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    Hier sind einmal die ersten drei Moviemistakes:
    (Bitte bemerken: Es könnten Fehlermeldungen vorhanden sein, die Informationen über Nemesis enthalten - Spoiler)

    1) Where are all of the cool weapons and armour that Captain Janeway brought with her from the future at the end of "Star Trek Voyager"?

    2) In the scene where Data is downloading his info to B-4, when the camera sweeps to show Data, the yellow-green contact in his left eye is crooked.

    3) At the finale of DS9, Worf resigns his commision in StarFleet, in order to accept the position of Ambassador to the Klingon Empire (people in Ambassadorial positions can't be in StarFleet simultaneously). Yet, at the wedding reception, Worf was in a formal StarFleet uniform. He should have been wearing formal ambassadorial cothing. Likewise, back on Enterprise E, he should have been wearing civilian clothing, NOT a standard uniform (complete with rank insignia). Also, he is no longer the tactical officer for Enterprise E. What happened to Enterprise's tactical officer? Why was Worf manning his console BEFORE anyone died? I can see Worf taking over after there's been a problem and someone is injured/dead, but before?


      Ich hoffe ihr seid durch...

      1) The Enterprise rams the Scimitar, and the two ships get stuck together. The Scimitar pushes it into reverse and the two ships seperate. But, since there's nothing holding the Enterprise in place, why did they seperate? The Scimitar should have just dragged it.

      2) When Data and Picard meet up on the bridge near the end of the movie, they just stare at each other for a long time while the machine that's about to destroy the Enterprise counts down. Why isn't Picard, the Captain of his ship, doing everything he can to protect it? Even if he's in shock from killing his clone, Data is an android and his emotion chip is turned off in this movie. There's no reason he shouldn't realize the urgency of the situation, transport Picard to safety, and destroy the machine well before it's done counting down. Instead, he waits until literally the last second.
      3) Since emergency transporters are only about the size of a quarter, why didn't Picard take one with him when he went to Shinzon's ship at the end of the movie?


        Und noch einmal...

        1) Just after Geordi has finished downloading Data's memories to B4, Data unhooks the cable from his look-alike. He then notices a small collection of circuts on the back of B4's neck and askes Geordi what they are. Geordi states that it is redundant memory. As Data is a positronic lifeform, why wouldn't he know this?

        2) When the Viceroy jumps into a Jeffries tube Riker yells for Worf to cover him so he can follow the Viceroy. Worf jumps foward and to the ground and starts shooting and Riker runs right in front of him while Worf is firing his Phaser rifle. Riker's legs should've been blown off.

        3) When the viewscreen of the Enterprise is blown away, leaving just a hole in the hull for the crew to look through, all you can see is space. The bridge of the Enterprise is on the top of the saucer section. You would have been able to see half of the saucer section from that hole.


          1) After Picard and Data take refuge in the Scimitar shuttlebay, Picard is able to fire a steady beam from his disruptor rifle to weld the doors shut, without changing the setting on his Reman rifle.

          2) For all his intelligence, Data doesn't seem to be very smart, when it comes to security. They find an android on an alien planet near the Neutral Zone, one that seems to be a Soong-built prototype for Data, but they don't know how it got there. Why does Data think it's a good idea to download all his memories to the strange android? Sentimentality aside, Data has said on many occasions that his loyalty to Starfleet transcends all else. Wouldn't that include keeping his knowledge of how to secretly access the Enterprise's computers to himself?

          3) Worf holds the rank Lt. Commander in this movie. He was made the ambassador to Kronos at the end of DS9. His presence in the movie could be explained by his friendship with Troi and Riker, but his friendship would be no cause for demotion.


            1) During the desert chase scene, Picard and Data lose, then regain their sunglasses.

            2) In the latter half of the movie, Picard looks at a picture of himself from his days as a Starfleet Academy cadet while Beverly looks on too. This picture is actually the actor Tom Hardy (Shinzon, Picard's clone) and he appears with a completely bald/shaved head. Showing Picard bald as a cadet completely contradicts the TNG series. In the TNG episode 'Tapestry', a flashback set in 2327 (the year Picard graduated from the Academy), Picard is shown with a full head of hair. Also, in the TNG episode 'Violations', a flashback set in 2354 shows Picard with a partial head of hair when he takes Beverly to see her dead husband Jack's body. It's possible that Picard could have chosen to shave his head during his Academy days, but not very likely.

            3) When Shinzon is impaled with the spike at the end of the movie, only the tip of the spike is covered with blood. If he is impaled, the whole thing should be drenched.


              1) When Picard decided to use Enterprise to ram Shinzon's ship, why didn't he order crew and personnel out of the forward sections on the saucer decks to safety in the rear sections? Even a trititanium hull isn't so strong that it won't be damaged by physically running into something. Picard should know this since in Star Trek: Generations the saucer section of Enterprise 1701-D was destroyed when it crashed on the planet Veridian III.

              2) LaForge tells Picard that the Scimitar's shields are at 70%. Picard then orders him to do a site-to-site transport from the bridge of the Enterprise to the other ship. If the Scimitar's shields are still up, how is this possible?

              3) Groups of phaser rifle wielding men shoot at each other from three feet away and miss repeatedly. Yet at the end of the film, Picard, who earlier couldn't hit a barn door with his Reman rifle, turns into Little Annie Oakley and takes out half a dozen Remans with one shot apiece.


                Wenn ihr noch mehr Fehler wissen wollt, dann besucht einfach die Seite, die ich euch angegeben habe...


                  @Eendy: Was machst du denn da? Es gibt eine Edit Funktion.

                  Ich bitte mal einen Mod die 8 Beiträge zu einem zusammezufassen.

                  Original geschrieben von Lt. Cmdr Lin

                  Wer sagt das? So weit ich informiert bin, hat J.M. Dillard das Drehbuch von Logan in die Hand gedrückt bekommen und umgesetzt… So war es auch mit den anderen Büchern von den TNG Movies.

                  P.S.: Meld' dich doch mal wieder bei mir
                  Ja dies stimmt, das Dillard das Drehbuch hatte jedoch steht doch auch im Buch, dass Beverly 1st Medical von Starfleet wurde. Und man sieht das nicht im Film somit sind im Buch Canon und Noncanon Elemente.


                    @Eendy: Teilweise mögen das wirkliche Filmfehler sein, den meisten kann ich sofort aber wiedersprechen und die anderen wurden hier oder in anderen Beiträgen bereits angesprochen.

                    In übrigen gibt es diese "Fehler" auch, wie ich bereits postete, auf deutsch unter Movie-Mistakes


                      Logic.. dazu gilt dass auch die Movie und Episoden Bücher nicht 100% Canon sind

                      Danke Paramount
                      »We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody!«


                        In "Ein Planet genannt Erde" (TOS) wird der Start einer "Atomrakete" gezeigt. Das ist aber nicht wirklich eine Atomrakete, sondern die Saturn V mit einer Apollo-Kapsel, also einer bemannten Kapsel. Erennen kann man das an der Notrakete an der Spitze, die definitiv auf keinem Atomsprengkopf zu finden ist. Auch sind Atomraketen meines Wissens keine mehrstufigen Flukörper und erreichen auch keine Flughöhen von über 500 Meilen (>800 km). Just for Info: Das Hubble-Teleskop hat schon nur eine Umlaufbahn von 600 km Höhe.
                        Für meine Königin, die so reich wäre, wenn es sie nicht gäbe ;)
                        endars Katze sagt: “nur geradeaus” Rover Over
                        Klickt für Bananen!
                        Der süßeste Mensch der Welt


                          grade eben in Voyager: Am Ende der Simulation wird das Shuttle von 2 Jem'Hadar-Schiffen angegriffen (IMO ist die EInstellung aus der DS9-Folge The Jem'Hadar) das überhaupt möglich, waren die vor dem Start der Voyager schon bekannt?


                            Original geschrieben von Sternengucker
                            Logic.. dazu gilt dass auch die Movie und Episoden Bücher nicht 100% Canon sind

                            Danke Paramount
                            Das habe ich doch mit meinem Post gesagt ;-)


                              Original geschrieben von Dax
                              grade eben in Voyager: Am Ende der Simulation wird das Shuttle von 2 Jem'Hadar-Schiffen angegriffen (IMO ist die EInstellung aus der DS9-Folge The Jem'Hadar) das überhaupt möglich, waren die vor dem Start der Voyager schon bekannt?
                              Als die Voyager startete, lief parallel die DS9-Folge "Die Suche", als Auftakt der dritten Staffel.
                              Da aber im FInale der 2. Staffel bereits ein Jem Hadar Schiff zu sehen ist, und zwar wie es in die Odyssee rast, ist davon auszugehen, dass ein solches Schiff in der Datenbank eines fabrikneuen Raumschiffs bereits integriert ist -> kein Fehler.

                              Billig fand ich es aber auch, da wie du schon richtig ahntest die Szene aus "Die Suche" 1:1 kopiert wurde.


                                Original geschrieben von Zefram

                                Billig fand ich es aber auch, da wie du schon richtig ahntest die Szene aus "Die Suche" 1:1 kopiert wurde.
                                Sowas wurde in Star Trek aber schon öfters gemacht. Um ein weiteres Beispiel am Rande zu nennen: Im TNG-Finale. Als Picard in die Vergangenheit (2364) zurückreist und das Schiff dort eigentlich auf Q treffen müsste. Dann spricht Picard mit Riker, um diesen mitzuteilen, seine Abholung würde sich verzögern. Wer genau hinsieht erkennt, dass es exakt die selbe Szene aus "Die Waffenhändler" ist, als Riker mitgeteilt bekommt, es wären außer ihm keine anderen Lebenszeichen zu registrieren. Und außerdem sieht man hinter Riker Captain Rice stehen. (Da hat vmtl. wohl einer geschlafen, als man die Szene für den "Dialog" in "Gestern, Heute, Morgen" raussuchte...)

