Infos zum nächsten Corps of Engineers Sammelband von
Star Trek: S.C.E.
Mass-Market Paperback / March, 2004
Length undefined
Written by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
No Description Available.
One hundred and twelve years before the heyday of the da Vinci, Montgomery Scott took an assignment to the Romulan Neutral Zone to work alongside the crew of the U.S.S. Lovell and her staff from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. But this S.C.E. is much different from the modern version--a down-and-dirty team of technicians given the worst jobs in the fleet. When the repair of one of the Neutral Zone outposts goes horribly wrong, Scotty and the nascent S.C.E. team must work together to keep the outpost in one piece...
Three years later, the Starship Enterprise encountered--and deactivated--a world-running computer called Landru on Beta III. In the aftermath of the incident, a team of engineers, led by Montgomery Scott, is tasked with getting Beta III back on its feet. But even in "death", Landru's influence can still be felt...
An engineering accident on an experimental Kelvan ship, seven years later, sent Scotty and an S.C.E. team led by his old friend Commander Mahmud al-Khaled into uncharted space. When a group of hostile aliens demand that they leave or face the consequences, the S.C.E. must work against the clock to repair the ship or face destruction!
Das Cover ist auf jeden Fall schon mal absolut genial, nicht dieser Heyne-Einheitsbrei. Mal abwarten ob der Inhalt da mithalten kann.
Etwas irritierend finde ich die Tatsache, das jetzt scheinbar nur noch 3 ebook-Bände pro Sammelband rauskommen, bislang waren es 4...

Star Trek: S.C.E.
Mass-Market Paperback / March, 2004
Length undefined
Written by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
No Description Available.
One hundred and twelve years before the heyday of the da Vinci, Montgomery Scott took an assignment to the Romulan Neutral Zone to work alongside the crew of the U.S.S. Lovell and her staff from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. But this S.C.E. is much different from the modern version--a down-and-dirty team of technicians given the worst jobs in the fleet. When the repair of one of the Neutral Zone outposts goes horribly wrong, Scotty and the nascent S.C.E. team must work together to keep the outpost in one piece...
Three years later, the Starship Enterprise encountered--and deactivated--a world-running computer called Landru on Beta III. In the aftermath of the incident, a team of engineers, led by Montgomery Scott, is tasked with getting Beta III back on its feet. But even in "death", Landru's influence can still be felt...
An engineering accident on an experimental Kelvan ship, seven years later, sent Scotty and an S.C.E. team led by his old friend Commander Mahmud al-Khaled into uncharted space. When a group of hostile aliens demand that they leave or face the consequences, the S.C.E. must work against the clock to repair the ship or face destruction!
Das Cover ist auf jeden Fall schon mal absolut genial, nicht dieser Heyne-Einheitsbrei. Mal abwarten ob der Inhalt da mithalten kann.
Etwas irritierend finde ich die Tatsache, das jetzt scheinbar nur noch 3 ebook-Bände pro Sammelband rauskommen, bislang waren es 4...