ich habe es letzte Woche erfahren: Habe die Reihe sofort abonniert! Bekam auch gleich darauf eine Bestätigung. Allerdings auch ohne Release - Datum. In Memory-Alpha.org steht dieses:
"Despite a lack of information on the line's Facebook page, the first German-language issue reached retail in Germany in February 2014. An official website was launched at the same time but it has not been promoted by Eaglemoss. It is presently unclear if this release is a test marketing run similar to the line's launches in the UK and Japan."

ich habe es letzte Woche erfahren: Habe die Reihe sofort abonniert! Bekam auch gleich darauf eine Bestätigung. Allerdings auch ohne Release - Datum. In Memory-Alpha.org steht dieses:
"Despite a lack of information on the line's Facebook page, the first German-language issue reached retail in Germany in February 2014. An official website was launched at the same time but it has not been promoted by Eaglemoss. It is presently unclear if this release is a test marketing run similar to the line's launches in the UK and Japan."
