Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte??? - SciFi-Forum


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Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte???

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    Falco - Out of the dark

    Ich krieg' von dir niemals genug
    Du bist in jedem Atemzug
    Alles dreht sich nur um Dich
    Warum ausgerechnet ich.
    Zähl die Stunden, die Sekunden
    Doch die Zeit scheint still zu steh'n
    Hab' mich geschunden, gewunden
    Laß' mich geh'n
    Was willst Du noch
    Willst Du meine Tage zählen
    Warum mußt Du mich
    mit meiner Sehnsucht quälen.
    Deine Hölle brennt in mir
    Du bist mein Überlebenselexier
    Ich bin zerrissen
    Wann kommst Du meine Wunden küssen.

    Out of the dark.
    Hörst Du die Stimme, die mir sagt
    Into the light.
    I give up and close my eyes.
    Out of the dark
    Hörst Du die Stimme, die Dir sagt.
    Into the light.
    I give up and you waste your tears
    To the night.

    Ich bin bereit
    Denn es ist Zeit
    Für unseren Pakt über die Ewigkeit
    Du bis schon da
    Ganz nah
    Ich kann Dich spüren
    Laß' mich verführen, laß' mich entführen
    Heute Nacht zum letzten Mal
    Ergeben Deiner Macht
    Reich mir die Hand
    Mein Leben, nenn' mir den Preis
    Ich schenk' Dir Gestern, Heut' und Morgen
    Dann schließt sich der Kreis
    Kein Weg zurück
    Das weisse Licht kommt näher
    Stück für Stück
    Will mich ergeben
    Muß ich denn sterben
    Um zu leben?

    Out of the dark
    Into the light
    I give up and close my eyes.
    Out of the dark.
    Hörst Du die Stimme, die Dir sagt
    Into the light.
    I give up and you waste your tears
    To the night.
    “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
    They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
    Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


      Dream Theater - The Killing Hand

      [music by Dream Theater, lyrics by Petrucci]

      [I. The Observance]
      An Angel's kiss now fallen
      Descending scarlet cuts the sky
      Faded names left on the wall
      Honor the fighting leave life to

      Remembered is the sacrifice but
      No praisal of blood still flowing
      Who were the leaders?
      what controlled the Killing Hand
      that caused this mouthing?

      Crossing over...

      [II. Ancient Renewal]
      Lowered deep into the sea
      Being a waits to cleanse his soul
      senses weakening time is still
      Motionless by stiffening cold

      The wheels race back and
      Scorch his mind
      Travelling all to find the land
      Revelation warms a touch
      And now he will begin to

      [III. The Stray Seed]
      Extended a view to yesterday
      Manifestation for none the same
      Walking amidst a frightening still
      No sound, no smoke, no scorching

      He is risen...

      Sipping his poison the raven sings
      Yet another to add more bodies
      King from below
      this one controls
      the Killing Hand that caused this

      Is it all over?

      [IV. Thorns]
      Evil genius this secret plan
      Mercy dealt with the losing hand
      Will he ever fall?
      Can he end it all?
      Our savior must make his stand

      Only a Propher of years to come
      Wanting mortality I'm all alone
      He heard my voice
      It was my choice
      I've stopped the Killing Hand

      [V. Exodus]
      When I go back again
      Will it be the same?
      I've stopped the cries
      But now they know my name

      The sea is calling me
      my spirit must return
      As I get closer,
      was it really worth
      what I have learned?

      I'm in the valley
      And the saddened chimes I hear
      Race towards the wall to find
      one more name appears

      No one is left now
      my one and only land
      I laugh at what I've done
      I am the Killing Hand


        The Offspring - Hit That

        Who has the fortune
        Don't pull the same
        She had to get up
        And make a change
        She had a kid now
        But much too young
        Her baby daddy's
        Out having fun

        He said "Now I'm on a roll
        With all the girls I know"
        His baby mama
        She ain't so slow
        He said "Now I'm on a roll
        With all the girls I know"
        I know you wanna Hit That
        I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
        All of the world
        Is getting way past me
        Consequences are a lost party
        That's the way
        That's the way things go

        What was a family
        Is now a shell
        We're raising kids now
        Who raise themselves
        Sex is a weapon
        It's like a drug
        It gets around into that
        Ground that he just dug

        She said "Now I'm on a run
        I'm chasing guys for fun"
        Her baby daddy
        Hey, he's only one
        She said "Now I'm on a run
        I'm chasing guys for fun"
        I know you wanna Hit That
        I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
        Hey everybody's getting way past me
        Consequences are a lost party
        That's the way
        That's the way things go

        Well, you'd better wise up
        Broken up, really such a shame
        Better wind up
        Take a chance, everything's a game
        And the good stuff
        Broken up, nothing's gonna change

        The more he's trying
        The more he's buying

        He said "Now I'm on a roll
        With all the girls I know"
        His baby mama
        Don't need know
        He said "Now I'm on a roll
        With all the girls I know"
        I know you wanna Hit That
        I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
        All of the world
        Is getting way past me
        Consequences are a lost party
        That's the way
        That's the way things go
        "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
        ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


          Für Cemmy

          Red Hot Chili Peppers - Transcending

          You are my god, you are my dog
          You kept me close, love never lost
          I called you hippie, you said fuck off
          Said your brother's a real punk rocker

          Something gonna happen
          Something very soon
          Transcending flesh could be a breeze
          Sending me oh over the Moon

          Friends near death, you gave respect
          Sympathetic Intellect
          Choices are, for one and all
          All we are is, leaves that fall

          Round and round inside your head
          Smartest fucker I ever met
          Vicious fish bit at your toes
          Made you lie and numb your soul


          Mule donkey ass you bore the load
          Of all creations tortured souls
          Choices are, for one and all
          All we are is, leaves that fall

          Hey, gone to stay
          Entire lifetime flash before me
          In a loving stream
          Hey mother may I have lost a child
          But she gave birth
          To a loving stream

          Ooh, never know. When the gods will come and
          Take you
          To a loving stream

          Ooh, heart of gold
          The most special things you gave me were
          From your loving stream

          In a loving stream

          Fuck the magazines
          Fuck the green machine
          See the human being
          In a loving stream

          Fuck the legal greed
          Fuck the nothing scene
          See the family
          In a loving stream


            Narrenschiff von Reinhard Mey

            Das Quecksilber fällt, die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm,
            Nur blödes Kichern und Keifen vom Kommandoturm
            Und ein dumpfes Mahlen grollt aus der Maschine.
            Und rollen und Stampfen und schwere See,
            Die Bordkapelle spielt „Humbatäterä“,
            Und ein irres Lachen dringt aus der Latrine.
            Die Ladung ist faul, die Papiere fingiert,
            Die Lenzpumpen leck und die Schotten blockiert,
            Die Luken weit offen und alle Alarmglocken läuten.
            Die Seen schlagen mannshoch in den Laderaum
            Und Elmsfeuer züngeln vom Ladebaum,
            Doch keiner an Bord vermag die Zeichen zu deuten!

            Der Steuermann lügt, der Kapitän ist betrunken
            Und der Maschinist in dumpfe Lethargie versunken,
            Die Mannschaft lauter meineidige Halunken,
            Der Funker zu feig‘ um SOS zu funken.
            Klabautermann führt das Narrenschiff
            Volle Fahrt voraus und Kurs auf‘s Riff.

            Am Horizont wetterleuchten die Zeichen der Zeit:
            Niedertracht und Raffsucht und Eitelkeit.
            Auf der Brücke tummeln sich Tölpel und Einfaltspinsel.
            Im Trüben fischt der scharfgezahnte Hai,
            Bringt seinen Fang ins Trockne, an der Steuer vorbei,
            Auf die Sandbank, bei der wohlbekannten Schatzinsel.
            Die andern Geldwäscher und Zuhälter, die warten schon,
            Bordellkönig, Spielautomatenbaron,
            Im hellen Licht, niemand muß sich im Dunkeln rumdrücken
            In der Bananenrepublik, wo selbst der Präsident
            Die Scham verloren hat und keine Skrupel kennt,
            Sich mit dem Steuerdieb im Gefolge zu schmücken.

            Der Steuermann lügt, der Kapitän ist betrunken
            Und der Maschinist in dumpfe Lethargie versunken,
            Die Mannschaft lauter meineidige Halunken,
            Der Funker zu feig‘ um SOS zu funken.
            Klabautermann führt das Narrenschiff
            Volle Fahrt voraus und Kurs auf‘s Riff.

            Man hat sich glatt gemacht, man hat sich arrangiert.
            All die hohen Ideale sind havariert,
            Und der große Rebell, der nicht müd‘ wurde zu streiten,
            Mutiert zu einem servilen, gift‘gen Gnom
            Und singt lammfromm vor dem schlimmen alten Mann in Rom
            Seine Lieder, fürwahr: Es ändern sich die Zeiten!
            Einst junge Wilde sind gefügig, fromm und zahm,
            Gekauft, narkotisiert und flügellahm,
            Tauschen Samtpfötchen für die einst so scharfen Klauen.
            Und eitle Greise präsentier‘n sich keck
            Mit immer viel zu jungen Frauen auf dem Oberdeck,
            Die ihre schlaffen Glieder wärmen und ihnen das Essen vorkauen.

            Der Steuermann lügt, der Kapitän ist betrunken
            Und der Maschinist in dumpfe Lethargie versunken,
            Die Mannschaft lauter meineidige Halunken,
            Der Funker zu feig‘ um SOS zu funken.
            Klabautermann führt das Narrenschiff
            Volle Fahrt voraus und Kurs auf‘s Riff.

            Sie rüsten gegen den Feind, doch der Feind ist längst hier.
            Er hat die Hand an deiner Gurgel, er steht hinter dir.
            Im Schutz der Paragraphen mischt er die gezinkten Karten.
            Jeder kann es sehen, aber alle sehen weg,
            Und der Dunkelmann kommt aus seinem Versteck
            Und dealt unter aller Augen vor dem Kindergarten.
            Der Ausguck ruft vom höchsten Mast: Endzeit in Sicht!
            Doch sie sind wie versteinert und sie hören ihn nicht.
            Sie zieh‘n wie Lemminge in willenlosen Horden.
            Es ist, als hätten alle den Verstand verlor‘n,
            Sich zum Niedergang und zum Verfall verschwor‘n,
            Und ein Irrlicht ist ihr Leuchtfeuer geworden.

            Der Steuermann lügt, der Kapitän ist betrunken
            Und der Maschinist in dumpfe Lethargie versunken,
            Die Mannschaft lauter meineidige Halunken,
            Der Funker zu feig‘ um SOS zu funken.
            Klabautermann führt das Narrenschiff
            Volle Fahrt voraus und Kurs auf‘s Riff.


              Dream Theater - Scarred

              To Rise, To Fall.
              To Hurt, To Hate.
              To Want, To Wait.
              To Heal, To Save.

              Can't hear it
              we fear it
              awareness won't come near it

              Disguised in spite of time

              I never bared my emotion
              My passion always strong
              I never lost my devotion
              but somewhere fate went wrong

              Can't let them rape me again
              Your venom's not family here
              won't let them fill me with
              fatalistic remedies

              What if the rest of the world
              was hopelessly blinded by fear?
              Where would my sanctity live?
              Suddenly nobody cares.

              It's never enough
              You're wasting your time
              Isn't there something I could say?
              You don't understand
              You're closing me out
              How can we live our lives this way?

              You tell me I'm wrong
              I'm risking my life
              Still, I have nothing in return
              I show you my hands
              You don't see the scars
              Maybe you'll leave me here to burn.

              What if the rest of the world
              was hopelessly drowning in vain?
              Where would our self pity run?
              Suddenly everyone cares.

              Blood...Heal me
              Fear...Change me
              Belief will always save me
              Conviction made aware

              Give up on misery
              Turn your back on dissent
              Leave their distrust behind
              Wash your hands of regret

              Do you feel you don't know me anymore?
              And do you feel I'm afraid of your love?
              And how come you don't want me asking?
              And how come my heart's not invited?
              You say you want everyone happy
              Well, we're not laughing.

              And how come you don't understand me?
              And how come I don't understand you?
              Thirty years say we're in this together
              So open your eyes.

              People in prayer for me
              everyone there for me
              Sometimes I feel I should face this alone
              My soul exposed
              It calms me to know that I won't

              Blood...Heal me
              Fear...Change me
              Belief will always save me
              Conviction made aware

              Give up on misery
              Turn your back on dissent
              Leave their distrust behind
              Wash your hands of regret

              Blood...Heal me
              Fear...Change me
              Belief will always save me
              Conviction made aware

              Learning from misery
              Staring back at dissent
              Leaving distrust behind
              I'm inspired and content


                LeAnn Rimes - You Light up My Life

                So many nights, I’d sit by my window,
                Waiting for someone to sing me his song.
                So many dreams, I kept deep inside me,
                Alone in the dark, but now you’ve come along.

                And you light up my life,
                You give me hope, to carry on.
                You light up my days
                And fill my nights with song.

                Rollin’ at sea, adrift on the waters
                Could it be finally, I’m turning for home
                Finally a chance to say, hey, I love you
                Never again to be all alone.

                And you light up my life,
                You give me hope, to carry on.
                You light up my days
                And fill my nights with song.

                You, you light up my life
                You give me hope to carry on
                You light up my days
                And fill my nights with song
                It can’t be wrong, when it feels so right
                ’cause you, you light up my life.
                "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                  LeAnn Rimes - One Way Ticket (Because I Can)

                  Standing on the border
                  Looking out into the great unknown
                  I can feel my heart beating faster as I step out on my own
                  There’s a new horizon and the promise of favorable wind
                  I’m heading out tonight, traveling light
                  I’m gonna start all over again

                  And buy a one way ticket on a west bound train
                  See how far I can go (because I can)
                  I’m gonna go out dancing in the pouring rain
                  And talk to someone I don’t know (because I can)
                  I will face the world around me
                  Knowing that I’m strong enough to let you go
                  And I will fall in love again
                  Because I can

                  Gonna climb the mountain
                  And look the eagle in the eye
                  I won’t let fear clip my wings and tell me how high I can fly
                  How could I have ever believed
                  That love had to be so blind
                  When freedom was waiting, down at the station
                  All I had to do was make up my mind

                  And buy a one way ticket on a west bound train
                  See how far I can go (because I can)
                  I’m gonna go out dancing in the pouring rain
                  And talk to someone I don’t know (because I can)
                  I will face the world around me
                  Knowing that I’m strong enough to let you go
                  And I will fall in love again
                  Because I can

                  Well, I have walked through the fire
                  And crawled on my knees through the valley of the shadow of doubt
                  Then the truth came shining like a light on me and now I can see my way out

                  I’m gonna buy a one way ticket on a west bound train
                  See how far I can go (because I can)
                  I’m gonna go out dancing in the pouring rain
                  And talk to someone I don’t know
                  I’m gonna buy a one way ticket on a west bound train
                  Gonna have my breakfest with some pink champagne
                  I’m gonna sail the ocean, I’m gonna spread my wings
                  I’m gonna climb that mountain, gonna do everything
                  "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                  ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                    Rammstein - weisses Fleisch

                    du auf dem schulhof, ich zum töten bereit
                    und keiner hier weiss, von meiner einsamkeit.
                    rote striemen auf weißer haut,
                    ich tu dir weh und du jammerst laut.
                    jetzt hast du angst un bist soweit
                    mein schwarzes blut versaut dir das kleid.

                    dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so,
                    ich bin doch nur ein gigolo,
                    dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich.

                    mein schwarzes blut und dein weisses fleisch,
                    ich werd immer geiler von deinem gekreisch,
                    der angstschweiß da auf deiner weissen stirn,
                    hagelt in mein krankes gehirn.

                    dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so
                    ich bin doch nur ein gigolo
                    mein vater war genau wie ich
                    dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich

                    jetzt hast du angst und ich bin soweit
                    mein krankes dasein nach erlösung schreit,
                    dein weisses fleisch ist mein schafott
                    in meinem himmel gibt es keinen gott.

                    dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so
                    ich bin doch nur ein gigolo
                    mein vater war genau wie ich
                    dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich

                    "Ich habe einen ganz einfachen Geschmack: Ich bin immer mit dem Besten zufrieden." - Oscar Wilde


                      LeAnn Rimes - Life Goes On

                      Life goes on, life goes on
                      Life goes on, life goes on

                      You sucked me in
                      And played my mind
                      Just like a toy
                      You were crank and wind

                      Baby I would give till you wore it out
                      You left me lyin' in a pool of doubt
                      And you're still thinkin' you're the Daddy Mac
                      You should've known better but you didn't
                      And I can't go back

                      Oh life goes on
                      And it's only gonna make me strong
                      It's a fact, once you get on board
                      Say good-bye cause you can't go back
                      Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
                      Where I'm at, is my life before me
                      And this feelin' that I can go back
                      Life goes on [repeat 2X]

                      Wish I knew then
                      What I know now
                      You held all the cards
                      And sold me out

                      Baby shame on you, if you fool me once
                      Shame on me if you fool me twice
                      You've been a pretty hard case to crack
                      Should've known better but I didn't
                      And I can't go back

                      Oh life goes on
                      And it's only gonna make me strong
                      It's a fact, once you get on board
                      Say good-bye cause you can't go back
                      Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
                      Where I'm at, is my life before me
                      And this feelin' that I can go back
                      Life goes on

                      Na, na, na, na, na
                      Life goes on
                      Na, Na, Na, Na,
                      It made me strong
                      Oh yeah, got this feeling that I can't go back

                      Life goes on, life goes on, and it's only gonna me strong
                      Life goes on, life goes on, and on and on

                      shame on you, if you fool me once
                      Shame on me if you fool me twice
                      You've been a pretty hard case to crack
                      Should've known better but I didn't
                      And I can't go back

                      Na, na, na, na, na
                      Life goes on
                      Na, Na, Na, Na
                      It made me strong

                      Oh yeah
                      Gotta feelin' that I can't go back
                      No I can't go back
                      Oh yeah
                      I've gotta go now
                      I'm moving on
                      No turning back
                      'Cause you made me strong

                      [repeat refrain]
                      "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                      ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                        Dream Theater - The Mirror

                        Why won't you leave me alone?
                        Lurking Every Corner, everywhere I go

                        Self Control-
                        Don't turn your back on me now
                        When I need you the most

                        Constant pressure tests my will
                        My will or my won't
                        My Self Control escapes from me still...

                        How could you be so cruel
                        and expect my faith in return?

                        Is not as hard as it seems
                        When you close the door

                        I spent so long trusting in you
                        I trust you forgot
                        Just when I thought I believed in you...

                        [Sample is Meryl Streep from the film "Falling In Love".]
                        "What're you doing?
                        What're you doing?"

                        It's time for me to deal
                        Becoming all too real
                        living in fear-
                        Why did you lie and pretend?
                        This has come to an end
                        I'll never trust you again
                        It's time you made your amends
                        Look in the mirror my friend

                        [Sample is Jeremy Irons from the film "Damage".]
                        "That I haven't behaved as I should"
                        [Sample is Mary Beth Hurt from the film "Light Sleeper".]
                        "Everything you need is around you. The only danger is inside you."
                        [Sample is Jeremy Irons from the film "Damage".]
                        "I thought you could control life, but it's not like that. There are things you can't control."

                        Let's stare the problem right in the eye
                        It's plagued me from coast to coast
                        Racing the clock to please everyone
                        All but the one who matters the most

                        Reflections of reality
                        are slowly coming into view
                        How in the hell could you possibly forgive me?
                        After all the hell I put you through

                        It's time for me to deal
                        Becoming all too real
                        living in fear-
                        Why'd I betray my friend?
                        Lying until the end
                        Living life so pretend
                        It's time to make my amends
                        I'll never hurt you again


                          LeAnn Rimes - Can't Fight The Moonlight

                          Under a lovers' sky
                          Gonna be with you
                          And noone's gonna be around
                          If you think that you won't fall
                          Well just wait until
                          Til the sun goes down

                          Underneath the starlight - starlight
                          There's a magical feeling - so right
                          It'll steal your heart tonight

                          You can try to resist
                          Try to hide from my kiss
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          Deep in the dark
                          You'll surrender your heart
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          No, you can't fight it
                          It's gonna get to your heart

                          There's no escape from love
                          Was a gentle breeze
                          Weaves it's spell upon your heart
                          No matter what you think
                          It won't be too long
                          Til your in my arms
                          Underneath the starlight - starlight
                          We'll be lost in the rhythm - so right
                          Feel it steal your heart tonight

                          You can try to resist
                          Try to hide from my kiss
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          Deep in the dark
                          You'll surrender your heart
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          No you can't fight it
                          No matter what you do
                          The night is gonna get to you

                          Don't try then
                          You're never gonna win

                          Part of me the starlight - starlight
                          There's a magical feeling - so right
                          It will steal your heart tonight

                          You can try to resist
                          Try to hide from my kiss
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          Deep in the dark
                          You'll surrender your heart
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          No, you can't fight it

                          You can try to resist
                          Try to hide from my kiss
                          But you know
                          Don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          Deep in the dark
                          You'll surrender your heart
                          But you know
                          But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
                          No, you can't fight it
                          It's gonna get to your heart
                          "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                          ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                            LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live

                            How do I,
                            Get through one night without you?
                            If I had to live without you,
                            What kind of life would that be?
                            Oh, I need....
                            I need you in my arms, need you to hold,
                            You're my world, my heart, my soul,
                            If you ever leave,
                            Baby you would take away everything good in my life,
                            And tell me now
                            How do I live without you?
                            I want to know,
                            How do I breathe without you?
                            If you ever go,
                            How do I ever, ever survive?
                            How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
                            Without you,
                            There'd be no sun in my sky,
                            There would be no love in my life,
                            There'd be no world left for me.
                            And I,
                            Baby I don't know what I would do,
                            I'd be lost if I lost you,
                            If you ever leave,
                            Baby you would take away everything real in my life,
                            And tell me now,
                            How do I live without you?
                            I want to know,
                            How do I breathe without you?
                            If you ever go,
                            How do I ever, ever survive?
                            How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
                            Please tell me baby,
                            How do I go on?
                            If you ever leave,
                            Baby you would take away everything,
                            I need you with me,
                            Baby don't you know that you're everything,
                            Real in my life?
                            And tell me now,
                            How do I live without you,
                            I want to know,
                            How do I breathe without you?
                            If you ever go,
                            How do I ever, ever survive?
                            How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
                            How do I live without you?
                            How do I live without you baby?
                            "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                            ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                              Meiner Meinung nach eines der schönsten Lieder des vergangenen Jahres:

                              Wolfsheim - Kein Zurück

                              Es gibt keinen Weg zurück
                              Weißt du noch wie´s war
                              Kinderzeit, wunderbar
                              Die Welt ist bunt und schön
                              Bis du irgendwann begreifst,
                              Dass nicht jeder Abschied heißt
                              Es gibt auch ein Wiederseh´n.

                              Immer vorwärts, Schritt um Schritt
                              Es gibt keinen Weg zurück
                              Was jetzt ist wird nie mehr ungescheh´n
                              Die Zeit läuft uns davon
                              Was getan ist ist getan
                              Was jetzt ist wird nie mehr so gescheh´n.

                              Es gibt keinen Weg zurück (2x)

                              Ein Wort zu viel im Zorn gesagt
                              Einen Schritt zu weit nach vorn gewagt
                              Schon ist es vorbei
                              Was auch immer jetzt getan
                              Was ich gesagt hab ist gesagt
                              Was wie ewig schien ist schon Vergangenheit.


                              Ach und könnt´ich doch nur ein einz´ges mal
                              Die Uhren rückwärts dreh´n
                              Denn wie viel von dem was ich heute weiß
                              Hätt´ich lieber nie geseh´n.

                              Es gibt keinen Weg zurück (3x)

                              Das Leben dreht sich nur im Kreis
                              So voll von weggeworfener Zeit
                              Deine Träume schiebst du endlos vor dir her
                              Du willst noch leben irgendwann
                              Doch wenn nicht heute, wann denn dann?
                              Denn irgendwann ist auch ein Traum zu lange her.


                              Ach und könnt´ich doch nur ein einz´ges mal
                              Die Uhren rückwärts dreh´n
                              Denn wie viel von dem was ich heute weiß
                              Hätt´ich lieber nie geseh´n.
                              Live well. It is the greatest revenge.


                                Elton John & LeAnn Rimes - Written In The Stars

                                I am here to tell you we can never meet again
                                Simple really, isn’t it, a word or two and then
                                A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when
                                You think of me, or speak of me, or wonder what befell
                                The someone you once loved so long ago, so well
                                Never wonder what I’ll feel as living shuffles by
                                You don’t have to ask me and I need not reply
                                Every moment of my life from now until I die
                                I will think or dream of you and fail to understand
                                How a perfect love can be confounded out of hand
                                Is it written in the stars
                                Are we paying for some crime
                                Is that all that we are good for
                                Just a stretch of mortal time
                                Is this God’s experiment
                                In which we have no say
                                In which we’re given paradise
                                But only for a day
                                Nothing can be altered, oh, there is nothing to decide
                                No escape, no change of heart, no any place to hide
                                You are all I’ll ever want but this I am denyin’
                                Sometimes in my darkest thoughts I wish I never learned
                                What it is to be in love and have that love returned
                                Is it written in the stars
                                Are we paying for some crime
                                Is that all that we are good for
                                Just a stretch of mortal time
                                Is this God’s experiment {God's experiment}
                                In which we have no say {In which we have now say}
                                In which we’re given paradise {If only for a day}
                                But only for a day
                                {Is it written in the stars}
                                {Are we paying for some crime}
                                {Is that all that we are good for}
                                {Just a stretch of mortal time}
                                Is this God’s experiment {God's experiment}
                                In which we have no say {In which we have now say}
                                In which we’re given paradise {If only for a day}
                                But only for a day
                                "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                                ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!

