Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte??? - SciFi-Forum


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Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte???

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    Eine Band der ich kritisch gegenüberstehe , aber dieses Lied ist einfach sehr gelungen:

    Böhse Onkelz - Kirche

    Du bezahlst für ihren Segen
    Für die Angst vor dem Tod
    Dein Geld hält sie am Leben
    Gibt ihnen ihr täglich Brot
    Du hängst an ihren Lippen
    Und Du glaubst, daß Du sie brauchst
    Dann klammer Dich an sie
    Bis Du verfaulst

    Ich scheiße auf die Kirche
    Ihren Papst und seinen Segen
    Ich brauch’ ihn nicht als Krücke
    Ich kann alleine leben
    Falls Du das nicht kannst
    Ja, falls Du ihn brauchst
    Werde mit ihm glücklich
    Doch zwing mir nicht Deinen Glauben auf

    Zensur und Moralismus
    Ist alles was sie bringt
    Eine halbe Erlösung
    Der Himmel stinkt
    Und Du willst für sie sterben
    In ihrem Namen
    Für die Kirche
    Für ein Amen

    Ich pisse auf den Papst
    Und seine römische Zentrale
    Auf den Vatikan
    Und seine Sklaven
    Ich glaube nicht an eure Worte
    Ich bin doch nicht bekloppt
    Denn wer keine Angst vorm Teufel hat
    Braucht auch keinen Gott

    Ich scheiße auf die Kirche
    Ihren Papst und seinen Segen
    Ich brauch’ ihn nicht als Krücke
    Ich kann alleine leben
    Falls Du das nicht kannst
    Ja, falls Du ihn brauchst
    Dann werde mit ihm glücklich
    Doch zwing mir nicht Deinen Glauben auf

    Ich pisse auf den Papst
    Und seine römische zentrale
    Auf den Vatikan
    Und seine Sklaven
    Ich glaube nicht an eure Worte
    Ich bin doch nicht bekloppt
    Denn wer keine Angst vorm Teufel hat
    Braucht auch keinen Gott
    “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
    They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
    Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


      Hüsker Dü war eine der einflußreichsten Bands in den 80'er Jahren für eine Vielzahl von Independent Bands. Diane ist eines der besten Stücke von ihnen.



      Hey little girl, do you need a ride?
      Well, I've got room in my wagon why don't you hop inside
      We could cruise down Robert Street all night long
      But I think I'll just rape you, and kill you instead

      Diane, Diane, Diane

      I heard there's a party down at Lake Cove
      It would be so much easier if I drove
      We could check it out, we could go and see
      Oh won't you come and take a ride with me

      We could lay in the weeds for a little while
      I'll put your clothes in a nice, neat little pile
      You're the cutest girl I've ever seen in my life
      It's all over now, and with my knife
      Bevor du dich daran machst, die Welt zu verbessern, gehe dreimal durch dein eigenes Haus.


        Man muss es als ganzes høren, aber April von Deep Purple zæhlt ungeschlagen zu den besten liedern, die je geschrieben wurden. Ich hab zu dme Lied eine ganz tiefe Verbindung. 2001 starb mein Onkel und dieses Lied wurde auf seiner Beerdigung gespielt. Ich fand April vorher schon herzzerreissend, aber seitdem kommen mir jedesmal vor Freude und Trauer die Trænen. Kommt immer drauf an, in welcher Stimmung ich es høre.

        Deep purple - April

        April is a cruel time
        Even though the sun may shine
        And world looks in the shade as it slowly comes away
        Still falls the April rain
        And the valley's filled with pain
        And you can't tell me quite why
        As i look up to the grey sky
        Where it should be blue
        Grey sky where I should see you
        Ask why, why it should be so
        I'll cry, say that I don't know

        Maybe once in a while I'll forget and I'll smile
        But then the feeling comes again of an April without end
        Of an April lonely as they come
        In the dark of my mind I can see all too fine
        But there is nothing to be done when I just can't feel the sun
        And the springtime's the season of the night

        Grey sky where it should be blue
        Grey sky where I should see you
        Ask why, why it should be so
        I'll cry, say that I don't know
        I don't know
        Don't you hate it when you look in your closet for clothes and you find Narnia instead??


          Chingon - Malaguena Salerosa

          Que bonitos ojos tienes
          Debajo de ésas dos cejas
          Debajo de ésas dos cejas
          Que bonitos ojos tienes.

          Ellos me quieren mirar
          Pero si tú no los dejas
          Pero si tú no los dejas
          Ni siquiera parpadear.

          Malagueña salerosa
          Besar tus labios quisiera
          Besar tus labios quisiera.
          Malagueña salerosa
          Y decirte niña hermosa.

          Que eres lin........da y hechicera,
          Que eres linda y hechicera
          Como el candor de una rosa.

          Si por pobre me desprecias
          Yo te concedo razon
          Yo te concedo razon
          Si por pobre me desprecias.

          Yo no te ofrezco riquezas
          Te ofrezco mi corazón
          Te ofrezco mi corazón
          A cámbio de mi pobreza.

          Malagueña salerosa
          Besar tus labios quisiera
          Besar tus labios quisiera.
          Malagueña salerosa
          Y decirte niña hermosa.

          Que eres lin........da y hechicera,
          Que eres linda y hechicera
          Como el candor de una rosa.
          Y decirte niña hermosa.


            @ Cu
            Gibts dazu auch eine Übersetzung ?
            Ich bin leider der spanischen (?) Sprache nicht so ganz mächtig .
            “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
            They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
            Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


              Cradle of Filth - For Those Who Died

              "You stand before this court, accused of heresy and witch craft. How do you plead?"

              "Not guilty!"


              Our tongues they could not silence with their malicious lies
              Their unforgotten violence, remember those who died

              And as my flesh is put to fire I hear their voices still
              Their unjust accusations demanding that I am killed

              "We shall show no mercy to heathen such as thee
              Who stand accused and have refused the Church's clemency
              Your wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot name
              Innocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"

              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre
              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre

              This self-righteous inquisition is a plague upon our land
              as false as the confessions they force from shattered hands

              "We shall show no mercy to heathen such as thee
              Who stand accused and have refused the Church's clemency
              Your wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot name
              Innocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"

              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre
              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre

              Abused my broken body is cleansed by righteous flame,
              Their God a 'God of Mercy' yet in whose name I slain.

              My innocence the victim of their superstitious fears
              Religious persecution for the past three hundred years
              Preaching peace and mercy 'neath the shadow of the knife
              A papal reign of terror, slaughter in the name of Christ

              And as my flesh is put to fire I hear their voices still
              their unjust accusations demanding that I am killed

              "We shall show no mercy to heathen such as thee
              Who stand accused and have refused the Church's clemency
              Your wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot name
              Innocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"

              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre
              Burning, into the fire
              Burning, a funeral pyre
              “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
              They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
              Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                Ich finde das ist ein Song mit einem wirklich treffenden Text, weil die Presse kann doch ziemlich fies und unfair sein, gegenüber jemanden auf den man sich schon eingeschossen hat. Und dass vor allem die Society-Presse viele Lügen schreibt ist wohl auch klar. In einem Interview auf der "Tour 2000 DVD" sagen die Jungs auch, dass ihnen die Presse eigentlich ziemlich am A.... vorbei geht, denn sie haben ja sowieso immer ein ausverkauftes Haus, aber sie wollten einfach mal dieses "Hass-Lied" anbringen.

                Böhse Onkelz - Fahrt zur Hölle

                Unser Leben war nicht einfach, nicht von Engeln bewacht,
                doch es ist schon ganz schön hart, was Ihr daraus macht.

                Was glaubt Ihr zu wissen, was glaubt Ihr, wer wir sind
                Ihr habt jahrelang gelogen, die Presse stinkt.

                Für die Blinden und die Tauben, noch ein allerletztes mal,
                ihr wollt es immer noch nicht glauben, ihr könnt's nicht ändern, es ist wahr.
                Fahrt zur Hölle mit Euren Lügen, die wirklich niemand braucht,
                wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen, niemand hält uns auf.
                Fahrt zur Hölle

                Ihr habt wie Hunde uns gehetzt und unsere Lieder verboten,
                ich weiß warum, denn wenn wir treten, dann nach oben.

                Für die Blinden und die Tauben, noch ein allerletztes mal,
                ihr wollt es immer noch nicht glauben, ihr könnt's nicht ändern, es ist wahr.
                Fahrt zur Hölle mit Euren Lügen, die wirklich niemand braucht,
                wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen, niemand hält uns auf.
                Fahrt zur Hölle

                Das ist das Leben, das wir wählten, wir woll'n kein anders haben,
                ihr hört eh' nur, was ihr hören wollt, nicht, was wir sagen.

                Für die Blinden und die Tauben, noch ein allerletztes mal,
                ihr wollt es immer noch nicht glauben, ihr könnt's nicht ändern, es ist wahr.
                Fahrt zur Hölle mit Euren Lügen, die wirklich niemand braucht,
                wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen, niemand hält uns auf.
                Fahrt zur Hölle
                Meine Beiträge sind genderfrei und das ist gut so



                  The Weather's Fine

                  The water's turning brown as it washes away the ground
                  The trees having lost their leaves
                  Turn barren like the wind and the sea

                  Resting on the shore needed time (?) so much more
                  Than the parts and pieces of broken things
                  That people think are real

                  The weather's fine

                  Pure and empty sky has given me the time
                  To find some objects
                  That oftentime reality obscures

                  With these many things feelings they will bring
                  Silence solace peaceful
                  Among the field of green

                  The weather's fine

                  I should tell you something without words

                  The weather's fine
                  Bevor du dich daran machst, die Welt zu verbessern, gehe dreimal durch dein eigenes Haus.


                    Brandneu und der absolute Wahnsinn, das alte JEW-Feeling ist wieder da. Immerhin geht der Song mal wieder locker 7:44 min

                    Jimmy Eat World - Disintegration

                    I've spent my last nights strung up and pulled tight,
                    Holding out sleeping proud.
                    An answer comes without a please.
                    Do what you want.

                    I wonder why I'm so caught off guard when we kiss.
                    I'd rather live my life in regret then do this.
                    What happened to the love we both knew, we both chased?
                    Hanging on a cigarette, you need me, you'll burn me
                    You'll burn me.

                    Hushed with a finger,
                    don't say you'll never when you might
                    Oh, just another time
                    This poison comes instruction free.
                    Do what you want, But I'm drinking.

                    I wonder why I'm so caught off guard when we kiss.
                    I'd rather live my life in regret then do this.
                    What happened to the love we both knew, we both chased?
                    Hanging on a cigarette, you need me, you'll burn me
                    You'll burn me.

                    Right, right better next time
                    Stay on my side tonight, ohhh ohh ohh...

                    I wonder why I'm so caught off guard when we kiss.
                    I'd rather live my life in regret then do this.
                    What happened to the love we both knew, we both chased?
                    Hanging on a cigarette, you need me, you'll burn me
                    You'll burn me.
                    "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask 'why?' I dream of things that never were, and ask 'why not?'" - Robert F. Kennedy


                      Wo ich es grade höre, wie ich finde einer der besten Beatles Songs.

                      The Beatles - Nowhere Man

                      He's a real nowhere Man,
                      Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
                      Making all his nowhere plans
                      for nobody.

                      Doesn't kave a point of view,
                      Knows not where he's going to,
                      Isn't he a bit like you and me?
                      Nowhere Man, please listen,
                      You don't know what you're missing,
                      Nowhere Man, the world is at your command.

                      He's as blind as he can be,
                      Just sees what he wants to see,
                      Nowhere Man can you see me at all?
                      Doesn't kave a point of view,
                      Knows not where he's going to,
                      Isn't he a bit like you and me?
                      Nowhere Man, don't worry,
                      Take your time, don't hurry,
                      Leave it all till somebody else
                      lend you a hand.

                      He's a real Nowhere Man,
                      Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
                      Making all his nowhere plans
                      for nobody.
                      »Ich habe nie eine Chance hastig vergeben, sondern lieber gemütlich vertändelt.« - Willi »Ente« Lippens

                      Member der No - Connection


                        Eins meiner ewigen Nightiwsh Lieblingslieder *seufz* ( Die neue Version ist übrigens Schrott! )

                        Sleeping Sun

                        The sun is sleeping quietly
                        Once upon a century
                        Wistful oceans calm and red
                        Ardent caresses laid to rest

                        For my dreams I hold my life
                        For wishes I behold my night
                        The truth at the end of time
                        Losing faith makes a crime

                        I wish for this night-time
                        to last for a lifetime
                        The darkness around me
                        Shores of a solar sea
                        Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
                        With you

                        Sorrow has a human heart
                        From my god it will depart
                        I'd sail before a thousand moons
                        Never finding where to go

                        Two hundred twenty-two days of light
                        Will be desired by a night
                        A moment for the poet's play
                        Until there's nothing left to say

                        I wish for this night-time...

                        I wish for this night-time...
                        Don't you hate it when you look in your closet for clothes and you find Narnia instead??


                          eines meines lieblingslieder masterkiller von merauder. einfach nur böse und geht mächtig nach vorne los!

                          in time my wounds will heal - as they give your name
                          rivals meeting face to face - fate sealed, you bow down in shame
                          run, run, you run so far - escape to nowhere
                          I smell the path you`ve fled - turn your head you`re dead

                          I am the master killer - fall to me
                          pray for a way out which you can`t see
                          I the master killer - strike you down
                          can`t be detected, I own the crown

                          your solemn sanctuary has become mine
                          crawl upon your victims - see the tears of fear in their eyes
                          watch them bleed, see as they writhe in pain
                          no one will answer
                          I`ve taken your mind and soul
                          only escape is your fucking grave

                          I am the master killer - fall to me
                          pray for a way out which you can`t see
                          I the master killer - strike you down
                          can`t be detected, I own the crown

                          the end has come for you at the cost of your life
                          now I stand atop the mountain, my killings have no end in sight

                          I am the master killer - fall to me
                          pray for a way out which you can`t see
                          I the master killer - strike you down
                          can`t be detected, I own the crown
                          This post is protected by : Azatoth, demon sultan and master of illusion. ZOCKTAN!, Hiob 30, 16-17, Streichelt mein Ego,
                          "I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all."
                          Yossarian Lives!


                            BLOC PARTY


                            North to south
                            Running on
                            As if to say, as if to say
                            As if to say, he doesn't like chocolate
                            He's born a liar, he'll die a liar
                            Some things will never be different

                            Stop being so American
                            There's a time and there's a place
                            So James Dean
                            So blue jeans
                            Gonna save the world
                            He's gonna

                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?

                            Three out of five, three out of five (it's not enough)
                            Six out of ten
                            Better luck next time
                            Just like his Dad, just like his Dad (the same mistakes)
                            Some things will never be different
                            Hungry and dumb, hungry and dumb (so wait in line)
                            Queuing up for some more junk food
                            It's not my fault, it's not my fault (just this once)
                            They're getting so much younger

                            Why can't you be more European
                            Bastard child of guilt and shame
                            Bury your head in the sand
                            I'm thinking six, six, six
                            I'm thinking six

                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?
                            Are you hoping for a miracle?

                            It's not enough.
                            Bevor du dich daran machst, die Welt zu verbessern, gehe dreimal durch dein eigenes Haus.


                              Nachdem es nach Jahren mal wieder im Radio lief...

                              Black - Everything is coming up roses

                              You don't believe in me
                              I can tell it by your eyes
                              There's a kind of magic to be had from your lies
                              I used to say that today is like tomorrow

                              Don't sell it short for truth
                              I should have known, should have known how
                              I should have known, should have known by now
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up roses

                              You don't understand it
                              I can tell it by your smile
                              There's a kind of freedom to be had from your lies
                              I always said that today is like tomorrow

                              Don't sell it short for truth
                              I should have known, should have known
                              Should have known how
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up roses, coming up
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              Everything is coming up, coming up
                              Everything is coming up roses
                              "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask 'why?' I dream of things that never were, and ask 'why not?'" - Robert F. Kennedy


                                ein geniales lied

                                fu manchu - pigeon toe

                                2 wheels a rollin’
                                Locates the deal
                                Suddenly awoken
                                Scrapin the wheel

                                Lost out and over
                                Short length of ride
                                Everyone is certain
                                Everything is all right

                                Wrong place and the right time
                                Ride high and low
                                Left for good
                                We’ll never know

                                Can you see by the tracks left
                                Dust settles slow
                                So we all bow down
                                Pigeon toe!

                                First few were a get down
                                Fast times and all
                                So out of nowhere
                                They began to haul

                                Rollin through the flatlands
                                End of day
                                It too bolts upright
                                Or so they say

                                Through many dirt rides
                                A blown 4-o-2
                                Chrome shinnin mighty
                                We already knew

                                Can you see by the tracks left
                                Dust settles slow
                                So we all bow down..
                                Pigeon toe
                                This post is protected by : Azatoth, demon sultan and master of illusion. ZOCKTAN!, Hiob 30, 16-17, Streichelt mein Ego,
                                "I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all."
                                Yossarian Lives!

