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Internationale Raumstation ISS

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    3. August 2006

    Expedition 13 Flight Engineers Jeff Williams (right) and Thomas Reiter participate in the mission's
    second spacewalk on August 3, 2006. Image credit: NASA TV

    Piloten der Luftwaffe sind zwar vielseitige Zeitgenossen. Aber wenn sie 2300 Stunden lang 15 verschiedene Typen von Düsenflugzeugen geflogen und dabei den Rang eines Obersten erreicht haben, zudem einen „Pilotenschein“ für Raumkapseln besitzen und neben dem Deutschen auch noch fließend Russisch und Englisch sprechen - dann erwartet man von ihnen nicht unbedingt, daß sie sich als Klempner und Elektriker verdingen. Am Donnerstag hat einer dieser Piloten aber genau das getan, und zwar auf der an Aussicht zweifellos reichsten Baustelle der Welt. In einem klobigen Arbeitsanzug, der an die Kleidung des Reklamemännchens eines Reifenherstellers erinnert, hielt sich der 48 Jahre alte Thomas Reiter mehrere Stunden lang außerhalb der Internationalen Raumstation auf. Dabei brachte er Ventile und Pumpen der Stations-Klimaanlage in Ordnung, installierte einen Scheinwerfer und wechselte eine GPS-Antenne aus.

    Sechs Stunden außerhalb der Raumstation

    Reiter hält sich seit knapp vier Wochen als erster deutscher Langzeitastronaut an Bord der in etwa 350 Kilometer Höhe fliegenden Raumstation auf. Seine beiden Mitbewohner dort oben sind der russische Kommandant Pawel Winogradow und der amerikanische Bordingenieur Jeff Williams. Als Reiter und Williams am Donnerstag 400 Kilometer über Australien hinaus ins All wollten, wollte die Luke nicht. Minutenlang hantierten die beiden Astronauten - ständig in Funkkontakt mit der Bodenkontrolle in Houston - an der Ausstiegsluke, dann begann der 69. Außenbordeinsatz an der Raumstation.

    Um 16.04 Uhr (MESZ) schalteten die beiden die Batterien ihrer Raumanzüge ein. Williams stieg in einem Anzug mit roten Streifen als erster hinaus. Um 16.25 Uhr (MESZ) folgte Reiter, der zur besseren Unterscheidung ganz in Weiß gekleidet war. Dann hangelten sich die beiden Astronauten an der Außenwand der Station entlang und begannen ihre etwa sechs Stunden dauernden Arbeiten außerhalb des Komplexes. Pawel Winogradow verfolgte die Arbeit der Kollegen derweil von der Raumstation aus.

    Drittes Newtonsches Gesetz

    Obwohl keine Schwerkraft die Astronauten bei ihren Handgriffen behinderte, ging das Lösen von Muttern und das Verlegen von Kabeln längst nicht so flink von der Hand wie auf der Erde. Die beiden schienen sich vielmehr - obwohl sie mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 28000 Kilometern in der Stunde um die Erde rasten und es alle 90 Minuten Tag und Nacht wurde - wie in Zeitlupe zu bewegen. Denn einerseits schränken die unförmigen Raumanzüge die Bewegungsfreiheit ein. Zum anderen macht sich im Weltraum aber das „Dritte Newtonsche Gesetz“ viel stärker bemerkbar als auf dem Erdboden.

    Newton hatte im Jahre 1687 herausgefunden, daß jeder mechanischen Kraft eine gleich starke Kraft entgegenwirkt, die in umgekehrter Richtung wirkt. Wer beispielsweise auf der Erde mit einem schweren Schraubenschlüssel eine große Mutter anzieht, stützt sich meist unbewußt mit den Füßen oder Ellenbogen ab, um diese Gegenkraft auszugleichen. Dabei kommt einem auf dem Erdboden die Schwerkraft zu Hilfe: Man kann sich mit seinem Körpergewicht gegen die Newtonsche Kraft stemmen.

    Jeder Handgriff erfordert größeren Einsatz

    Unter Wasser oder in der Schwerelosigkeit des Weltraums wiegt der Körper aber so gut wie nichts - und die Gegenkraft kann ungehindert wirken. Reiter und Williams hätten sich beispielsweise beim Anziehen von Schrauben und Muttern unweigerlich um sich selbst gedreht, wenn sie sich nicht in eigens konstruierten Fußschlingen hätten festhaken können. Doch trotz dieses festen „Standbeins“ erfordert jeder Handgriff im Weltraum einen viel größeren Einsatz an körperlicher Kraft als auf der Erde.

    Dieser Weltraumspaziergang war Reiters dritter Ausflug ins All außerhalb eines Raumschiffes. Während seines Aufenthaltes auf der inzwischen abgestürzten russischen Station „Mir“ zwischen September 1995 und Februar 1996 verbrachte er zweimal jeweils mehrere Stunden an der Außenseite der Station. Dabei wechselte er unter anderem Laborcontainer von der Größe von Schuhkartons aus, die außerhalb der Mir angebracht waren, um die Wirkung von kosmischer Strahlung auf verschiedene Materialien zu untersuchen.

    Wegen Katrina und Rita wird im All gespart

    Der jüngste Weltraumspaziergang Reiters stand aber unter keinem günstigen Stern. Die amerikanische Weltraumbehörde Nasa leidet nämlich an erheblichem Geldmangel. Die technischen Verbesserungen, die nach der Havarie der Raumfähre Columbia an den verbleibenden drei Raumtransportern vorgenommen wurden, haben bisher mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Dollar verschlungen.

    Hinzu kommt, daß einige Nasa-Einrichtungen an der Golfküste der Vereinigten Staaten im vergangenen Jahr durch die Wirbelstürme Katrina und Rita schwer beschädigt wurden. Da gleichzeitig der Etat der Behörde im amerikanischen Bundeshaushalt stagniert, muß die Nasa Geld sparen. Unter anderem wird deshalb erwogen, die ohnehin minimalen amerikanischen Forschungsbeiträge an Bord der Raumstation vollkommen einzustellen. Dadurch könnte die Behörde 100 Millionen Dollar im Jahr sparen.

    Astronauten nur noch Handwerker und Hausmeister

    Schon vor zwei Jahren mußten amerikanische Forscher, die sich mit Experimenten an den Flügen zur Raumstation beteiligen wollten, einen Rückschlag hinnehmen. Damals stellte die Nasa nämlich alle wissenschaftlichen Versuche ein, die nicht direkt mit dem Langzeitaufenthalt von Astronauten im Weltraum zu tun hatten. Man ließ also alle anorganischen Experimente wegfallen. Als Begründung hieß es damals, man wolle sich vollkommen auf die von Präsident Bush angekündigte Wiederaufnahme der Flüge zum Mond und zum Mars konzentrieren. Nun soll womöglich auch diese Art der Forschung eingestellt werden. Die Astronauten wären dann mehr denn je lediglich Hausmeister und Handwerker auf der Station.

    Von Horst Rademacher, San Francisco
    Text: F.A.Z., 04.08.2006, Nr. 179 / Seite 7


    Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
    Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13



      Video Gallery

      3 August 2006

      1. Expedition 13 EVA - HIGHLIGHTS / Full Coverage

      Expedition 13 Flight Engineer and NASA Science Officer Jeff Williams and
      European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter conducted a 5 hour and
      54 minute spacewalk outside the International Space Station Aug. 3,
      2006. They installed experiments on station modules and replaced
      electrical and computer hardware on the truss structure of the complex.


      Image Gallery

      29 July 2006

      ISS013-E-62373 (29 July 2006)
      Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
      officer and flight engineer, trims astronaut Thomas Reiter's hair in the
      Unity node of the International Space Station. Williams used hair clippers
      fashioned with a vacuum device to garner freshly cut hair. Reiter, flight
      engineer, represents the European Space Agency (ESA).

      2 August 2006

      ISS013-E-62787 (2 August 2006)
      Tropical Storm Chris was located to the east of Puerto Rico and the
      Leeward Islands at at 9:29 a.m. (CDT), August 2, when one of the
      members of the Expedition 13 crew recorded this digital still image.

      3 August 2006

      ISS013-E-63402 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Thomas Reiter, who represents the European Space Agency on
      the Expedition 13 crew, is photographed during a 5-hour, 54-minute
      excursion which he shared with astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams (out of
      frame). For part of the spacewalk, the pair worked closely in tandem, and
      then worked separately, getting ahead of their timeline, thus enabling the
      two to tack on extra tasks.

      ISS013-E-63404 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
      officer and flight engineer, is photographed during a 5-hour, 54-minute
      excursion which he shared with European Space Agency astronaut
      Thomas Reiter (out of frame). For part of the spacewalk, the pair worked
      closely in tandem, and then worked separately, getting ahead of their
      timeline, thus enabling the two to tack on extra tasks.

      ISS013-E-63416 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Thomas Reiter, who represents the European Space Agency on
      the Expedition 13 crew, translates near a targeted vent valve on the
      Destiny laboratory of the International Space during a 5-hour, 54-minute

      ISS013-E-63428 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Thomas Reiter, who represents the European Space Agency on
      the Expedition 13 crew, works on a cooling line in the S1 truss of the
      International Space Station during a 5-hour, 54-minute spacewalk on
      August 3.

      ISS013-E-63434 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Thomas Reiter, who represents the European Space Agency on
      the Expedition 13 crew, is seen with the reinforced carbon carbon (RCC)
      sample case which was one of the final major planned tasks for a 5-hour,
      54-minute spacewalk that he shared with astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams
      (out of frame), flight engineer and NASA ISS science officer.

      ISS013-E-63440 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
      officer and flight engineer, is photographed during an individualized
      portion of a productive 5-hour, 54-minute excursion which he shared with
      European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter (out of frame). For part
      of the spacewalk, the pair worked closely in tandem, and then worked
      separately, getting ahead of their timeline, thus enabling the two to tack
      on extra tasks.

      ISS013-E-63453 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Thomas Reiter, who represents the European Space Agency on
      the Expedition 13 crew, handles the infrared camera used to photograph a
      set of reinforced carbon carbon (RCC) samples for possible detection of
      damage caused by variations in temperature between sound and
      damaged RCC test sections.

      ISS013-E-63503 (3 August 2006)
      Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
      officer and flight engineer, brushes up on a task list prior to egressing a
      station airlock to go on to perform a 5-hour, 54-minute excursion which
      he shared with European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter (out of
      frame). For part of the spacewalk, the pair worked closely in tandem, and
      then worked separately, getting ahead of their timeline, thus enabling the
      two to tack on extra tasks.


      NASA TV
      Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
      Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13



        Video Gallery

        8 August 2006

        ISS Expedition 13 Conversation with FC Barcelona Soccer Team ... 9.4 MB

        Coach Frank Rijkaard, members of the European champion FC Barcelona,
        Spain soccer team offered congratulations to the Expedition 13 crew
        aboard the International Space Station during a visit to Mission Control at
        the Johnson Space Center, Houston Aug. 8, 2006. The team is in Houston
        to play the Houston Dynamo soccer team on Aug. 9.

        Quelle: / NASA TV

        Image Gallery

        2 August 2006

        ISS013-E-62714 (2 Aug. 2006)
        Mt. Etna Summit Plumes, Sicily is featured in this image photographed by
        an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station. One of
        the most consistently active volcanoes in the world is Sicily's Mt. Etna,
        which has a historical record of eruptions dating back to 1500 B.C. This
        image captures plumes of steam and possible minor ash originating from
        summit craters on the mountain -- the Northeast Crater and Central
        Crater, which includes two secondary craters (Voragine and Bocca
        Nuova). Explosions were heard from the rim of the Northeast Crater on
        July 26, and scientists suspect that these plumes are a continuation of that
        activity. The massive 3350 meter high volcano is located approximately
        24 kilometers to the north of Catania, the second largest city in Sicily, and
        dominates the northern skyline. Much of Etna's surface is comprised of
        numerous generations of dark basaltic lava flows, as can be seen
        extended outwards from the summit craters. Fertile soils developed on
        older flows are marked by green vegetation. While the current explosive
        eruptions of Etna tend to occur at the summit, lava flows generally erupt
        through fissures lower down on the flanks of the volcano. Many of the lava
        flow vents are marked by cinder cones on the flanks of Mt. Etna.
        Scientists have noted evidence of larger eruptive events as well. The Valle
        Del Bove to the south-southeast of the summit is a caldera formed by the
        emptying of a subsurface magma chamber during a large eruptive event
        -- once the magma chamber was emptied, the overlaying roof material
        collapsed downwards.

        8 August 2006

        JSC2006-E-33425 (8 August 2006)
        Members of the European champion soccer team, FC Barcelona, made a
        special call at 4:10 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Aug. 8 to the International Space
        Station crew. During a visit to NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, the
        team stopped in the Station (Blue) Flight Control Room in Mission Control
        to make the call. The FC Barcelona team is scheduled to play an Aug. 9
        exhibition game against Club America, one of Mexico's top club teams.
        Players, coaches and guests of the team visited mission control rooms
        used for the station and shuttle, and the historic control room used during
        Apollo missions and lunar landings. They also visited training facilities
        including full-scale mockups of the station and shuttle.

        JSC2006-E-33427 (8 August 2006)
        They brought with them team jerseys for the crewmembers -- Pavel V.
        Vinogradov, Jeffrey N. Williams and Thomas Reiter of the European Space
        Agency. Astronaut Carlos Pontes, left, also received a personalized jersey
        from the visitors.


        NASA TV
        Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
        Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13


          Das mit den Trikots hab ich auch im Fernsehen gesehen. Ich hab allerdings nicht so recht verstanden, was es mit der 13 auf sich hat. Da es sich aber wohl um die 13. Expedition handelt, sollte die Sache wohl klar sein
          Für meine Königin, die so reich wäre, wenn es sie nicht gäbe ;)
          endars Katze sagt: “nur geradeaus” Rover Over
          Klickt für Bananen!
          Der süßeste Mensch der Welt



            Nächste Ereignisse

            Mittwoch, 23. August 2006
            ISS orbit's raising by Progress M-56

            Dienstag, 29. August 2006
            Atlantis (STS-115) docking (to PMA-2)

            Dienstag, 5. September 2006
            Atlantis (STS-115) undocking (from PMA-2)

            Donnerstag, 14. September 2006
            Soyuz TMA-9 / Expedition 14 launch [Tyurin, Lopez-Alegria, Enomoto]

            ISS Animation and STS-115 Press Kit

            ISS Assembly Sequence ... Flash Animation (August 2006)

            STS-115 Press Kit ... PDF 3.2 MB


            Video Gallery

            10 August 2006

            ISS Expedition 13 - In-Flight Interview with The Food Network's "Emeril Live" Program ... 41.6 MB

            Quelle: / NASA TV

            Image Gallery

            24 July 2006

            ISS013-E-64485 (24 July 2006)
            Earth's horizon and station solar array panels are featured in this image
            photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember from a window on the
            International Space Station.

            25 July 2006

            ISS013-E-64486 (25 July 2006)
            European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter, Expedition 13
            flight engineer, prepares the Human Research Facility (HRF-2) rack for the
            scheduled upgrade of the Pulmonary Function System (PFS) experiment in
            the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station.

            2 August 2006

            ISS013-E-64637 (2 August 2006)
            Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
            officer and flight engineer, works with the Passive Observatories for
            Experimental Microbial Systems in Micro-G (POEMS) payload in the Minus
            Eight Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) in the Destiny laboratory
            of the International Space Station. MELFI is a low temperature freezer
            facility with nominal operating temperatures of -80, -26 and +4 degrees
            Celsius that will preserve experiment materials over long periods.

            ISS013-E-64639 (2 August 2006)
            Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
            officer and flight engineer, inserts a sample of the Passive Observatories
            for Experimental Microbial Systems in Micro-G (POEMS) payload in the
            Minus Eight Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) in the Destiny
            laboratory of the International Space Station.


            NASA TV
            Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
            Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13



              Nächste Ereignisse

              Mittwoch, 23. August 2006
              18:04 CEST (12:04 p.m. EDT)
              ISS orbit's raising by Progress M-56

              Dienstag, 29. August 2006
              Atlantis (STS-115) docking (to PMA-2)

              Dienstag, 5. September 2006
              Atlantis (STS-115) undocking (from PMA-2)

              Donnerstag, 14. September 2006
              Soyuz TMA-9 / Expedition 14 launch [Tyurin, Lopez-Alegria, Enomoto]

              NASA TV

              Dienstag, 22. August 2006

              20:00 CEST (2 p.m. EDT)
              ISS Expedition 14 Preflight Briefing - JSC (Public and Media Channels)

              21:00 CEST (3 p.m. EDT)
              ISS Expedition 13 Recap Briefing - JSC (Public and Media Channels)

              Image Gallery

              10 August 2006

              ISS013-E-65683 (10 August 2006)
              European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter, Expedition 13
              flight engineer, exercises on the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation
              System (CEVIS) in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station.

              ISS013-E-65695 (10 August 2006)
              European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter (left), Expedition 13
              flight engineer; cosmonaut Pavel V. Vinogradov, commander representing
              Russia's Federal Space Agency; and astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, NASA
              space station science officer and flight engineer, join Chef Emeril Lagasse
              during a special call in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space
              Station. Earlier the crew tasted several of his gourmet creations, delivered
              to the station by the Space Shuttle Discovery in July.

              ISS013-E-65721 (10 August 2006)
              European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter, Expedition 13
              flight engineer, replaces the number two replaceable pump panel (SPN) in
              the number one loop (VGK1) of the International Space Station's Zarya
              functional cargo block (FGB) thermal control system with a new spare
              from stowage.

              ISS013-E-65751 (10 August 2006)
              The profile of the atmosphere and the setting sun is featured in this image
              photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International
              Space Station.

              12 August 2006

              ISS013-E-65795 (12 August 2006)
              Astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams, Expedition 13 NASA space station science
              officer and flight engineer, does a check of the Synchronized Position
              Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Beacon /
              Beacon Tester in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station.


              NASA TV
              Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
              Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13


                STS-Chris danke für die Infos
                Flieger Photos von mir auf



                  Nächste Ereignisse

                  HEUTE, 23. August 2006
                  18:04 CEST (12:04 p.m. EDT)

                  ISS orbit's raising by Progress M-56

                  Dienstag, 29. August 2006
                  Atlantis (STS-115) docking (to PMA-2)

                  Dienstag, 5. September 2006
                  Atlantis (STS-115) undocking (from PMA-2)

                  Donnerstag, 14. September 2006
                  Soyuz TMA-9 / Expedition 14 launch [Tyurin, Lopez-Alegria, Enomoto]

                  Video Gallery

                  13 July 2006

                  1. ISS Expedition 14 - Crew News Conference ... 48.2 Mb

                  17 August 2006

                  1. ISS Expedition 13 - In-Flight Educational Event ... 22.8 Mb

                  22 August 2006

                  1. ISS Expedition 14 - Preflight Briefing ... 47.9 Mb

                  2. ISS Expedition 13 - Recap Briefing ... 57.1 Mb

                  Quelle: / NASA TV

                  Expedition 14
                  Image Gallery

                  ISS014-S-001 (May 2006)
                  This emblem embodies the past, present, and future of human space
                  exploration. The Roman numeral XIV suspended above the Earth against
                  the black background of space symbolizes the fourteenth expeditionary
                  mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Elements of this symbol
                  merge into a unified trajectory destined for the moon, Mars, and beyond,
                  much as science and operations aboard the ISS today will pave the way
                  for future missions to our celestial neighbors. The five stars honor the
                  astronauts and cosmonauts of missions Apollo 1, Soyuz 1, Soyuz 11,
                  Challenger, and Columbia, who gave their lives in the pursuit of
                  knowledge and discovery.

                  The Expedition 14 Crew

                  JSC2006-E-27937 (13 July 2006)
                  Cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin (left), Expedition 14 flight engineer representing
                  Russia's Federal Space Agency; astronaut Sunita L. Williams, flight
                  engineer; and astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria, commander and NASA
                  space station science officer, pose for a photograph following their July 13
                  press conference at the Johnson Space Center. Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin
                  are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station in a Soyuz
                  spacecraft in mid-September and Williams will join Expedition 14 in
                  progress and serve as a flight engineer after traveling to the station on
                  space shuttle mission STS-116 in December.

                  The Soyuz TMA-9 Crew

                  JSC2006-E-27939 (13 July 2006)
                  Cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin (right), Expedition 14 flight engineer
                  representing Russia's Federal Space Agency; astronaut Michael E.
                  Lopez-Alegria (center), commander and NASA space station science
                  officer; and spaceflight participant Daisuke Enomoto pose for a
                  photograph following their July 13 press conference at the Johnson Space
                  Center. Lopez-Alegria, Tyurin and Enomoto are scheduled to launch to the
                  International Space Station in a Soyuz spacecraft in mid-September.

                  13 July 2006

                  JSC2006-E-27748 (13 July 2006)
                  Cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin (left), Expedition 14 flight engineer representing
                  Russia's Federal Space Agency, and astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria,
                  commander and NASA space station science officer, show media
                  representatives a photo of European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut
                  Thomas Reiter during a pre-flight press conference at Johnson Space
                  Center. Reiter, who is already on the International Space Station as an
                  Expedition 13 flight engineer, will become an Expedition 14 crewmember
                  upon their arrival to the station this fall.

                  JSC2006-E-27754 (13 July 2006)
                  The Expedition 14 crewmembers and spaceflight participant Daisuke
                  Enomoto (left) of Japan are photographed during a pre-flight press
                  conference at Johnson Space Center. From the second left are astronaut
                  Sunita L. Williams, flight engineer; cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, flight
                  engineer representing Russia's Federal Space Agency; and astronaut
                  Michael E. Lopez-Alegria, commander and NASA space station science

                  July 2006

                  JSC2006-E-33944 (July 2006)
                  Astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria (left), Expedition 14 commander and
                  NASA space station science officer, and spaceflight participant Daisuke
                  Enomoto participate in a training session in an International Space Station
                  Zvezda Service Module mockup/trainer at the Gagarin Cosmonaut
                  Training Center in Star City, Russia.

                  JSC2006-E-33951 (July 2006)
                  Astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria (top), Expedition 14 commander and
                  NASA space station science officer, and cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, flight
                  engineer representing Russia's Federal Space Agency, participate in a
                  training session in a Soyuz spacecraft mockup/trainer at the Gagarin
                  Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia. Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin
                  are attired in training versions of their Russian Sokol launch and entry suit.


                  NASA TV
                  Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
                  Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13
                  Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 14



                    Health test defeats space tourist

                    21 August 2006

                    A Japanese businessman hoping to fly to the International Space Station
                    (ISS) has failed his medical test, according to Russian space agency

                    Daisuke Enomoto's replacement
                    will be decided soon

                    Daisuke "Dice-K" Enomoto, 34, was hoping to become the fourth space
                    tourist after being chosen to fly on board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

                    He was due to accompany the 14th space station crew on a flight next

                    Previous private space explorers are Americans Dennis Tito and Greg
                    Olsen and South African Mark Shuttleworth.

                    Russian Federal Space Agency spokesman Igor Panarin said that Enomoto
                    was "deemed not ready to fly for exclusively medical reasons".

                    He was due to begin the journey on 14 September with US commander
                    Miguel Lopez-Alegria and Russian flight engineer Mikhail Tyurin.

                    Mr Panarin said that his replacement would be decided shortly.

                    Enomoto's back-up is Anousheh Ansari, an American citizen of Iranian
                    descent. She could now be the new occupant of the third seat.

                    Whoever fills it will spend a total of 10 days in space before returning to
                    Earth alongside current occupants of the ISS - Russian commander Pavel
                    Vinogradov and US flight engineer Jeff Williams.

                    A 10-day flight to the ISS, offered by Virginia-based company Space
                    Adventures, costs $20m.

                    Quelle: BBC News

                    UPDATE August 23:

                    Anousheh Ansari will launch with Expedition 14 and land with
                    Expedition 13 under a commercial contract with the Russian
                    Federal Space Agency. (

                    Getting Ready for Space Shuttle Atlantis

                    23 August 2006

                    The International Space Station performed a reboost during a 9-minute,
                    4-second burn of the ISS Progress 21 engines at 12:04 p.m. EDT
                    Wednesday. This placed the station at the correct altitude to support the
                    rendezvous with Space Shuttle Atlantis for the STS-115 launch and the
                    Soyuz launch of the Expedition 14 crew in September. The reboost
                    increased the station's altitude by 2.5 statute miles.

                    Thomas Reiter (left), Pavel Vinogradov and Jeff Williams in the Destiny
                    laboratory of the International Space Station. Credit: NASA

                    Jeff Williams conducted a voluntary “Saturday Science” program by
                    performing a full-beacon session of the Synchronized Position Hold,
                    Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) payload. The
                    SPHERES experiment, which includes three small balls that fly in formation
                    in the station cabin, tests systems for controlling multiple spacecraft.

                    Last week, Williams activated the Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle
                    School Students (EarthKAM) hardware for a new session, giving school
                    students around the world access to a digital still camera mounted in a
                    window of the space station and enabling them to view the world from an
                    astronaut's perspective. Over 800 images were taken by 44 schools last



                      Heute hat Kosmonaut
                      Pawel Winogradow seinen 53. Geburtstag!

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

                      Cosmonaut Pawel W. Winogradow, Expedition 13 Commander
                      NASA Biographical Data
                      Wikipedia (deutsch)

                      Bisherige Flüge:

                      Mir-24 * Sojus TM-26

                      5 Aug 1997 - 19 Feb 1998

                      Sojus TM-26 Crew

                      September 1997 - Survey view taken of the Mir space station by the crew
                      of the STS-86 orbiter Atlantis includes Kvant II, Priroda, Spektr, Kristall
                      and Soyuz spacecraft

                      January 1998 - Commander Terrence Wilcutt and Mir Flight Engineer
                      Pavel Vinogradov exchange greetings at the hatch opening between the
                      Mir Space Station's Docking Module and Endeavour's Orbiter Docking
                      System (ODS) during STS-89.

                      All photos: NASA



                        Nächste Ereignisse

                        Freitag, 8. September 2006
                        Atlantis (STS-115) docking (to PMA-2)

                        Donnerstag, 14. September 2006
                        07:44 CEST (1:44 a.m. EDT)

                        Soyuz TMA-9 / Expedition 14 launch
                        [Tyurin, Lopez-Alegria, Ansari]

                        Expedition 13
                        Image Gallery

                        28 August 2006

                        ISS013-E-71887 (28 Aug. 2006)
                        Backdropped by the blackness of space and a blue and white Earth, the
                        docked Soyuz TMA-8 spacecraft is featured in this image photographed by
                        an Expedition 13 crew member from a window on the International Space

                        ISS013-E-71890 (28 Aug. 2006)
                        A blue and white Earth and the docked Soyuz TMA-8 spacecraft are
                        featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crew member
                        from a window on the International Space Station.

                        ISS013-E-71899 (28 Aug. 2006)
                        The docked Soyuz TMA-8 spacecraft is featured in this image
                        photographed by an Expedition 13 crew member from a window on the
                        International Space Station. Western Cuba provided the backdrop for the


                        NASA TV
                        Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
                        Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13
                        Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 14
                        Zuletzt geändert von STS-Chris; 31.08.2006, 12:18.



                          Next Events

                          September 8, Friday
                          Atlantis (STS-115) docking (to PMA-2)

                          September 18, Monday
                          06:08 CEST (12:08 a.m. EDT)

                          Soyuz TMA-9 / Expedition 14 launch
                          [Tyurin, Lopez-Alegria, Ansari]

                          Video Gallery

                          August 31, 2006

                          ISS Expedition 13 - Birthday Greetings for Pavel Vinogradov ... 16.2 MB

                          Quelle: / NASA TV

                          Expedition 14 / Soyuz TMA-9
                          Image Gallery

                          November 8, 2005

                          JSC2006-E-38891 (8 Nov. 2005)
                          Attired in Russian Sokol launch and entry suits, astronaut Michael E.
                          Lopez-Alegria (right), Expedition 14 commander and NASA space station
                          science officer; cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, flight engineer representing
                          Russia's Federal Space Agency; and spaceflight participant Anousheh
                          Ansari join hands as they pose for a portrait in Star City, Russia.
                          Photo credit: Roscosmos / Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center

                          March 30, 2006

                          ISS014-S-002A (30 March 2006)
                          Astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria (center), Expedition 14 commander
                          and NASA space station science officer; cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin (right),
                          flight engineer representing Russia's Federal Space Agency; and astronaut
                          Sunita L. Williams, flight engineer, take a break from training at Johnson
                          Space Center to pose for a crew portrait.

                          ISS014-S-002B (30 March 2006)
                          Astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria (center), Expedition 14 commander
                          and NASA space station science officer; cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin (right),
                          flight engineer representing Russia's Federal Space Agency; and European
                          Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter, flight engineer, take a
                          break from training at Johnson Space Center to pose for a crew portrait.

                          August 2006

                          JSC2006-E-38312 (August 2006)
                          Anousheh Ansari participates in ISS Soyuz 13/TMA-9 training at the
                          Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Russia. The spaceflight participant
                          will launch with Expedition 14 and land with Expedition 13 under a
                          commercial contract with the Russian Federal Space Agency.
                          Photo Credit: Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

                          JSC2006-E-38313 (August 2006)
                          Astronaut Michael E. Lopez-Alegria, Expedition 14 commander and NASA
                          ISS science officer, trains for his upcoming flight with spaceflight
                          participant Anousheh Ansari.
                          Photo Credit: Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center


                          NASA TV
                          Wikipedia: Internationale Raumstation
                          Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 13
                          Wikipedia: ISS Expedition 14


                            so ein misst das man nirgendwo den Shuttle Start mitverfolgen konnte. Keine Website kein Fernsehsender. Hat jemand ne Qualle ob alles Glatt gelaufen ist?

                            Start war jetzt um 18.29 Uhr
                            "Ich habe einen ganz einfachen Geschmack: Ich bin immer mit dem Besten zufrieden." - Oscar Wilde


                              Zitat von The Guardian Beitrag anzeigen
                              so ein misst das man nirgendwo den Shuttle Start mitverfolgen konnte. Keine Website kein Fernsehsender. Hat jemand ne Qualle ob alles Glatt gelaufen ist?

                              Start war jetzt um 18.29 Uhr
                              Der Start wurde um mindestens 24 Stunden verschoben, wegen Problemen.
                              Näheres findest du im dazugehörigen Thema zur STS-115-Mission.

                              Phönix überträgt meistens die Starts und auch spezielle Weltraumsendungen.
                              Auch die Webseite der NASA zeigt Videos.
                              'To infinity and beyond!'


                                Japp, Neuigkeiten zur Atlantis gibt es nur in dem STS-115-Thread und wenn der Start verschoben wird, dann gebe ich das auch dort so schnell wie möglich bekannt. Und wenn kein Start stattfindet, dann wird er auch nicht im TV gezeigt.

                                Wenn der Start stattfindet, dann übertragen meist Phoenix, n-tv, N24, CNN und selbstverständlich NASA TV im Internet (siehe Link am Ende eines jeden Beitrags).

