Die sind ja mal gut. Danke für die Bilder und den Link!
@Charon1701: Leider kann ich nirgends genaue Daten über das Schiff finden, ausser:

Sry wegen dem Englisch, aber all dies zu übersetzen wäre dann doch etwas zu viel.
Sollte dies was ich hier gepostet habe ausreichen, würde ich das Schiff gerne nominieren.
@Charon1701: Leider kann ich nirgends genaue Daten über das Schiff finden, ausser:

Faced with both the Cardassian Hutets and the Jem'Hadar Super Cruisers the Federation needed a hard-hitting heavy cruiser that was easier to make than the Sovereign-Class. Starfleet specified a long-range, multi-purpose, heavy cruiser that could penetrate Dominion defenses and strike Strategic installations with little or no escort. The Achilles' exceptional low profile, quickness and armament could pit it against fighter class vessels, heavy cruisers, and small defended installations, specifically K-W production facilities. With the introduction of the Mini-Quantum Torpedo Phalanx weapons systems the Achilles-Class could cripple enemy warships while maintaining target on an enemy objective.

One of the critical strategic problems faced by Starfleet Command, if the Federation was going to win the DOMINION WARS, was that the Federation forces were being spread too thin. Between defending the Federation territory from the Dominion, and keeping a wary eye on the Romulans and trying to go on the offensive against the Dominion, Starfleet found it had too many obligations and too few resources. This problem became even more acute when Starfleet strategists had determined that the 'Achilles Heel' of the Dominion was the dependency of the Jem'Hadar on Ketracel-White. If the Federation- Klingon Alliance could destroy, or even severely threaten, the Ketracel-White facilities the Dominion's Alpha Quadrant Offensive would grind to a halt. Unfortunately the only ships the either Starfleet or the KDF had that could do the job were the Galaxy and Negh'Var class ships. Unescorted long-range strikes against heavily defended multiple targets currently could not be performed by any existing vessel. The Defiant-class with its firepower and cloak had too limited operating range and the Galaxy/ Negh'Var classes, while having the range were too expensive in to be feasible. Neither the Federation nor the Klingons were willing to commit such large fleets required to hit these targets.
To do so would have entailed compromising defense of key Federation and Klingon systems. A new ship of revolutionary design would be required.
Ship designers of Utopia Planitia were up to the change. They not only designed a totally new class ship, the Achilles, they designed and built it in under two years. By adapting current anti-Borg designs to the new threat a ship with revolutionary features that would enable the Achilles to fulfill the role as long-range cruiser with firepower equal to a Sovereign Class cruiser. This was accomplished with the new micro-torpedoes arranged in a 'phalanx' array allows an astoundingly high rate of fire that will cripple any Dominion ship. With the 'broadside' arrangement of the 'phalanx' the Achilles can defend itself against Strike fighters defending the Ketracel-White facilities while it maintains its focus on destroying the target. Redundant warp and impulse nacelles were designed so the Achilles can sustain heavy damage, and still maneuver. Quad rapid-fire Quantum torpedoes and enhanced Pulse Phasers enables the Achilles sufficient firepower to destroy most large fixed targets in one pass. The new retro-thrusters enable the Achilles to maneuver as well as any Class 3, and most Class 2 ships. And finally, the Achilles has an unsupported, self-serviceable range equal to the Galaxy Class exploration vessels that is required to operate effectively behind the Dominion defensive perimeter.
To do so would have entailed compromising defense of key Federation and Klingon systems. A new ship of revolutionary design would be required.
Ship designers of Utopia Planitia were up to the change. They not only designed a totally new class ship, the Achilles, they designed and built it in under two years. By adapting current anti-Borg designs to the new threat a ship with revolutionary features that would enable the Achilles to fulfill the role as long-range cruiser with firepower equal to a Sovereign Class cruiser. This was accomplished with the new micro-torpedoes arranged in a 'phalanx' array allows an astoundingly high rate of fire that will cripple any Dominion ship. With the 'broadside' arrangement of the 'phalanx' the Achilles can defend itself against Strike fighters defending the Ketracel-White facilities while it maintains its focus on destroying the target. Redundant warp and impulse nacelles were designed so the Achilles can sustain heavy damage, and still maneuver. Quad rapid-fire Quantum torpedoes and enhanced Pulse Phasers enables the Achilles sufficient firepower to destroy most large fixed targets in one pass. The new retro-thrusters enable the Achilles to maneuver as well as any Class 3, and most Class 2 ships. And finally, the Achilles has an unsupported, self-serviceable range equal to the Galaxy Class exploration vessels that is required to operate effectively behind the Dominion defensive perimeter.
Sollte dies was ich hier gepostet habe ausreichen, würde ich das Schiff gerne nominieren.
