Anscheinend hat nun fast jeder Sender außer Syfy seine eigene Scifi-Serie im Gepäck. 
Spaß beiseite, letztens ist der erste Trailer der von Steven Spielberg produzierten Serie, die irgendwann 2011 auf TNT ausgestrahlt werden soll erschienen:
YouTube - Falling Skies - First Trailer
Quelle: Falling Skies - All That We Know Thanks To Comic-Con
Nichts für mich. Der Trailer allein trieft vor Pathos und den ureigensten amerikanischen Familienwerten. Vielleicht findet ihr Gefallen daran?

Spaß beiseite, letztens ist der erste Trailer der von Steven Spielberg produzierten Serie, die irgendwann 2011 auf TNT ausgestrahlt werden soll erschienen:
YouTube - Falling Skies - First Trailer
The series picks up about six months after an unknown, incomprehensible alien race with their death machines wipe out 80 percent of the world’s population and follow the humans' efforts to survive and eventually fight back. The extraterrestrial baddies attack and destroied the world’s infrastructure, electronic communications and power grids for the most popular strategic military targets, trying to disrupt the essence of human existence. Washington D.C. is gone. The world is turned back to a sort of 19th century context. "We basically have to construct society all over again. There are no rules. There's no law, military or otherwise".
And humans have to figure out what to do because the aliens are unlike anything they’ve ever seen before.”The first step is to figure out if there a way to get back these things.”
The pilot is "about this large group of people, splitting up in hope they can beat them" with better strategy. The characters have no idea about other possible groups, who survived, just heard rumours of other pockets of resistance. They are isolated. The audience doesn't know more than the characters: they both "walk in the dark and learn as we go". They will both discover new information as the series continues.
And humans have to figure out what to do because the aliens are unlike anything they’ve ever seen before.”The first step is to figure out if there a way to get back these things.”
The pilot is "about this large group of people, splitting up in hope they can beat them" with better strategy. The characters have no idea about other possible groups, who survived, just heard rumours of other pockets of resistance. They are isolated. The audience doesn't know more than the characters: they both "walk in the dark and learn as we go". They will both discover new information as the series continues.
Nichts für mich. Der Trailer allein trieft vor Pathos und den ureigensten amerikanischen Familienwerten. Vielleicht findet ihr Gefallen daran?