Wer seid ihr wirklich? Kirk? Sisko? Kira? Wer? - SciFi-Forum


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Wer seid ihr wirklich? Kirk? Sisko? Kira? Wer?

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    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ESFJ (Extrovert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Leonard McCoy.

    People like you are generally concerned about others and work hard to be of service. You're friendly, affectionate, outgoing and talkative. You're polite when it's appropriate, willing to take risks to help others, and cooperative, especially when you perceive that you're part of a team. You enjoy action, but you're a realist and quite literal. You're also organized and responsible. You love things that are time-honored.

    You're conscientious, almost to a fault at times. You're very sensitive to others and get your feelings hurt easily.

    Your primary goal in life is creating exceptional relationships and helping people in tangible, practical ways. Your reward is to be appreciated and relied upon, as well as to respected, particularly in regards to your ethics.

    Good careers for your type include personal fitness trainer, exercise physiologist, travel agent, innkeeper, veterinarian, and employee assistance counselor.
    "They say that time is the fire in which we burn, right now captain my time is running out, we leave so many things unfinished in our lives. I know you understand."


      Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Beverly Crusher and Chakotay.

      People like you are generally highly nurturing and caring. You're gentle and thoughtful, but also cautious, especially about exposing your inner self. You're highly protective of your privacy and share yourself with others as a sign of love. Once comfortable, however, you are quite affectionate. You also desire steady and unstinting love in return.

      Ich weiß nicht, soll ich mich freuen oder ärgern? So hätte ich mich selbst nicht eingeschätzt.
      Naja, hätte schlimmer kommen können.



        Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISTJ (Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Spock and Miles O'Brien.

        People like you are generally logical, honest and upfront. You get impatient with phonies and people who are disorganized, though you keep your reactions to yourself, as you're usually cautious and quiet, though not timid. Others find you reliable and will count on your being there in times of need.You make a loyal and responsible friend, though only when others remember that you're conservative in nature

        Ich denke damit kann man leben. Ist übrigens schon der zweite Test, der meint, das ich wie Spock wäre.
        Los, Zauberpony!
        "Bin solch erzgutes Geschöpf und habe nun schon drei Menschen ermordet! Und unter den dreien zwei Priester."


          Ich gehöre dann auch in die Abteilung der Allmächtigen Materialisten:

          Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ENTJ (Extravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Q and Quark.

          Das werden jetzt etwas viele!
          Planung ist die Ersetzung des Zufalls durch den Irrtum!
          Bilder vom 1. und 4.Treffen


            Original geschrieben von Noulder

            Das werden jetzt etwas viele!
            Da es nur 16 verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt, würde ich mal vermuten, dass das so sein muss, dass mehrer dasselbe Ergebnis haben


              Natürlich, aber wer kann so viele Allmächtige Aliens verkraften, wir müssen und halt wie die Normalen Q gegenseitig kontrollieren.
              Planung ist die Ersetzung des Zufalls durch den Irrtum!
              Bilder vom 1. und 4.Treffen

