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STS-116 - Space Shuttle Discovery

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    Ich finde es wirklich beeindruckend wie ein so schweres/großes Shuttle auf die Trägerrakete gesetzt wird.
    Hoffentlich müssen wir dieses Mal nicht allzu oft auf den Start warten.
    'To infinity and beyond!'


      STS-116 Discovery

      Next Events

      November 9, Thursday
      12:01 a.m. EST (06:01 CET)

      Rollout of Discovery to Launch Pad 39B

      December 7, Thursday
      9:38 p.m. EST (03:38 CET, Friday)


      December 18, Monday
      5:03 p.m. EST (23:03 CET)


      December 23, Saturday
      External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

      All times could change at short notice.
      Changes are indicated in red.

      Vorbereitungen für nächste Shuttle-Mission laufen

      7. November 2006

      Bei NASA und ESA laufen die Vorbereitungen für die nächste
      Shuttle-Mission zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS: An Bord der
      Discovery wird mit dem schwedischen Astronauten Christer Fuglesang
      erstmals ein Skandinavier zur ISS aufbrechen. Auf dem Heimweg wird die
      Raumfähre den deutschen Astronauten Thomas Reiter mit zur Erde

      Der schwedische ESA-Astronaut Christer Fuglesang
      wartet auf seinen Einsatz im All. Foto: NASA

      Der schwedische ESA-Astronaut Christer Fuglesang, der mit der Raumtransportermission STS-116 zur Internationalen Raumstation fliegen soll, wird der erste Skandinavier an Bord der ISS sein. Frühester Starttermin der Raumfähre Discovery ist der 8. Dezember um 2.38 Uhr MEZ (Anmerkung von mir: 3.38 Uhr MEZ). Fuglesang bereitet sich derzeit im Johnson Space Center der NASA in Houston, Texas, intensiv auf seine Mission vor.

      Flug STS-116 steht am Anfang einer Reihe komplexer Missionen zum Weiterbau der ISS und stellt ein anspruchsvolles Unterfangen dar. Die Discovery wird nach einer Anflugszeit von etwa zwei Tagen an der Raumstation andocken, wo ihre siebenköpfige Besatzung von den drei Astronauten der ISS-Bordmannschaft "Expedition 14" empfangen wird, zu der seit Juli der deutsche ESA-Astronaut Thomas Reiter gehört.

      Hauptziele der Mission sind die Montage des Gerüstsegments P5 der integrierten Gitterstruktur der ISS sowie die Inbetriebnahme von zwei großen Solarzellenpanellen, die bereits seit September 2006 an die Station angebaut sind und eine kontinuierliche Stromversorgung gewährleisten sollen. Das seit der Inbetriebnahme der ISS 1998 genutzte Stromversorgungssystem war nur für eine Übergangszeit geplant.

      Während seiner 12-tägigen Mission wird Christer Fuglesang mit seinem NASA-Kollegen Robert Curbeam zwei Außenbordeinsätze (so genannte "EVA") absolvieren. Beim ersten Einsatz wird das Gerüstsegment P5 montiert, beim zweiten die Kabel für die Stromversorgung der ersten ISS-Hälfte verlegt, während die Kabel für die zweite Hälfte beim dritten Außenbordeinsatz von Robert Curbeam und Sunita Williams angeschlossen werden. Nachdem die Astronauten die ISS in ihren Weltraumanzügen verlassen haben, warten sie zunächst auf den Befehl der Bodenkontrolle, die Stromversorgung der ISS abzuschalten, um dann die bestehenden Kabel abzumontieren und an anderer Stelle entlang der ISS wieder anzuschließen.

      Fuglesangs Mission Celsius wurde nach dem schwedischen Astronom und Erfinder des Thermometers, Anders Celsius, benannt, dessen Arbeiten im 18. Jahrhundert ähnlich nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf seine Zeitgenossen hatten wie die Weltraumexploration heute. Bei seiner Rückkehr zur Erde wird Fuglesang von Thomas Reiter begleitet, der zum selben Zeitpunkt seine sechsmonatige ISS-Mission Astrolab beendet. Die Landung des Raumtransporters im Kennedy Space Center wird nicht vor dem 18. Dezember um 23.04 Uhr MEZ erwartet.


      Video Gallery

      November 6, Monday

      1. STS-116 - Preflight Briefing B-roll feed ... 29.4 MB

      2. STS-116 - Program Overview Briefing ... 71.6 MB

      3. STS-116 - Mission Overview Briefing ... 97.6 MB

      4. STS-116 - Spacewalk Overview Briefing ... 51.2 MB

      5. STS-116 - Crew News Conference ... 56.1 MB

      Quelle: / NASA TV

      Image Gallery

      October 12, 2006

      JSC2006-E-43499 (October 2006) [Low Res | High Res]
      Computer-generated artist's rendering of the International Space Station
      after flight STS-116/12A.1. Space Shuttle Discovery crew delivers and
      installs the third port truss segment (P5). P6 port solar array wing and two
      radiators are retracted.

      November 6, Monday

      KSC-06PD-2451 (11/06/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
      Installed on a transporter, the payload canister moves out of the Vertical
      Processing Facility. Inside the canister are the SPACEHAB module and the
      port 5 truss segment for mission STS-116. They will be moved into the
      payload changeout room at the pad and transferred into Space Shuttle
      Discovery's payload bay once the vehicle has rolled out to the pad. The
      payload canister is 65 feet long, 18 feet wide and 18 feet, 7 inches high. It
      has the capability to carry vertically or horizontally processed payloads up
      to 15 feet in diameter and 60 feet long, matching the capacity of the
      orbiter payload bay. It can carry payloads weighing up to 65,000 pounds.
      Clamshell-shaped doors at the top of the canister operate like the orbiter
      payload bay doors, with the same allowable clearances.
      Photo credit: NASA/George Shelton

      KSC-06PD-2454 (11/06/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
      Lamps spotlight the payload canister transporter as it slowly carries its
      cargo past the Vehicle Assembly Building on the road to Launch Pad 39B
      for mission STS-116.

      KSC-06PD-2458 (11/06/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
      The payload canister transporter and canister approach the rotating
      service structure (RSS) on Launch Pad 39B.

      KSC-06PD-2461 (11/06/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
      With umbilical lines still attached, the payload canister is lifted up to the
      payload changeout room (PCR) on the rotating service structure (RSS) on
      Launch Pad 39B.

      KSC-06PD-2463 (11/06/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

      Quelle: NASA/KSC

      NASA TV
      Integrated Truss Structure P5


        STS-116 Discovery

        Next Events

        December 7, Thursday
        9:38 p.m. EST (03:38 CET, Friday)


        December 18, Monday
        5:03 p.m. EST (23:03 CET)


        December 23, Saturday
        External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

        All times could change at short notice.
        Changes are indicated in red.

        Image Gallery

        November 9, Thursday

        KSC-06PD-2468 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
        Space Shuttle Discovery begins rolling out of high bay 3 of the Vehicle
        Assembly Building for the long, slow journey to Launch Pad 39B and
        launch of mission STS-116.

        KSC-06PD-2472 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

        KSC-06PD-2473 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

        KSC-06PD-2474 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
        Discovery is well on its way on the long, slow journey from high bay 3 of
        the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Pad 39B and launch of mission

        KSC-06PD-2475 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

        KSC-06PD-2476 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
        Space Shuttle Discovery, atop the mobile launcher platform and moved
        by the crawler-transporter underneath, makes its final approach up the
        ramp to Launch Pad 39B for launch of mission STS-116.

        KSC-06PD-2477 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
        Silhouetted by the rising sun behind it, Space Shuttle Discovery, atop the
        mobile launcher platform and the crawler-transporter underneath, makes
        its final approach up the ramp to Launch Pad 39B.

        KSC-06PD-2478 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

        KSC-06PD-2479 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

        KSC-06PD-2480 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
        Space Shuttle Discovery, on top of the mobile launcher platform and
        crawler-transporter, approaches the ramp to Launch Pad 39B for launch of
        mission STS-116. The rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building began at
        12:29 a.m. EST.

        Quelle: NASA/KSC

        NASA TV
        Integrated Truss Structure P5


          STS-116 Discovery

          Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

          Next Events

          November 11, Saturday
          Payload installation in Discovery's payload bay

          December 7, Thursday
          9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


          December 18, Monday
          5:03 p.m. EST (23:03 CET)


          December 23, Saturday
          External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

          All times could change at short notice.
          Changes are indicated in red.

          Image Gallery

          November 9, Thursday

          KSC-06PD-2482 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          Space Shuttle Discovery, on top of the mobile launcher platform and
          crawler-transporter, reaches Launch Pad 39B for launch of mission
          STS-116. On the right edge of the photo can be seen the White Room at
          the end of the orbiter access arm. On the horizon at left is Launch Pad
          39A. The rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building began at
          12:29 a.m. EST.

          KSC-06PD-2483 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          On the left can be seen the White Room at the end of the orbiter access
          arm. On the horizon is the Atlantic Ocean. The shuttle was harddown on
          the pad at 9:03 a.m. EST.

          KSC-06PD-2485 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          Discovery sits on Launch Pad 39B for launch of mission STS-116. On the
          left can be seen the rotating service structure, which will be rolled to
          enclose the shuttle for servicing and payload transfer.

          KSC-06PD-2486 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          Above the shuttle on the fixed service structure is the 80-foot tall lightning

          KSC-06PD-2488 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          The shuttle's external tank is capped by the oxygen vent hood (at top).
          Below it is the orbiter access arm which swings out from the fixed service
          structure to the orbiter crew compartment hatch to allow personnel to
          enter the crew compartment. The outer end of the access arm ends in an
          environmental chamber (white room) that mates with the orbiter and
          holds six persons. The arm remains in the extended position until seven
          minutes 24 seconds before launch to provide emergency egress for the
          flight crew.

          KSC-06PD-2489 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]

          KSC-06PD-2491 (11/09/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
          The mission is No. 20 to the International Space Station and construction
          flight 12A.1. The mission payload is the SPACEHAB module, the P5
          integrated truss structure and other key components. The launch window
          for mission STS-116 opens Dec. 7. Photo credit: NASA/George Shelton

          Quelle: NASA/KSC

          NASA TV
          Integrated Truss Structure P5


            STS-116 Discovery

            Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

            Next Events

            November 11, Saturday
            Payload installation in Discovery's payload bay

            November 13, Monday
            Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (TCD)

            December 7, Thursday
            9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


            December 18, Monday
            5:03 p.m. EST (23:03 CET)


            December 23, Saturday
            External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

            All times could change at short notice.
            Changes are indicated in red.


            STS-116 Wallpaper 7
            1024 x 768

            STS-116 Wallpaper 8
            1024 x 768

            STS-116 Wallpaper 9
            1024 x 768

            STS-116 Wallpaper 10
            1024 x 768

            STS-116 Wallpaper 11
            1024 x 768

            STS-116 Wallpaper 12
            1024 x 768

            Für andere Wallpaper-Größen bitte bei mir melden.

            NASA TV
            Integrated Truss Structure P5


              STS-116 Discovery

              Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

              Next Events

              November 11, Today
              Payload installation in Discovery's payload bay

              November 13, Monday
              Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (TCD)

              December 7, Thursday
              9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


              December 19, Tuesday
              4:34 p.m. EST (22:34 CET)


              December 23, Saturday
              External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

              All times could change at short notice.
              Changes are indicated in red.

              Video Gallery

              November 6, Monday

              6. STS-116 - Discovery's Cargo travels to the Launch Pad ... 14.6 MB

              November 9, Thursday

              1. STS-116 - Discovery arrvives at Launch Pad 39B ... 9.1 MB

              Quelle: / NASA TV

              NASA TV
              Integrated Truss Structure P5


                STS-116 Discovery

                NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                Next Events

                December 7, Thursday
                9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


                December 19, Tuesday
                4:34 p.m. EST (22:34 CET)


                December 23, Saturday
                External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) arrtives at KSC

                All times could change at short notice.
                Changes are indicated in red.

                Discovery Crew Begins Training

                November 14, Tuesday

                Led by STS-116 Commander Mark Polansky, the seven-member crew of
                Space Shuttle Discovery arrived yesterday at NASA's Kennedy Space
                Center in Florida to begin the terminal countdown demonstration
                . A standard part of prelaunch training, the test allows the
                astronauts to try on their launch and entry suits, learn emergency
                procedures at the launch pad, and a variety of familiarization activities
                and briefings. The highlight of the training schedule is a simulated
                countdown, set for Thursday morning.

                Last night, Polanksy and Pilot Bill Oefelein practiced flying the Shuttle
                Training Aircraft. Today the full crew will learn to drive the M-113 armored
                personnel carrier, which could carry them safely away from the launch
                pad in the event of an emergency. Polansky and Oefelein will fly the
                training aircraft again late this afternoon.

                Space Shuttle Discovery is in launch position at Launch Pad 39B, and the
                mission's primary payloads, the P5 integrated truss segment and the
                SPACEHAB module, have been installed inside the orbiter's payload bay.
                The launch window opens Dec. 7 for the STS-116 mission to the
                International Space Station.

                Quelle: NASA

                Image Gallery

                November 13, Monday

                KSC-06PD-2505 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                The STS-116 crew pauses for the media at the Shuttle Landing Facility
                after their arrival. At the microphone is Mission Commander Mark
                Polansky. The crew members (from left) are Mission Specialists Sunita
                Williams, Joan Higginbotham and Nicholas Patrick, Polansky, Pilot William
                Oefelein, and Mission Specialists Robert Curbeam and Christer Fuglesang.
                The crew has returned to KSC for the terminal countdown demonstration
                test, which are pre-launch preparations that include a simulated launch

                KSC-06PD-2506 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                STS-116 Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham is greeted by Kennedy
                Space Center Deputy Director Bill Parsons at the Shuttle Landing Facility.

                KSC-06PD-2509 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein (left) and Mission Specialist Christer
                Fuglesang are greeted by Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach (right) at
                the Shuttle Landing Facility.

                KSC-06PD-2510 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                Expedition 14 Flight Engineer Sunita Williams is greeted by Kennedy
                Space Center Director Jim Kennedy at the Shuttle Landing Facility.
                Williams will be traveling to the International Space Station with the
                STS-116 crew.

                KSC-06PD-2517 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                After arrival at the Shuttle Landing Facility, STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein
                poses for the media.

                KSC-06PD-2518 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                After arrival at the Shuttle Landing Facility, STS-116 Mission Specialist
                Robert Curbeam poses for the media.

                KSC-06PD-2519 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                At the Shuttle Landing Facility, STS-116 Commander Mark Polansky
                climbs the steps to the shuttle training aircraft (STA) to practice landing
                the orbiter.

                KSC-06PD-2522 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                STS-116 Commander Mark Polansky is in the pilot's seat of the shuttle
                training aircraft (STA), getting ready to practice landing the orbiter.

                KSC-06PD-2525 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                At the Shuttle Landing Facility, the shuttle training aircraft taxis onto the
                runway. Inside are STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein and Commander Mark
                Polansky, who are flying the aircraft to practice landing the orbiter. The
                mission crew is at KSC for the terminal countdown demonstration test,
                which are pre-launch preparations that include a simulated launch
                countdown. STA practice is part of the TCDT. The STA is a Grumman
                American Aviation-built Gulf Stream II jet that was modified to simulate
                an orbiter's cockpit, motion and visual cues, and handling qualities.

                Quelle: NASA/KSC

                NASA TV
                Integrated Truss Structure P5


                  STS-116 Discovery

                  NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                  Next Events

                  December 7, Thursday
                  9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


                  December 17, Sunday
                  External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) leaves
                  Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                  December 19, Tuesday
                  4:34 p.m. EST (22:34 CET)


                  All times could change at short notice.
                  Changes are indicated in red.

                  Image Gallery

                  November 14, Tuesday

                  KSC-06PD-2527 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 crew gets instructions on use of the M-113 armored personnel
                  carrier from Capt. George Hoggard, who is astronaut rescue team leader.
                  The crew members, clockwise from left, are Commander Mark Polansky,
                  Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam, Pilot William Oefelein and Mission
                  Specialists Nicholas Patrick, Christer Fugelsang, Sunita Williams and Joan
                  Higginbotham. Fugelsang represents the European Space Agency. The
                  mission crew is at KSC for terminal countdown demonstration test (TCDT)
                  activities that are preparation for launch. The M-113 could be used to
                  move the crew quickly away from the launch pad in the event of an

                  KSC-06PD-2530 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 crew members wait for a practice ride in the M-113 armored
                  personnel carrier. The mission crew is at KSC for terminal countdown
                  demonstration test (TCDT) activities that are preparation for launch. On
                  the left are Mission Specialists Nicholas Patrick, Christer Fugelsang and
                  Joan Higginbotham, and Capt. George Hoggard, who is astronaut rescue
                  team leader.

                  KSC-06PD-2532 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham is helmeted and ready to
                  practice driving the M-113 armored personnel carrier.

                  KSC-06PD-2533 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham practices driving the M-113
                  armored personnel carrier. The mission crew is at KSC for terminal
                  countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities that are preparation for
                  launch. The M-113 could be used to move the crew quickly away from the
                  launch pad in the event of an emergency. In the background can be seen
                  Pilot William Oefelein and Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick.

                  KSC-06PD-2534 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham practices driving the M-113
                  armored personnel carrier away from Launch Pad 39B. On the M-113,
                  Pilot William Oefelein is at left and Capt. George Hoggard, who is
                  astronaut rescue team leader, in between Oefelein and Higginbotham. In
                  the background is the fixed service structure, with the 80-foot-tall
                  lightning mast on top, and Space Shuttle Discovery -- only the orange
                  external tank can be seen.

                  KSC-06PD-2536 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Christer Fugelsang is helmeted and ready to
                  practice driving the M-113 armored personnel carrier. Fugelsang
                  represents the European Space Agency.

                  KSC-06PD-2538 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein wears his helmet in preparation for driving
                  the M-113 armored personnel carrier.

                  KSC-06PD-2544 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  The STS-116 crew gathers for a photo after their successful training on
                  the M-113 armored personnel carrier. On top are Mission Specialists
                  Sunita Williams (left) and Joan Higginbotham. In front are (left to right)
                  Pilot William Oefelein, Mission Specialists Nicholas Patrick and Robert
                  Curbeam, Commander Mark Polansky and Mission Specialist Christer
                  Fugelsang, who represents the European Space Agency.

                  KSC-06PD-2545 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick has donned his launch suit for
                  a fit-check, part of the prelaunch preparations during terminal countdown
                  demonstration test (TCDT) activities.

                  KSC-06PD-2547 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Christer Fugelsang checks his helmet during
                  suit fit-check, part of the prelaunch preparations during terminal
                  countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities.

                  KSC-06PD-2549 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham has donned her complete
                  launch suit to check the fit, part of the prelaunch preparations during
                  terminal countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities.

                  KSC-06PD-2555 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                  STS-116 Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam checks the fit of his helmet
                  during suit fit-check, part of the prelaunch preparations during terminal
                  countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities.

                  Quelle: NASA/KSC

                  NASA TV
                  Integrated Truss Structure P5


                    STS-116 Discovery

                    NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                    Next Events

                    December 7, Thursday
                    9:35 p.m. EST (03:35 CET, Friday)


                    December 17, Sunday
                    External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) leaves
                    Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                    December 19, Tuesday
                    4:34 p.m. EST (22:34 CET)


                    All times could change at short notice.
                    Changes are indicated in red.

                    Countdown Dress Rehearsal is Underway

                    November 16, Thursday

                    It's a rainy morning at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where
                    the seven-member STS-116 crew is participating in a full dress rehearsal
                    for their upcoming launch aboard Space Shuttle Discovery. Today's
                    simulated countdown at Launch Pad 39B concludes this week's terminal
                    countdown demonstration test. A standard part of prelaunch training, the
                    test allows the astronauts to try on their launch and entry suits, learn
                    emergency procedures at the launch pad, and a variety of familiarization
                    activities and briefings.

                    Space Shuttle Discovery is in launch position at Launch Pad 39B, and the
                    mission's primary payloads, the P5 integrated truss segment and the
                    SPACEHAB module, have been installed inside the orbiter's payload bay.
                    The launch window opens Dec. 7 for the STS-116 mission to the
                    International Space Station.

                    Quelle: NASA

                    Video Gallery

                    November 15, Wednesday

                    1. STS-116 - NBL - EVA 3 Training ... 26.9 MB

                    2. STS-116 - Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test Crew Media Q & A ... 22.6 MB

                    3. STS-116 - Interview Pilot William Oefelein ... 40.2 MB

                    4. STS-116 - Interview Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham ... 24.2 MB

                    5. STS-116 - Interview Commander Mark Polansky ... 42.1 MB

                    6. Space Shuttle Status Report ... Stream

                    November 16, Thursday

                    1. December Shuttle Launch Draws Closer ... Stream

                    Quelle: / NASA TV

                    Image Gallery

                    November 15, Wednesday

                    KSC-06PD-2559 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    The STS-116 crew pause in their prelaunch activities to talk to the media
                    at Launch Pad 39B. With the microphone, at left, is Commander Mark
                    Polansky. The other crew members are, from left, Mission Specialists Joan
                    Higginbotham, Robert Curbeam, Nicholas Patrick, Christer Fuglesang and
                    Sunita Williams, and Pilot William Oefelein. Fuglesang represents the
                    European Space Agency. The mission crew is at KSC for the TCDT, which
                    includes a simulated launch countdown.

                    KSC-06PD-2562 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick has the microphone to answer a
                    question. From left, the crew members are Commander Mark Polansky,
                    Mission Specialists Joan Higginbotham, Robert Curbeam, Patrick, Christer
                    Fuglesang and Sunita Williams, and Pilot William Oefelein.

                    KSC-06PD-2564 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    Mission Specialist Christer Fuglesang has the microphone to answer a

                    KSC-06PD-2565 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    In the White Room on Launch Pad 39B, the STS-116 crew members are
                    told what to expect on launch day as they enter Space Shuttle Discovery
                    from the area. From left are Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam,
                    Commander Mark Polansky, Mission Specialists Joan Higginbotham and
                    Sunita Williams, Pilot William Oefelein, and Mission Specialists Christer
                    Fuglesang and Nicholas Patrick.

                    KSC-06PD-2566 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    STS-116 Commander Mark Polansky places the mission placard at the
                    hatch opening. The White Room is the point of entry into Space Shuttle
                    Discovery for the crew.

                    KSC-06PD-2567 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    The mission STS-116 crew poses in the White Room on Launch Pad 39B.
                    Clockwise from left are Mission Specialists Robert Curbeam and Sunita
                    Williams, Pilot William Oefelein, Mission Specialist Joan Higginbotham,
                    Commander Mark Polansky, and Mission Specialists Christer Fuglesang
                    and Nicholas Patrick.

                    KSC-06PD-2570 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    On the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 Mission
                    Specialists Christer Fuglesang, Sunita Williams and Joan Higginbotham
                    happily pose in a slidewire basket used for emergency egress from the

                    KSC-06PD-2571 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    At the slidewire basket landing area at Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 crew
                    members get instructions for exiting the baskets used for emergency
                    egress from the orbiter. Standing at right are (from left) Mission
                    Specialists Joan Higginbotham, Nicholas Patrick, Sunita Williams, Robert
                    Curbeam and Christer Fuglesang; Pilot William Oefelein; and Commander
                    Mark Polansky.

                    KSC-06PD-2572 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                    At the slidewire basket landing area at Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 crew
                    members sit in one of the baskets used for emergency egress from the
                    orbiter. From left are Pilot William Oefelein and Mission Specialists Joan
                    Higginbotham and Christer Fuglesang, who represents the European
                    Space Agency.

                    Quelle: NASA/KSC

                    NASA TV
                    Integrated Truss Structure P5


                      STS-116 Discovery

                      NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                      Next Events

                      December 7, Thursday
                      9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                      December 17, Sunday
                      External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) leaves
                      Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                      December 19, Tuesday
                      4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                      All times could change at short notice.
                      Changes are indicated in red.

                      Image Gallery

                      November 15, Wednesday

                      KSC-06PD-2574 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      At Launch Pad 39B, the STS-116 crew members learn about the facilities
                      inside a bunker. From left are Mission Specialists Sunita Williams, Christer
                      Fuglesang, Nicholas Patrick, Joan Higginbotham and Robert Curbeam;
                      Commander Mark Polansky; a trainer; and Pilot William Oefelein.

                      KSC-06PD-2575 (11/15/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      In the payload changeout room on Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 crew
                      members look over the mission payload with payload managers one more
                      time before launch. At left is Pilot William Oefelein. Second from right is
                      Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam.

                      November 16, Thursday

                      KSC-06PD-2595 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      The STS-116 crew walks out of the Operations and Checkout Building on
                      their way to Launch Pad 39B during the terminal countdown demonstration
                      test. The crew is practicing for launch with a simulation of activities, from
                      crew breakfast and suit-up to countdown in the orbiter. Leading the way
                      are Commander Mark Polansky (right) and Mission Specialist Joan
                      Higginbotham (left). Behind them are (left and right) Mission Specialist
                      Nicholas Patrick and Pilot William Oefelein; Mission Specialists Sunita
                      Williams and Christer Fuglesang, who represents the European Space
                      Agency; and Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam (right).

                      KSC-06PD-2597 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      STS-116 crew members are heading into the Astrovan that will take them
                      to Launch Pad 39B and the simulated countdown.

                      KSC-06PD-2598 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      On their way to the white room on Launch Pad 39B to enter Space Shuttle
                      Discovery, Commander Mark Polansky (right) and Mission Specialist
                      Nicholas Patrick are greeted by the closeout crew.

                      KSC-06PD-2600 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      In the white room on Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein is
                      helped with his gear before entering Space Shuttle Discovery.

                      KSC-06PD-2602 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      In the white room on Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 Mission Specialist Sunita
                      Williams is helped with her gear before entering Space Shuttle Discovery.

                      KSC-06PD-2606 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      On the 195-foot level of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B,
                      STS-116 Mission Specialist Christer Fuglesang heads for the slidewire
                      baskets. He and other crew members are practicing the emergency
                      egress procedure to get off the pad, part of the prelaunch preparations
                      known as terminal countdown demonstration test.

                      KSC-06PD-2607 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      From the 195-foot level of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B,
                      STS-116 crew members sit in a slidewire basket, part of the emergency
                      egress system. In the front is Mission Specialist Sunita Williams; behind
                      her are Mission Specialists Joan Higginbotham and Christer Fuglesang.

                      KSC-06PD-2611 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      From the 195-foot level of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B,
                      STS-116 Commander Mark Polansky (right) tests the release lever in the
                      slidewire basket. Behind him in the basket is Pilot William Oefelein.

                      KSC-06PD-2613 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      On the 195-foot level of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B,
                      STS-116 crew members gather for a photo in front of the white solid
                      rocket boosters and external tank of Space Shuttle Discovery. They have
                      just completed a simulated launch countdown and emergency egress from
                      the orbiter. From left are Commander Mark Polansky, Pilot William
                      Oefelein and Mission Specialists Nicholas Patrick, Robert Curbeam,
                      Christer Fuglesang, Joan Higginbotham and Sunita Williams.

                      KSC-06PD-2614 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                      From left are Commander Mark Polansky, Pilot William Oefelein and
                      Mission Specialists Nicholas Patrick, Robert Curbeam, Christer Fuglesang,
                      Joan Higginbotham and Sunita Williams.

                      Quelle: NASA/KSC

                      NASA TV
                      Integrated Truss Structure P5


                        STS-116 Discovery

                        NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                        Next Events

                        December 7, Thursday
                        9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                        December 17, Sunday
                        External Tank ET-124 (for STS-117/317) leaves
                        Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                        December 19, Tuesday
                        4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                        All times could change at short notice.
                        Changes are indicated in red.

                        Space Shuttle Processing
                        Status Report S-111706

                        November 17, Friday

                        Mission: STS-116 - 20th International Space Station Flight (12A.1) -
                        P5 Truss Segment
                        Vehicle: Discovery (OV-103)
                        Location: Launch Pad 39B
                        Launch Date: No earlier than Dec. 7, 2006
                        Crew: Mark Polansky, William Oefelein, Robert Curbeam,
                        Joan Higginbotham, Nicholas Patrick, Christer Fuglesang and Sunita Williams
                        Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

                        Following Space Shuttle Discovery's arrival at Launch Pad 39B on Nov. 9,
                        technicians began final preparations for the STS-116 launch to the
                        International Space Station set for no earlier than Dec. 7. At the pad, the
                        payload was installed into the payload bay on Nov. 11, and the
                        payload/orbiter interface test was completed this week. On Thursday, the
                        remote manipulator system and orbiter boom sensor system were stowed
                        and the payload bay doors were closed for flight late that night.

                        This week, the seven-member crew of STS-116 took part in the terminal
                        countdown demonstration test activities at Kennedy Space Center. The
                        astronauts arrived on Monday and returned to Johnson Space Center in
                        Houston on Thursday afternoon. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the crew
                        practiced driving in the M113 armored personnel carrier, and participated
                        in fire suppression training and flight crew equipment fit checks. The crew
                        also had the opportunity to go to the pad for the emergency egress and
                        payload bay "walkdowns." On Thursday, the astronauts donned their
                        launch and entry suits and entered the vehicle for a simulated countdown.

                        Today, technicians are beginning preparations for the prelaunch propellant
                        servicing scheduled to begin this weekend. This process includes loading
                        the fuel (monomethyl hydrazine) and oxidizer (nitrogen tetroxide) into the
                        orbiter maneuvering system and the forward reaction control system. It
                        also includes the loading of hydrazine in the auxiliary power units on the
                        orbiter and the solid rocket boosters.

                        Quelle: NASA

                        Video Gallery

                        November 14, Tuesday

                        1. STS-116 - Shuttle Crew Participates in Pre-Launch Test ... 22.3 MB

                        November 17, Friday

                        1. STS-116 - Interview Mission Specialist Christer Fuglesang ... 44.0 MB

                        2. STS-116 - Interview Mission Specialist Robert Curbeam ... 40.7 MB

                        3. STS-116 - Launch Dress Rehearsal ... Stream

                        Quelle: / NASA TV

                        Image Gallery

                        November 16, Thursday

                        KSC-06PD-2615 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        With the payload successfully installed inside, the payload bay doors on
                        Space Shuttle Discovery are closing. Seen here are the SPACEHAB
                        module at left and the orbiter docking system at right. The shuttle is on
                        Launch Pad 39B, ready for launch on mission STS-116 scheduled no
                        earlier than Dec. 7. Photo credit: NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis

                        KSC-06PD-2616 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        Seen here are the SPACEHAB module at left, the P5 truss in the center,
                        service module debris panels and the Space Test Program experiment
                        canister on the integrated cargo carrier at right.

                        KSC-06PD-2618 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        The payload bay doors on Space Shuttle Discovery are closing. Seen here
                        are the SPACEHAB module on top and the P5 truss below.

                        KSC-06PD-2619 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        One of Space Shuttle Discovery's payload bay doors is nearly closed. Still
                        visible are two major payload components, the SPACEHAB module on top
                        and the P5 truss below.

                        KSC-06PD-2620 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        On Launch Pad 39B, a worker inside the payload changeout room
                        monitors the clearance during closing of one payload bay door on Space
                        Shuttle Discovery.

                        KSC-06PD-2622 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                        Discovery's payload bay doors are fully closed and ready for launch.

                        Quelle: NASA/KSC

                        NASA TV
                        Integrated Truss Structure P5


                          STS-116 Discovery

                          NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                          Next Events

                          November 28/29, Tuesday/Wednesday
                          Flight Readiness Review
                          3 p.m. EST (21:00 CET), Wednesday
                          Flight Readiness Review Press Conference
                          * Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations
                          * Wayne Hale, Space Shuttle Program manager
                          * Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director

                          December 7, Thursday
                          9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                          December 17, Sunday
                          External Tank ET-124 (for Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-117/LON-317)
                          leaves Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                          December 19, Tuesday
                          4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                          All times could change at short notice.
                          Changes are indicated in red.

                          NASA ready for final STS-116 approval

                          November 21, Tuesday

                          NASA is closing in on their Flight Readiness Review (FRR) next week
                          with only a few minor issues being worked. The milestone FRR will give
                          the final official approval to proceed towards the December 7 launch

                          Both Discovery and Atlantis (LON-317) are ready to provide primary and
                          rescue mission support for what will be the third Shuttle mission of 2006.

                          The rotating service structure is in place around Space Shuttle
                          Discovery at Launch Pad 39B, leaving only the top of the external tank
                          and boosters visible. Image Credit: NASA

                          Discovery, on launch pad 39B, enjoyed an uneventful TCDT (Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test), with only a CRT - part of the orbiter's control system displays - failing during the two day test. That CRT has been replaced at the pad.

                          Other pre-launch activities are proceeding to plan, with the completion of orbiter APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) hydrazine loading, added to the loading of oxidizer into the OMS RCS (Orbital Manoeuvring System Reaction Control Systems).

                          Some troubleshooting exists - as with any pad flow - mainly relating to electrical elements on the orbiter, including the Advanced Health Management System (AHMS), which will debut on this flight.

                          'Plan to troubleshoot MTU signal after SCAPE is complete,' noted the expansive Shuttle Stand-up/Integration Report for November 20 (on L2). 'Will install hydraulic trays and hoses to re-run SSME FRTs. SSME actuator calibration coefficients were not written to the new AHMS, which was their procedural error.

                          'Caught error and will re-run FRTs on engine Wednesday. If complete FRTs, will power down this weekend. Have much powered-down work to perform.'

                          The AHMS is suffering from some teething problems, but will not have any constraints on STS-116, given it will be installed on one of Discovery's SSMEs (Space Shuttle Main Engines) to test its own reactions to the pressures endured during ascent. It will not have any control over the engine on this flight, along for the ride as a passive system.

                          'Working on command sequence discrepancy (for SSME actuator calibration coefficients not written to new AHMS) with USA Avionics. Concur that need to repeat engine 3 actuator calibration test performed at launch pad,' added SSME managers at Pratt & Whitney.

                          'Problem is calibration coefficients are written into temporary memory (S-RAM) and a command is required to transfer memory contents to EPROM (permanent memory). The command failed the checkout.'

                          Also relating to SSMEs is an investigation into a crack on one of the blades on an engine pump that flew with Atlantis on STS-115 earlier this year. The fault is deemed as minor.

                          'Dye penetrant inspection on STS-115 pump 8222 showed indication on one first stage blade on platform (.020 X .030 X .020 inch deep). Broke platform open, and metallurgy reports said appeared to be anomalous grain. Size of crack is well below critical initial flaw size for area (.045 inch). Mr. Hale (Space Shuttle manager) asked for more information as investigation continues.'

                          Meanwhile, on Atlantis herself - set to fly on STS-117 next spring, her related processing flow continues, ready to support her sister as the LON (Launch On Need) rescue ship. Work is proceeding along the scheduled timeline.

                          'Down to 102 tile cavities to bond. Plan to bond 11 this week. Chin panel fit checks in work. Plan powered-on testing today,' added the report. 'Plan SCAPE operations at 5:00 a.m. EST tomorrow to backfill manifolds for thruster R&R performed last week. Plan waterproofing Friday and Saturday.'

                          Stacking in the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) of the twin Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) that will help power Atlantis off the pad will begin on December 4, following the delivery of the segments that make up the boosters. Repair work on the VAB doors will also begin on December 4.

                          On the External Tank front, workers at the Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) have one again proved their worth, with ET-124 (required for LON and STS-117) still on schedule to be shipped out of New Orleans on December 17. However, a couple of production issues might delay the shipping by a few days - which is still within the required timeline for LON support of STS-116.

                          This tank also saw the remaining pressure on its schedule removed when NASA's Critical Design Review (CDR) on the modification of three IFR (Ice Frost Ramps) decided to leave the ramps 'as is' - given wind tunnel testing showed there was no notable improvements gained from 'sliming down' the ramps. Further evaluations will continue for future tanks.

                          'Wrapping up preparations for reinstallation of composite nose cone. Should secure nose cone this (week). LOX ice/frost ramp extensions trimmed. Trimming acreage spray on PAL ramp footprint. Bipod installation in work; about 20 percent complete on final routing and bonding of bipod heater and temperature sensor harnesses.

                          'Intertank venting and machining in progress (machining about 95 percent complete). Camera antenna about 99 percent complete, and should closeout next Monday. Harness routing on intertank about 85 percent complete associated with antenna. LO2 feedline fairing installed. Will spray 1979 drip lips tomorrow.

                          'These have been problematic, so have gone back on proficiencies and are taking results to technical subcommittee today for review. Completed last four 2026 drip lips. Preparing to install upper ice/frost ramps. Shakedowns are in work all over tank. Are few days down from December 17th delivery date, but are rerunning assessment today to replan with same target date.'

                          With many tanks now in various stages of processing, ready to support the busy final schedule for the Shuttle program, MAF continue to keep up the pace on the tanks required from the other missions of 2007.

                          ET-117 is now in Cell A at MAF, heading into final assembly. This tank is only a few days behind schedule. ET-120 is also moving through the MAF factory.


                          Video Gallery

                          November 18, Saturday

                          1. STS-116 - NBL - EVA 2 Training ... 34.4 MB

                          2. STS-116 - Overview ... 21.1 MB

                          3. STS-116 - Crew participates in Suit Fit Test ... 29.7 MB

                          4. STS-116 - Interview Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick ... 17.4 MB

                          Quelle: / NASA TV

                          NASA TV
                          Integrated Truss Structure P5


                            STS-116 Discovery

                            NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                            Next Events

                            November 28/29, Tuesday/Wednesday
                            Flight Readiness Review
                            3 p.m. EST (21:00 CET), Wednesday
                            Flight Readiness Review Press Conference
                            * Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations
                            * Wayne Hale, Space Shuttle Program manager
                            * Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director

                            December 7, Thursday
                            9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                            December 17, Sunday
                            External Tank ET-124 (for Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-117/LON-317)
                            leaves Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                            December 19, Tuesday
                            4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                            All times could change at short notice.
                            Changes are indicated in red.

                            Space Shuttle Processing
                            Status Report S-112206

                            November 22, Wednesday

                            Mission: STS-116 - 20th International Space Station Flight (12A.1) -
                            P5 Truss Segment
                            Vehicle: Discovery (OV-103)
                            Location: Launch Pad 39B
                            Launch Date: No earlier than Dec. 7, 2006
                            Crew: Mark Polansky, William Oefelein, Robert Curbeam,
                            Joan Higginbotham, Nicholas Patrick, Christer Fuglesang and Sunita Williams
                            Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

                            This week at Launch Pad 39B, technicians completed prelaunch propellant
                            servicing in preparation for Space Shuttle Discovery's launch to the
                            International Space Station, set for no earlier than Dec. 7. This servicing
                            includes loading the fuel (monomethyl hydrazine) and oxidizer (nitrogen
                            tetroxide) into the orbital maneuvering system and the forward reaction
                            control system. It also includes loading hydrazine in the solid rocket
                            boosters and the auxiliary power units on the orbiter.

                            Space shuttle main engine ball seal leak checks were completed today.
                            Crew cabin and SPACEHAB leak checks are planned for Sunday.

                            On Nov. 28 and 29, NASA managers will hold the traditional Flight
                            Readiness Review at Kennedy Space Center. The review is a two-day
                            assessment of preparations for Discovery's mission and is designed to
                            produce a number of key decisions about the assembly flight, including
                            selection of an official launch date.

                            If the decision is made to proceed for the opening of the launch window,
                            the seven-member crew will arrive for launch at the Shuttle Landing
                            Facility the afternoon of Dec. 3.

                            Quelle: NASA

                            Die Crew, Teil 1

                            STS-116 Mission Commander Mark Polansky (CDR)

                            [Low Res | High Res]

                            Astronaut Mark L. Polansky, Mission Commander
                            NASA Biographical Data
                            Wikipedia (deutsch)

                            Bisherige Flüge:

                            STS-98 Atlantis
                            7 - 20 Feb 2001

                            STS-98 Crew
                            Mark Polansky, Mission Pilot

                            STS98-E-5084 (10 February 2001) [Low Res | High Res]
                            Astronaut Mark L. Polansky, STS-98 pilot, takes notes on the aft flight
                            deck of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. The scene was recorded with a digital
                            still camera during Flight Day 4 activities.

                            STS98-E-5276 (15 February 2001) [Low Res | High Res]
                            Six NASA astronauts and two Russian cosmonauts pose for a group
                            portrait representing both shuttle and station crews near the end of
                            several days of joint work aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
                            In front, from the left, are astronauts Kenneth D. Cockrell, STS-98
                            commander; William M. (Bill) Shepherd, Expedition One commander; and
                            Robert L. Curbeam, STS-98 mission specialist. In the rear, from the left,
                            are cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev, Expedition One flight engineer;
                            astronaut Marsha S. Ivins, STS-98 mission specialist; astronaut Mark L.
                            Polansky, shuttle pilot; cosmonaut Yuri P. Gidzenko, Soyuz commander
                            for Expedition One; and astronaut Thomas D. Jones, shuttle mission

                            All photos: NASA

                            NASA TV
                            Integrated Truss Structure P5


                              STS-116 Discovery

                              NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                              Next Events

                              November 28/29, Tuesday/Wednesday
                              Flight Readiness Review
                              3 p.m. EST (21:00 CET), Wednesday
                              Flight Readiness Review Press Conference
                              * Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations
                              * Wayne Hale, Space Shuttle Program manager
                              * Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director

                              December 7, Thursday
                              9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                              December 17, Sunday
                              External Tank ET-124 (for Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-117/LON-317)
                              leaves Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                              December 19, Tuesday
                              4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                              All times could change at short notice.
                              Changes are indicated in red.

                              Die Crew, Teil 2

                              STS-116 Mission Pilot William "Bill" Oefelein (PLT)

                              [Low Res | High Res]

                              Astronaut William A. Oefelein, Mission Pilot
                              NASA Biographical Data
                              Wikipedia (deutsch)

                              Bisherige Flüge:


                              JSC2002-01527 (8 August 2002) [Low Res | High Res]
                              Astronaut William A. Oefelein, STS-116 pilot, wearing a training version of
                              the full-pressure launch and entry suit, waits for a training session to
                              begin in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at the Johnson Space Center

                              JSC2006-E-49046 (13 Nov. 2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                              Astronauts William A. (Bill) Oefelein (background), STS-116 pilot; and
                              Christer Fuglesang, mission specialist representing the European Space
                              Agency (ESA), are photographed during a briefing at Ellington Field near
                              Johnson Space Center prior to a flight to the Kennedy Space Center,
                              Florida in NASA T-38 trainer jets.

                              KSC-06PD-2517 (11/13/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                              After arrival at the Shuttle Landing Facility, STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein
                              poses for the media. The crew has returned to KSC for the terminal
                              countdown demonstration test, which are prelaunch preparations that
                              include a simulated launch countdown.

                              KSC-06PD-2538 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                              STS-116 Pilot William Oefelein wears his helmet in preparation for driving
                              the M-113 armored personnel carrier. The mission crew is at KSC for
                              terminal countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities that are
                              preparation for launch. The M-113 could be used to move the crew quickly
                              away from the launch pad in the event of an emergency.

                              Quelle: NASA

                              NASA TV
                              Integrated Truss Structure P5


                                STS-116 Discovery

                                NASA TV and Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad 39B (update every 60 seconds)

                                Next Events

                                November 28/29, Tuesday/Wednesday
                                Flight Readiness Review
                                3 p.m. EST (21:00 CET), Wednesday
                                Flight Readiness Review Press Conference
                                * Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations
                                * Wayne Hale, Space Shuttle Program manager
                                * Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director

                                December 7, Thursday
                                9:36 p.m. EST (03:36 CET, Friday)


                                December 17, Sunday
                                External Tank ET-124 (for Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-117/LON-317)
                                leaves Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans

                                December 19, Tuesday
                                4:37 p.m. EST (22:37 CET)


                                All times could change at short notice.
                                Changes are indicated in red.

                                Die Crew, Teil 3

                                STS-116 Mission Specialist 1
                                Nicholas "Nick" Patrick

                                [Low Res | High Res]

                                Astronaut Nicholas J. M. Patrick, Mission Specialist
                                NASA Biographical Data
                                Wikipedia (deutsch)

                                Bisherige Flüge:


                                JSC2006-E-40804 (20 Sept. 2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                                Astronaut Nicholas J. M. Patrick, STS-116 mission specialist, participates in
                                a training session in the crew compartment trainer (CCT-2) in the Space
                                Vehicle Mockup Facility at Johnson Space Center.

                                KSC-06PD-2539 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                                STS-116 Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick wears his helmet in
                                preparation for driving the M-113 armored personnel carrier. The mission
                                crew is at KSC for terminal countdown demonstration test (TCDT)
                                activities that are preparation for launch. The M-113 could be used to
                                move the crew quickly away from the launch pad in the event of an

                                KSC-06PD-2554 (11/14/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                                STS-116 Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick checks the fit of his gloves
                                during suit fit-check, part of the prelaunch preparations during terminal
                                countdown demonstration test (TCDT) activities.

                                KSC-06PD-2603 (11/16/2006) [Low Res | High Res]
                                In the white room on Launch Pad 39B, STS-116 Mission Specialist Nicholas
                                Patrick is helped with his gear before entering Space Shuttle Discovery.
                                The mission crew is taking part in a simulated launch countdown, part of
                                the terminal countdown demonstration test that includes prelaunch

                                Quelle: NASA

                                NASA TV
                                Integrated Truss Structure P5

