBA) (tp)
Titan (title TBA) by James Swallow (mm)
December 2009
COE: Out of the Cocoon by Robert T. Jeschonek, Kevin Killiany, William Leisner, and Phaedra M. Weldon (to)
Vanguard (title TBA) by David Mack (mm)
The following titles don't have publication months yet, but are intended for 2010:
TOS: The Unspoken Truth by Margaret Wander Bonanno (mm)
TOS: The Millennium Bloom by Mike W. Barr (mm)
Some artwork:
Star Trek 101
Destiny: Gods of Night (art by Cliff Nielsen)
Destiny: Mere Mortals (art by Stephane Martiniere)
Errand of Fury: Sacrifices of War
A Singular Destiny (art by Alan Dingman)
Titan: Over a Torrent Sea
TOS: Mere Anarchy
VOY: Full Circle
Vanguard: Open Secrets
Also, three images from the 2009 Ships of the Line calendar:
Some other notes:
Troublesome Minds will be a five-year mission story. Losing the Peace, like A Singular Destiny, Full Circle, and Over a Torrent Sea, will be a Destiny followup, in this case for the TNG gang. The Soul Key will pick up where Fearful Symmetry left off, while The Never-Ending Sacrifice will focus on Cardassia. Unspoken Truth will be a Saavik story, and The Millennium Bloom will be a Captain April story.
Finally, Seven Deadly Sins will have seven long stories in them:
Pride: the Romulans, by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
Envy: the Cardassians, by James Swallow
Wrath: the Klingons, by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Sloth: the Pakleds, by Jimmy Diggs
Greed: the Ferengi, by David A. McIntee
Gluttony: the Borg, by Marc Giller
Lust: the Mirror Universe, by Britta Dennison

Ich dachte schon, der 2008'-Jahrgang sei schwer zu toppen, aber das hier haut mich echt vom Hocker. Pocket Books setzt konsequent auf seine besten Pferde im Stall, Vanguard, Titan und der DS9-Relaunch werden allesamt mit je zwei Bänden gepusht, TOS erhält einen Haufen neues Material (Sinnvoll in Anbetracht des anrollenden Medienrummels rund um ST XI), Myriad Universes scheint sich bereits vor dem Start blendend zu verkaufen, wenn bereits ein dritter Band in Vorbereitung ist, New Frontier wird fortgesetzt, Voyager wieder auf Kurs gebracht, kurz ein Highlight nach dem nächsten. Schön mit Dave Galanter, Margaret Wander Bonanno und Mike W. Barr auch mal wieder ein paar alte Veteranen an der Front zu sehen.
Fazit: Egal was aus dem Kinofilm werden sollte, die derzeit aktivste Trek-Sparte, die Bücher, sind weiterhin in guten Händen und blühen und gedeihen besser als jemals zuvor.