Ashley Judd (Robin Lefler) hat aauch nach "The Game" eine erfolgreiche Karriere in Hollywood hingelegt (OK, ich geb zu, so bekannt ist sie nicht, aber man hat sie sicher schon mal gesehen), sie hatte in "Die Jury" und "Heat" Nebenrollen und in "Das Auge" und "Dopelmord" Hauptrollen.
Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Christian Slater in Star Trek VI ??? [Gastrollen in ST]
Unser allseits beliebter Wil Wheatonhat auch schon mal die Hauptrolle in Outer Limts gespielt, und das war die coolste Outer Limits Folge, die ich je gesehen habe! Vielleicht kennt sie ja noch einer...ganz am Ende sorgt Wesley dafür, dass der letzte Supersprengkopf, der die Menschheit noch retten könnte vor der Invasion durch Außerirdische, aus Versehen auf die Erde abgefeuert wird! Uuuupsiii
Aber die Folge war echt gut, er dachte bis zum Ende er tut das richtige... ein tragischer Held..."Also wahrscheinlich werde ich heute abend defnitiv nicht zurückschreiben können..."
"Da werd' ich vielleicht wahrscheinlich ganz sicher möglicherweise definitiv mit klarkommen."
Member der NO-Connection!!
Wil Wheaton hat auch einmal in einer Stephen King Verfilmung mitgespielt: das Buch heisst "Die Leich" AFAIK, aber der Film hatte einen englischen Titel, irgendwas mit Summer.....
Weiss leider den ganzen Titel nicht mehr. Der Film ist schon älter, da war Wheaton nach ca. 12 Jahre alt oder jünger.Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
Makes perfect sense.
Das war "Stand by me- Das Geheimnis eines Sommers", wo Wil mit drei seiner Freunde in den Wald auszieht, um eine Leiche zu finden. Ich glaub in dem Film ging es auch um den Verlust der Kindheit.
Na ja, cool war die Szene, wo Wil ein Blutegel in seiner Unterhose findet."Also wahrscheinlich werde ich heute abend defnitiv nicht zurückschreiben können..."
"Da werd' ich vielleicht wahrscheinlich ganz sicher möglicherweise definitiv mit klarkommen."
Member der NO-Connection!!
Originalbeitrag von Data1701
Hey, kennt ihr >Eine himmlische Familie>?? (di, 20.15 VOX)
das ehepaar campden (oder so) ist einmal Stephen Collins (Capt.Decker aus Star Trek I) und seine Frau ist Catherine Hicks (die Frau aus Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home).
Aber Hicks hat noch die selbe Artikulation wie in ST2
Ach ja - William "Kirk" Shatner hatte mal nen Auftritt in "Columbo" - war echt gut
So ist es....
Außerdem noch in:
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) (voice) .... Atlantian King
Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000) (voice) .... Akron/Baraka/King Chandra
First Men on the Moon, The (1999) (V) .... The inventor
Rashi: A Light After the Dark Ages (1999) (voice) .... Rashi
Story of Computer Graphics, The (1999) (voice) .... Narrator
"Invasion America" (1998) TV Series (voice) .... General Konrad
Armageddon: Target Earth (1998) .... Narrator
Brave New World (1998) (TV) .... Mustapha Mond
David (1997) (TV) .... Samuel
... aka Bibel - David, Die (1997) (TV) (Germany)
Life Apart: Hasidism in America, A (1997) (voice) .... Narrator
Trekkies (1997) .... Himself
Carpati: 50 Miles, 50 Years (1996) .... Narrator
Jellies & Other Ocean Drifters (1996) .... Narrator
Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond (1996) (TV) .... Himself
Science Fiction: A Journey Into the Unknown (1995) (TV) .... Himself
... aka Museum of Television & Radio Presents: Science Fiction: A Journey Into the Unknown, The (1995) (TV)
William Shatner's Star Trek Memories (1995) (V) .... Himself
Bonanza: Under Attack (1995) (TV) .... Frank James
Destiny in Space (1994) (voice) .... Narrator
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1994) (VG) (voice) .... Spock
Pagemaster, The (1994) (voice) .... Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Halloween Tree, The (1993) (voice) .... Mr. Moundshroud
Greenhouse Gamble (1992) .... Host
New York Stock Exchange: A Portrait (1992) (TV) .... Host
Titanica (1992) .... Narrator
Twenty-Five Year Mission Tour, The (1992) (V) .... Himself
... aka 25-Year Mission, The (1992) (V) (USA: video box title)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special (1991) (TV) .... Host
Never Forget (1991) (TV) .... Mel Mermelstein
Bangles Greatest Hits (1990) (V) (uncredited) .... Driver
Transformers: The Movie, The (1986) (voice) .... Galvatron
... aka Matrix Forever (1989) (Japan)
... aka Transformers the Movie: Mokushiroku Matrix yo eien ni (1989) (Japan: video title)
... aka Transformers, The (1986)
... aka Transformers: Matrix yo eien ni (1989) (Japan)
"Sun Also Rises, The" (1984) (mini) TV Series .... Count Mippipopolous
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp (1984) (TV) .... Evil Magician
"Marco Polo" (1982) (mini) TV Series .... Achmet
Woman Called Golda, A (1982) (TV) .... Morris Meyerson
Leonard Nimoy Demonstrates the Magnavision Videodisc Player (1981) (V) .... Himself
Seizure: The Story of Kathy Morris (1980) (TV) .... Dr. Richard Connought
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) .... Dr. David Kibner
"Coral Jungle, The" (1976) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
"In Search of" (1976) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
Missing Are Deadly, The (1974) (TV) .... Dr. Durov
... aka "Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, The" (1973) (USA: video box title)
... aka "Star Trek: The Animated Adventures" (1973) (USA)
... aka "Star Trek: The Animated Series" (1973)
Alpha Caper, The (1973) (TV) .... Mitch
... aka Inside Job (1973) (TV) (UK: theatrical title)
Columbo: A Stitch in Crime (1973) (TV) .... Dr. Barry Mayfield
Baffled! (1972) (TV) .... Tom Kovack
Catlow (1971) .... Miller
... aka Oro de nadie, El (1971) (Spain)
Assault on the Wayne (1971) (TV) .... Commander Phil Kettenring
"Mission: Impossible" (1966) TV Series .... Paris (1969-1971)
Deathwatch (1966) .... Jules LaFranc
Valley of Mystery (1966) (TV) .... Spence Atherton
... aka Stranded (1966) (TV)
Star Trek: Where No Man Has Gone Before (1966) (TV) .... Mr. Spock
Seven Days in May (1964) (uncredited)
Balcony, The (1963) .... Rebel leader
"General Hospital" (1963) TV Series .... Bernie (1963)
Brain Eaters, The (1958) (as Leonard Nemoy) .... Professor Cole
... aka Brain Snatchers, The (1958)
... aka Keepers of the Earth (1958)
... aka Keepers, The (1958/I)
Satan's Satellites (1958) .... Narab
Them! (1954) (uncredited) .... Staff Sergeant (Telex operator)
Old Overland Trail (1953) .... Black Hawk
Francis Goes to West Point (1952) .... Cadet
Kid Monk Baroni (1952) .... Paul 'Monk' Baroni
... aka Young Paul Baroni (1952) (UK)
Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952) .... Narab
Queen for a Day (1951) .... Chief
... aka Horsie (1951)
Rhubarb (1951) (uncredited) .... Young ballplayer
Weiters hatte er noch Gastauftritte in:
"Becker" (1998) playing "Prof. Emmett Fowler" 2001
"Futurama" (1999) playing "Himself"(voice) in episode: "Space Pilot 3000" (episode # 1.1) 3/28/1999
"Duckman" (1994) playing "Himself" in episode: "Where No Duckman Has Gone Before" (episode # 4.27) 8/23/1997
"Simpsons, The" (1989) playing "Himself"(voice) in episode: "Springfield Files, The" (episode # 8.10) 1/12/1997
"Muppets Tonight!" (1996) playing "Himself" 3/15/1996
"Outer Limits, The" (1995) playing "Thurman Cutler" in episode: "I Robot" (episode # 1.18) 7/23/1995
"Simpsons, The" (1989) playing "Himself"(voice) in episode: "Marge vs. the Monorail" (episode # 4.12) 1/14/1993
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (1993) playing "Spock" in episode: "Trials and Tribble-ations" (episode # 5.6)
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987) playing "Ambassador Spock" in episode: "Unification: Part 2" (episode # 5.8) 11/9/1991
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987) playing "Ambassador Spock" in episode: "Unification: Part 1" (episode # 5.7) 11/2/1991
"T.J. Hooker" (1982) playing "Paul McGuire" in episode: "Vengeance is Mine" (episode # 2.21) 2/5/1983
"Night Gallery" (1970) playing "Henry Auden" in episode: "She'll Be Company for You" (episode # 3.10) 12/24/1972
"Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "John Walking Fox" in episode: "Treasure of John Walking Fox" (episode # 11.29) 4/16/1966
"Get Smart" (1965) playing "KAOS Hitman" in episode: "Dead Spy Scrawls, The" (episode # 1.18) 1/22/1966
"Man Called Shenandoah, A" (1965) in episode: "Run, Killer, RUn" (episode # 1.17) 1/10/1966
"Combat!" (1962) playing "Baum" in episode: "Raider, The" (episode # 4.16) 12/28/1965
"Virginian, The" (1962) in episode: "Man of Violence" (episode # 2.14) 12/25/1965
"Virginian, The" (1962) in episode: "Show Me a Hero" (episode # 4.9) 11/17/1965
"Virginian, The" (1962) in episode: "Showdown, The" (episode # 3.29) 4/14/1965
"Man from U.N.C.L.E., The" (1964) in episode: "Project Strigas Affair, The" (episode # 1.9) 11/24/1964
"Outer Limits, The" (1963) playing "Judson Ellis" in episode: "I, Robot" (episode # 2.8) 11/14/1964
"Outer Limits, The" (1963) playing "Konig" in episode: "Production and Decay of Strange Particles" (episode # 1.29) 4/20/1964
"Lieutenant, The" (1963) in episode: "In the Highest Tradition" 1964
"Combat!" (1962) playing "Neumann" in episode: "Wounded Don't Cry, The" (episode # 2.6) 10/22/1963
"Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "Holt" in episode: "I Call Him Wonder" (episode # 8.28) 3/23/1963
"Perry Mason" (1957) playing "Pete Chenery" in episode: "Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe, The" (episode # 6.13) 1/3/1963
"Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "Arnie" in episode: "Search, The" (episode # 8.1) 9/15/1962
"Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "Grice" in episode: "Man a Day, A" (episode # 7.14) 12/30/1961
"Twilight Zone, The" (1959) playing "Hansen" in episode: "Quality of Mercy, A" (episode # 3.15) 12/29/1961
"Two Faces West" (1960) in episode: "Doctor's Orders" (episode # 1.32) 6/5/1961
"Wagon Train" (1957) in episode: "Tiburcio Mendez Story, The" (episode # 4.26) 3/22/1961
"Tall Man, The" (1960) in episode: "Gun Is for Killing, A" (episode # 1.18) 1/14/1961
"Untouchables, The" (1959) playing "Packy" in episode: "Takeover" 1961
"Bonanza" (1959) playing "Freddy" in episode: "Ape, The" (episode # 2.14) 12/17/1960
"Rebel, The" (1959) in episode: "Hunted, The" (episode # 2.8) 11/6/1960
"Tall Man, The" (1960) in episode: "Bounty for Billy, A" (episode # 1.6) 10/15/1960
"Tate" (1960) in episode: "Comanche Scalps" (episode # 1.7) 8/10/1960
"Rawhide" (1959) playing "Anko" in episode: "Incident before Black Pass" (episode # 3.27) 5/19/1960
"Wagon Train" (1957) in episode: "Maggie Hamilton Story, The" (episode # 3.26) 4/6/1960
"Tombstone Territory" (1957) in episode: "Horse Thief, The" (episode # 3.6) 11/13/1959
"Wagon Train" (1957) in episode: "Estaban Zamora Story, The" (episode # 3.4) 10/21/1959
"Colt .45" (1957) in episode: "Night of Decision" (episode # 2.13) 6/28/1959
"Rough Riders, The" (1958) in episode: "Gunpoint Persuasion" (episode # 1.30) 4/30/1959
"Dragnet" (1952) playing "Karlo Rozwadowski" in episode: "Big Name, The" (episode # 8.264) 3/31/1959
"26 Men" (1957) in episode: "Trail of Revenge" (episode # 2.15) 1/13/1959
"West Point" (1956) in episode: "Cold Peril" (episode # 1.28) 4/12/1957
"West Point" (1956) in episode: "His Brother's Fist" (episode # 1.7) 11/16/1956
"Dragnet" (1952) playing "Julius Carver" in episode: "Big Boys, The" (episode # 3.68) 1/21/1954
"This Is the Life" (1952)
Kann es sei dass im neuen Kinofilm "Ey mann, wo ist mein Auto" Brent Spiner alias Data eine Nebenrolle hatte? Der Franzose Pierre sah verdächtig so aus wie er. Nur leider hab ich den Abspann verpasst. War er es oder täusche ich mich da?Zuletzt geändert von Microborg; 04.04.2001, 13:50."General, Sir! Sie haben Teal'c entlarvt!" :alien3:
Ja, er Brent Spiner hat in dem Film mitgespielt!
Beweis: Hier:,+Brent