Zitat von tRife

Hier ist übrigens noch ein sehr interessantes UFO-Bild. Die Oberfläche des Objekts scheint so kalt gewesen zu sein (kälter als -180°C), daß die umgebende Luft verflüssigt zur Erde floss.
UFO above Wyborg, Denmark, 1974, taken by H. Lauersen. This incident was investigated by Maj. Hans Petersen of the Danish Air Force. The vaporizing effect is explained by scientists as being the result of the surface of the UFO being cooler than -180 degrees Celcius. Because of that, the surrounding air becomes liquid and flows toward the Earth, which gives the object its jellyfish-like appearance.
Source / Credit: UFOs: The Secret History, Michael Hesemann
by(e) Spacejay