In einem kürzlichen Interview hat Kurtzman einiges zu zukünftigen Planungen durchsickern lassen, das Diskussionsstoff liefern dürfte:
Enterprise habe gezeigt, dass die Holodeck-Lösung machbar sei, aber in Disco soll sie im größeren Maßstab angewendet werden. Das würde TOS, TNG und DS9 zwar dekanonisieren, jedoch nicht abwerten. Außerdem könnte man so bekannte Charaktere wie Wesley Crusher zurückbringen.
Ich würde ja Picards Brandrede aus First Contact zitieren, aber die ist wohl bald Non-Canon.
Kurtzman: You know, they (Berman & Braga) did that on Enterprise, which was pretty cool ... we could do it bigger though. Actually, we've already shown in season 1, that Discovery does have holotech and we plan to build on that ... making it bigger, you know.
Frage: So you are saying TOS, TNG, DS9 would not be part of the Star Trek Canon anymore?
Kurtzman: Um, well not really, but I don't think it would take anything away from the other series. Even a holodeck-adventure can be fun and... um... get you inspired and stuff, right? It's also an awesome opportunity to bring back some beloved characters. Enterprise had Riker and Troi, we were thinking about Wesley. Bryan (Fuller) really loves Wesley ("laughs"). Besides, Will Wheaton is such a wonderful human being ... a true geek icon. Fans will love it!
Frage: So you are saying TOS, TNG, DS9 would not be part of the Star Trek Canon anymore?
Kurtzman: Um, well not really, but I don't think it would take anything away from the other series. Even a holodeck-adventure can be fun and... um... get you inspired and stuff, right? It's also an awesome opportunity to bring back some beloved characters. Enterprise had Riker and Troi, we were thinking about Wesley. Bryan (Fuller) really loves Wesley ("laughs"). Besides, Will Wheaton is such a wonderful human being ... a true geek icon. Fans will love it!
Enterprise habe gezeigt, dass die Holodeck-Lösung machbar sei, aber in Disco soll sie im größeren Maßstab angewendet werden. Das würde TOS, TNG und DS9 zwar dekanonisieren, jedoch nicht abwerten. Außerdem könnte man so bekannte Charaktere wie Wesley Crusher zurückbringen.
Ich würde ja Picards Brandrede aus First Contact zitieren, aber die ist wohl bald Non-Canon.
