Ich hab mal im Internet gesucht und den Vertrag von Algeron gefunden leider nicht in Deutsch aber hier ist er von der Seite:
http://members.tripod.de/Quarks unter Datenbank/Gesetze/Vertrag von Algeron (engl.)
Vertrag von Algeron
Negotiated By Subspace Communication Stardate 1200.5
Part I
The terms and conditions having been negotiated and agreed to be
identically understood, the Romulan Star Empire and the United
Federation of Planets mutually pledge each other their solemn
word to immediately cease hostilities between the two parties
effective stardate 1200.5;
Part II
Between the adjacent territorial boundaries of the two parties
there is established a Neutral Zone, seven hundred and fifty
parsecs in width in the galactic longitudinal plane, and extend-
ing to the outer boundary of the galaxy in the vertical plane;
Part III
All persons and facilities of any manner whatsoever identifiable
with either party shall be immediately removed from this zone.
Effective stardate 1210, no persons or facilities of any manner
whatsoever identifiable with either party shall thereafter be
intruded into this zone. The Romulan Star Empire and the United
Federation of Planets mutually pledge to each other to faithfully
maintain the neutrality of this zone thereafter;
Part IV
Any intrusion whatsoever by any person or facility identifiable
with either party into this Neutral Zone shall be considered to
be a hostile action and breach of this peace. In such event an
immediate state of war shall be declared to exist between the
Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets; except
only where:
Part V
Such intrusion by any person or facility identifiable with either
party can be undeniably demonstrated to be the accidental result
of conditions beyond the control of that person or that facility
and did, in fact, occur without hostile intent;
Part VI
To this end, and for purposes of mutual maintenance of this treaty
of peace and this Neutral Zone, the Romulan Star Empire and the
United Federation of Planets agree to keep open and maintain a
constant surveillance of, Subspace Communication Frequency K;
Part VII
I, Praetor Karzan, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim
over Subspace Communication Frequency K, and being identifiable
by voiceprint of this transmission, do hereby certify that I am
Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire with full powers to execute
this treaty on behalf of the Empire;
I, Cristofur Thorpe, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim
over Subspace Communication Frequency K, and being identifiable
by voiceprint of this transmission, do hereby certify that I am
governor of the Federation Council of the United Federation of
Planets with full powers to execute this treaty on behalf of this
Und noch was Deutsches von der Seite http://www.galae-rihanna.com/html/datenbank/vertraege.html
(Der Vertrag von Algeron irgendwie in kurzform)
Friedensvertrag zwischen der Föderation und den Rihannsu, der die Neutralen Zone festlegte. Der Vertrag war 2160 über Subraumfunk ausgehandelt worden und besagte, daß ein Eindringen einer der beiden Seiten in die Zone einen kriegerischen Akt darstellte. Außerdem Verbot der zweite Vertrag von 2311 der Föderation die Entwicklung und Benutzung von Tarnvorrichtungen in ihren Raumschiffen.
Ich denke mit den Rihannsu sind die Romulaner gemeint oder gibt es etwa noch einen Vertrag von Algeron ? Ich meine nicht.
http://members.tripod.de/Quarks unter Datenbank/Gesetze/Vertrag von Algeron (engl.)
Vertrag von Algeron
Negotiated By Subspace Communication Stardate 1200.5
Part I
The terms and conditions having been negotiated and agreed to be
identically understood, the Romulan Star Empire and the United
Federation of Planets mutually pledge each other their solemn
word to immediately cease hostilities between the two parties
effective stardate 1200.5;
Part II
Between the adjacent territorial boundaries of the two parties
there is established a Neutral Zone, seven hundred and fifty
parsecs in width in the galactic longitudinal plane, and extend-
ing to the outer boundary of the galaxy in the vertical plane;
Part III
All persons and facilities of any manner whatsoever identifiable
with either party shall be immediately removed from this zone.
Effective stardate 1210, no persons or facilities of any manner
whatsoever identifiable with either party shall thereafter be
intruded into this zone. The Romulan Star Empire and the United
Federation of Planets mutually pledge to each other to faithfully
maintain the neutrality of this zone thereafter;
Part IV
Any intrusion whatsoever by any person or facility identifiable
with either party into this Neutral Zone shall be considered to
be a hostile action and breach of this peace. In such event an
immediate state of war shall be declared to exist between the
Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets; except
only where:
Part V
Such intrusion by any person or facility identifiable with either
party can be undeniably demonstrated to be the accidental result
of conditions beyond the control of that person or that facility
and did, in fact, occur without hostile intent;
Part VI
To this end, and for purposes of mutual maintenance of this treaty
of peace and this Neutral Zone, the Romulan Star Empire and the
United Federation of Planets agree to keep open and maintain a
constant surveillance of, Subspace Communication Frequency K;
Part VII
I, Praetor Karzan, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim
over Subspace Communication Frequency K, and being identifiable
by voiceprint of this transmission, do hereby certify that I am
Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire with full powers to execute
this treaty on behalf of the Empire;
I, Cristofur Thorpe, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim
over Subspace Communication Frequency K, and being identifiable
by voiceprint of this transmission, do hereby certify that I am
governor of the Federation Council of the United Federation of
Planets with full powers to execute this treaty on behalf of this
Und noch was Deutsches von der Seite http://www.galae-rihanna.com/html/datenbank/vertraege.html
(Der Vertrag von Algeron irgendwie in kurzform)
Friedensvertrag zwischen der Föderation und den Rihannsu, der die Neutralen Zone festlegte. Der Vertrag war 2160 über Subraumfunk ausgehandelt worden und besagte, daß ein Eindringen einer der beiden Seiten in die Zone einen kriegerischen Akt darstellte. Außerdem Verbot der zweite Vertrag von 2311 der Föderation die Entwicklung und Benutzung von Tarnvorrichtungen in ihren Raumschiffen.
Ich denke mit den Rihannsu sind die Romulaner gemeint oder gibt es etwa noch einen Vertrag von Algeron ? Ich meine nicht.