STS-122 will be ISS Assembly Flight 1E, bringing the European Columbus
module to the station, along with other minor pieces of equipment.
STS-122 (englisch Space Transportation System)
ist eine Missionsbezeichnung für den US-amerikanischen Space Shuttle
Atlantis (OV-104) der NASA.
Der Start ist momentan für den 6. Dezember 2007 vorgesehen.
STS-122 Overview
A veteran space flier, Navy Cmdr. Stephen N. Frick, will command the
STS-122 shuttle mission to deliver the European Space Agency's
Columbus Laboratory to the International Space Station. Navy Cmdr. Alan
G. Poindexter will serve as pilot. Mission specialists include Air Force Col.
Rex J. Walheim, Stanley G. Love, Leland D. Melvin and European Space
Agency astronaut Hans Schlegel. Poindexter, Love and Melvin will be
making their first spaceflight.
Expedition 15 Flight Engineer Daniel Tani, who is set to fly to the space
station on the STS-120 mission, will return home with the STS-122 crew.
STS-122 is the 24th shuttle mission to the International Space Station.
Mission: STS-122 - 24th International Space Station Flight (1E) - Columbus Laboratory
Vehicle: Atlantis (OV-104)
Location: Vehicle Assembly Building, High Bay 1 (STS-117)
Launch Date: Targeted for Dec. 6, 2007
Launch Pad: 39A
Crew: Stephen Frick, Alan Poindexter, Rex Walheim, Stanley Love,
Leland Melvin, Hans Schlegel and Léopold Eyharts
Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles
Shuttle Flight: No. 121
Atlantis Flight: No. 29
Shuttle-ISS Flight: No. 24
Next: The STS-122 Crew
Columbus (Raumlabor)
ESA: Columbus Laboratory
ESA: Technical specifications of the Columbus Laboratory