Zitat von transportermalfunction
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RIKER: Captain. I suggest we beam a repair crew aboard the Array. We can begin downloading their imaging logs, find out what the Array's been observing for the past six days.
LAFORGE: Worf, here's a propulsion analysis of the Cardassian ship. You might try scanning for its energy configuration.
CRUSHER: Any nausea or blurred vision?
WORF: No. However, I did experience some dizziness earlier today at my birthday celebration.
CRUSHER: Sounds like you're having some of the side effects from the concussion. I can give you some vertazine for the dizziness but I'd like you to rest.
WORF: Doctor, perhaps you are thinking of another patient. I have no concussion.
CRUSHER: Worf, you came in here this morning complaining of ringing in your ears. I scanned you. You had a concussion. You don't remember any of this?
CRUSHER: Temporary memory loss is common for this kind of injury. Do you remember telling me about the Bat'leth tournament? You said that one of the competitors hit you over the head. That's why you lost the match.
WORF: I won that tournament. And I can prove it to you.
WORF: No. However, I did experience some dizziness earlier today at my birthday celebration.
CRUSHER: Sounds like you're having some of the side effects from the concussion. I can give you some vertazine for the dizziness but I'd like you to rest.
WORF: Doctor, perhaps you are thinking of another patient. I have no concussion.
CRUSHER: Worf, you came in here this morning complaining of ringing in your ears. I scanned you. You had a concussion. You don't remember any of this?
CRUSHER: Temporary memory loss is common for this kind of injury. Do you remember telling me about the Bat'leth tournament? You said that one of the competitors hit you over the head. That's why you lost the match.
WORF: I won that tournament. And I can prove it to you.
DATA: Lieutenant, have you completed the metallurgical scan of the Array?
WORF: Sir?
DATA: The metallurgical scan. Have you completed it?
WORF: Sir?
DATA: The metallurgical scan. Have you completed it?
DATA: Direct hit. Engineering Section and deck forty two. Shield generators are overloading.
PICARD: Number One.
RIKER: (taking over tactical) Firing photon torpedoes. Full spread.
RIKER: Direct hit on their main reactor. They're returning fire.
DATA: Captain, we have sustained heavy damage to the deflector systems. Hull breaches on decks seventeen and thirty six.
PICARD: Number One.
RIKER: (taking over tactical) Firing photon torpedoes. Full spread.
RIKER: Direct hit on their main reactor. They're returning fire.
DATA: Captain, we have sustained heavy damage to the deflector systems. Hull breaches on decks seventeen and thirty six.
DATA: I am initiating a subspace scan to search for temporal anomalies on or off the ship.
DATA: I am detecting no temporal anomalies in this system. Perhaps we should try to pinpoint the exact moment when events became discontinuous. Do you remember the first change?
DATA: I am detecting no temporal anomalies in this system. Perhaps we should try to pinpoint the exact moment when events became discontinuous. Do you remember the first change?
DATA: There do not appear to be any unusual readings. Energy residuals from the plasma burns, the beginnings of cellular decomposition. I see nothing that connects these bio-readings to your recent sense of discontinuity.
DATA: I am detecting a quantum flux in your cellular RNA.
WORF: What does that mean?
DATA: I do not know. I will have to analyse these readings.
WORF: What does that mean?
DATA: I do not know. I will have to analyse these readings.
DATA: I have found the quantum flux in Worf's cellular RNA extends to the subatomic level. It is asynchronous with normal matter. In essence, Captain, Mister Worf does not belong in our universe.
RIKER: What?
DATA: All matter in the universe resonates on a quantum level with a unique signature. That signature is constant. It cannot be changed through any known process. It is the basic foundation of existence.
RIKER: Are you saying that Worf's quantum signature is different from ours?
DATA: Yes, sir. I cannot explain it. It is as if he originates from a different quantum universe.
RIKER: What?
DATA: All matter in the universe resonates on a quantum level with a unique signature. That signature is constant. It cannot be changed through any known process. It is the basic foundation of existence.
RIKER: Are you saying that Worf's quantum signature is different from ours?
DATA: Yes, sir. I cannot explain it. It is as if he originates from a different quantum universe.
WESLEY: Captain, I'm picking up a minor subspace disturbance off the port bow.
RIKER: Full stop.
RIKER: Full stop.
DATA: It appears to be a quantum fissure in the space-time continuum.
RIKER: On screen.
DATA: The anomaly cannot be seen, but I believe I can enhance it with a warp field to make it visible.
(a blue glow appears)
RIKER: On screen.
DATA: The anomaly cannot be seen, but I believe I can enhance it with a warp field to make it visible.
(a blue glow appears)

RIKER: Is it dangerous?
DATA: Not from this distance, sir. I am also detecting an ion trail intersecting the phenomenon. I believe it was left by a Starfleet type six shuttlecraft.
WORF: So I was here.
DATA: I have an explanation, sir.
DATA: Not from this distance, sir. I am also detecting an ion trail intersecting the phenomenon. I believe it was left by a Starfleet type six shuttlecraft.
WORF: So I was here.
DATA: I have an explanation, sir.
DATA: I believe the quantum fissure we discovered is a fixed point across the space time continuum. A keyhole which intersects many other quantum realities.
TROI: What do you mean, quantum realities?
DATA: For any event, there is an infinite number of possible outcomes. Our choices determine which outcomes will follow. But there is a theory in quantum physics that all possibilities that can happen, do happen in alternate quantum realities.
WORF: And somehow I have been shifting from one reality to another.
DATA: That is correct.
TROI: How did this happen?
DATA: When Worf's shuttlecraft came into contact with the quantum fissure, I believe its warp engines caused a small break in the barriers between quantum realties. Worf was thrown into a state of quantum flux. He immediately shifted into other realities.
CRUSHER: And Geordi's visor somehow triggered that effect?
TROI: What do you mean, quantum realities?
DATA: For any event, there is an infinite number of possible outcomes. Our choices determine which outcomes will follow. But there is a theory in quantum physics that all possibilities that can happen, do happen in alternate quantum realities.
WORF: And somehow I have been shifting from one reality to another.
DATA: That is correct.
TROI: How did this happen?
DATA: When Worf's shuttlecraft came into contact with the quantum fissure, I believe its warp engines caused a small break in the barriers between quantum realties. Worf was thrown into a state of quantum flux. He immediately shifted into other realities.
CRUSHER: And Geordi's visor somehow triggered that effect?
DATA: Exactly. The visor uses a subspace field pulse. I believe that whenever Geordi came near Worf, the field pulse intensified the quantum flux and pushed Worf into another reality.

WORF: How can we find my original quantum state and return me to it?
WESLEY: We could scan the quantum fissure using a subspace differential pulse. Maybe we could locate the quantum state that shares Worf's signature and find a way to get him back.
DATA: An excellent idea, Lieutenant.
WESLEY: We could scan the quantum fissure using a subspace differential pulse. Maybe we could locate the quantum state that shares Worf's signature and find a way to get him back.
DATA: An excellent idea, Lieutenant.
WESLEY: I've used a differential pulse to analyze over ten million quantum states within the fissure, but I still haven't found one with your signature. This may take some time, sir.
DATA: Captain, a Bajoran ship is approaching.
RIKER: Red Alert.
WORF: Sir, the Bajorans?
TROI: Ever since the Bajorans overpowered the Cardassian Empire, they've become more and more aggressive.
RIKER: Yesterday they destroyed one of our subspace telescopes because they thought we were using it to spy on them.
WESLEY: They're charging their weapons, sir.
WORF: Shields!
RIKER: Return fire.
WESLEY: They've damaged our power systems, sir. It's caused an energy surge within the subspace pulse. The quantum fissure is beginning to destabilise.
RIKER: Can we disengage the pulse?
WESLEY: Too late, sir.
(the fissure goes rainbow, then more Enterprises pop into this existence)
DATA: Captain, a Bajoran ship is approaching.
RIKER: Red Alert.
WORF: Sir, the Bajorans?
TROI: Ever since the Bajorans overpowered the Cardassian Empire, they've become more and more aggressive.
RIKER: Yesterday they destroyed one of our subspace telescopes because they thought we were using it to spy on them.
WESLEY: They're charging their weapons, sir.
WORF: Shields!
RIKER: Return fire.
WESLEY: They've damaged our power systems, sir. It's caused an energy surge within the subspace pulse. The quantum fissure is beginning to destabilise.
RIKER: Can we disengage the pulse?
WESLEY: Too late, sir.
(the fissure goes rainbow, then more Enterprises pop into this existence)
Das stellt sich mir die Frage, warum man die Anomalie mit einem so gefährlichen Impuls scannt, der die Anomalie destabilisieren kann.
RIKER: What the hell is happening?
DATA: The barriers between quantum realties are breaking down. Other realties are emerging into our own.
('and thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more')
WESLEY: The Bajoran ship is disengaging, sir.
DATA: The rate of quantum incursions is increasing exponentially. At this rate, the sector will be completely filled with Enterprises within three days.
DATA: The barriers between quantum realties are breaking down. Other realties are emerging into our own.
('and thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more')
WESLEY: The Bajoran ship is disengaging, sir.
DATA: The rate of quantum incursions is increasing exponentially. At this rate, the sector will be completely filled with Enterprises within three days.

DATA: It was Worf's shuttlecraft which traversed the fissure and weakened the barriers between quantum realities. If he re-enters the fissure in his original shuttle, and emits a broad spectrum warp field, it may be enough to seal the fissure and stop additional realities from emerging into our own.
RIKER: What then? How do we get the Enterprises that are already here back to where they belong?
DATA: In theory, the act of sealing the fissure should restore the barriers between quantum states. The ships would return to their own realities.
RIKER: What then? How do we get the Enterprises that are already here back to where they belong?
DATA: In theory, the act of sealing the fissure should restore the barriers between quantum states. The ships would return to their own realities.

RIKER: This is Captain Riker of the Enterprise. That is, the Enterprise which is indigenous to this universe. We've all encountered a quantum anomaly. We think we have found a way to return all of us to our proper realities, but we need to find that ship which exhibits a certain quantum signature. Our Mister Data will transmit that signature to you now.
Außerdem gibt es zu jeder Handlung fast unendlich viele Variationen, sodass die Quantensignatur demzufolge unendlich groß sein müsste, damit sie für eine Realität eindeutig ist.
RIKER: Did they send the right shuttle?
DATA: Yes, sir. It matches Commander Worf's quantum signature precisely. I have remodulated the shuttle's engines to emit an inverse warp field. You will need to activate the field at the precise moment you enter the fissure.
DATA: Yes, sir. It matches Commander Worf's quantum signature precisely. I have remodulated the shuttle's engines to emit an inverse warp field. You will need to activate the field at the precise moment you enter the fissure.

RIKER [on viewscreen]: We won't go back. You don't know what it's like in our universe. The Federation's gone, the Borg is everywhere! We're one of the last ships left. Please, you've got to help us!
RIKER: I'm sorry, there's no choice. If this works, everything will return to
RIKER [on viewscreen] No, we won't go back!
(transmission ends)
WESLEY: Sir, they're firing on the shuttlecraft.
RIKER: Open fire. Try to disable them.
WESLEY: Direct hit. Their shields have collapsed. Their engine core is overloading.
RIKER: What happened?
WESLEY: It looks like the ship had already taken heavy damage. Their warp containment field must have been weak.
RIKER: Probably from fighting with the Borg.
DATA: Captain, Worf is entering the fissure.
RIKER: I'm sorry, there's no choice. If this works, everything will return to
RIKER [on viewscreen] No, we won't go back!
(transmission ends)
WESLEY: Sir, they're firing on the shuttlecraft.
RIKER: Open fire. Try to disable them.
WESLEY: Direct hit. Their shields have collapsed. Their engine core is overloading.
RIKER: What happened?
WESLEY: It looks like the ship had already taken heavy damage. Their warp containment field must have been weak.
RIKER: Probably from fighting with the Borg.
DATA: Captain, Worf is entering the fissure.
WORF: Charging primary systems. Initiating inverse warp field.
(there's a flash, there are at least three Worfs in gold and four in red, then Worf in gold is lying on the floor. He gets up)
(there's a flash, there are at least three Worfs in gold and four in red, then Worf in gold is lying on the floor. He gets up)
RIKER: So you think this quantum fissure is nothing that we need to worry about?
WORF: No. No, I believe the inverse warp field resealed it.
WORF: No. No, I believe the inverse warp field resealed it.
So das wars. Am meisten stört mich die Begriffsänderung mitten im Plot von Breitspektrumwarpfeld auf umgekehrtes Warpfeld. Dazu noch zwei neue Impulse, die sonst nie wieder erwähnt wurde: Subraumfeldimpuls und Subraumdifferenzialimpuls.
Ansonsten geht es eigentlich mit Technobabble, aber bei so einem Plot ist Technobabble auch notwendig, um den Zuschauer nicht völlig im Regen stehen zu lassen, damit er nachvollziehen kann, was da genau passiert.