Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte??? - SciFi-Forum


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Musik und die Gefühle... Erahnt Ihr die Bedeutung der Texte???

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    So ein schönes Lied mit toller Melodie / Beat smooven Rap und tollen Vocals von Tiffany. Echt toll wie die Frau singen kann Die Lyric sind auch sehr nett

    Raekwon feat.Tiffany Villareal - The Hood

    [Chorus: Tiffany Villareal]
    Some day, I know you'll be far away
    I'll be right here to stay, give me one day
    Baby, baby, don't, run away, come see me
    Some day, I'll be right, here today, just give me love, Rae.

    To my hood, I'm always there for you
    Rain, hail, sleet, snow, and I'm there
    For all the underprivileged, yo we here
    My life is all in your soul, daily, since nana left us
    She took all of your blessings, cuz she been there
    My life change, yo, could never though be without you, yo
    It's strange when I want it to rain
    On my best friend's grooming, we all had visions of you
    We broke nights, God, knowing you cared
    Peace, nigga, only for a minute and I'mma break out
    Come back and kiss you on your feet, here
    I love my hood, I love my niggaz, there, yo
    The older we get, we understand, you might tear

    [Chorus w/ ad-libs]

    You keep the little young ones, happy, true
    Graduations occured, you look so pretty and new
    Look at the sky, all blue, all old people with you
    Facilities mailing, jail brothers miss you
    Wow, it gets crazy when I think about the money you made me
    Slipped me away, but Jakes tried to rade me
    Nighshifts, smokin' on spliffs, you kept yellin'
    "Carry your fifth, the down the block niggaz is gay"
    They keep police invadin' your space, we can't live
    Plus, they gassin' the mayor, them niggaz wanna give you away
    We won't have that, suburban people mad at the fact
    That you be gettin' more company then them, they just be scared of that
    "Hood", look at your name, spell it backwards
    Yo, "Dooh", that's what they yellin' in vain
    You the realest, the most livest, flyest, you part of life
    I gotta give you love, cuz you gave it God and life

    [Chorus w/ ad-libs]

    Who ever said you ain't do right by me, they frontin', yo
    They couldn't understand that we was a team
    I used to come out, hear you words, talk to me, walk with me, brother
    Cool, try to be succesful and dream
    The city lights is on, now, they wanna turn 'em off
    Try'nna start some shit, actin' like you never made a penny for 'em
    Dun, they doin' you dirty, we had Summer Youth for that, though
    No need to cry, never get worried
    You gon' live forever, word to mother
    Cuz she raised you right, and you got fifty-one brothers
    I sat with the trees and had conversations at bees
    We talked about throwin' money up, landscapin' your knees
    You forget that, something to talk about
    Show me where to take the check, pay these suckas off and be out
    The'll never be another place, everybody happy to see
    That's why I keep coming back to you, peace

    [Chorus 2X w/ ad-libs]
    Ich hab' nur einen Wachtmeister getrunken, Herr Jägermeister!
    Scheiss auf Achterbahn, ich mach den Looping im Benz


      Die goldenen Zitronen

      80.000.000 Hooligans

      Auch wenn bei der WM bisher noch keine Holiganausschreitungen passiert sind, werde ich diesen Text mal hier offerieren. In Anbetracht jüngster Übergriffe in den östlichen Bundesländern ist dieser auch wieder hochaktuell.

      Gestern Nacht wachte ich auf ich hatte bös geträumt
      von tausend Toden hatte ich keinen einzigen versäumt
      80.000.000 Hooligans trugen neben mir aufgespießt den Kopf von Egon Krenz
      Sie schrieen "Deutsche Frauen deutsches Bier schwarz-rot-gold
      wir steh'n zu dir"
      ich sah zwar keine Frauen die Fahne schwarz-weiß-rot
      doch sie nannten sich das Volk ihren Willen oberstes Gebot

      Und ich und ich mein Fleisch war
      schon nach wenigen Minuten war ich gar
      es zu riechen machte mir selbst Appetit
      würden sie mir ein Stück reichen äß ich mit

      40.000.000 Autos rollten über mich hinweg
      und ich spürte unter mir ragten Knochen aus dem Dreck
      Ich war nicht ganz sicher dennoch schien es mir
      die Besitzer dieser Knochen lagen unfreiwillig hier
      Sie waren wohl aus Kuba, der Türkei und Vietnam
      und die Hooligans skandierten: "wir kriegen jeden von euch dran!"
      Es herrsche schließlich Freiheit und sie wären nur so frei
      in freier Wahl zu bestimmen wer nach Hause zu prügeln sei

      Und ich und ich und meine Hülle lag
      plattgewalzt quoll raus das Knochenmark
      und was und was von meiner Fresse blieb waren Reifenspuren
      auf Fleisch wie auf Aspik

      Dann erkannten sie den Irrtum es beträfe ja nicht mich und es hob einer auf und schrie mir ins Gesicht:
      "Nichts für ungut, Kumpel!" und er gab mir einen Klaps
      "Wir trinken jetzt bei ALDI auf die Freiheit einen Schnaps'
      Auf den Strassen herrschte Wahlkampf das Ergebnis stand wohl fest
      Der große, dicke König steht für ALDI, BILD und WEST

      Und ich und ich und mir war als wären die von meiner Sorte auf einmal rar
      Bevor du dich daran machst, die Welt zu verbessern, gehe dreimal durch dein eigenes Haus.


        Ein sehr schönes, und auch ruhiges Lied von Linkin Park, was nicht jeder kennen wird. Es war als non-Album bonustrak mit auf einer Singleauskopplung von Hybrid Theory.

        My December

        This is my December
        This is my time of the year
        This is my December
        This is all so clear
        This is my December
        This is my snow covered home
        This is my December
        This is me alone

        And I
        (Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed)
        And I
        (Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that)
        And I
        (Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed)
        And I
        (Take back all the things I said to you)

        And I give it all away
        Just to have somewhere to go to
        Give it all away
        To have someone to come home to

        This is my December
        These are my snow covered dreams
        This is me pretending
        This is all I need

        And I
        (Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed)
        And I
        (Take back all the things I said To make you feel like that)
        And I
        (Just wish that I didn't feel Like there was something I missed)
        And I
        (Take back all the things I said to you)

        And I give it all away
        Just to have somewhere to go to
        Give it all away
        To have someone to come home to

        This is my December
        This is my time of the year
        This is my December
        This is all so clear

        And I give it all away
        Just to have somewhere to go to
        Give it all away
        To have someone to come home to (2x)
        Ich hörs mir selber grad an und ich(...)
        (..) ne, also heulen muss ich davon nicht gleich, aber es hat eine so beruhigende Ausstrahlung.
        You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
        Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare

        Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
        >>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<


          J.B.O. - Haschisch

          Und wenn ich weg will von hier,
          brauch ich kein Auto, kein Stau,
          noch nicht mal Fahrrad. Ne,
          Ich geh einfach spazieren.
          Ich hol dich ab,
          ein Tütchen rauchen
          und dann raus in die Aue
          Mal wieder umweltschonend amüsier`n.
          Wir verbrauchen nicht mal ein Gramm Rohstoff dabei; reproduzierbar ist er noch
          dazu. Tun keinem weh.
          Es ist völlig kalorienfrei
          und ich trink weniger,
          wenn ich es tu.

          Das zu verbieten ist schamlos.
          Die könnten`s langsam mal kapieren.
          Haschisch rauchen macht harmlos.
          Also los, Leute, legalisier`n!

          Klar ging`s mir auch schon mal schlecht vom Shit, dann aber immer mit Alkohol.
          Und letztlich kriegt man stoned ja doch noch mehr mit, als völlig hicke hacke
          hucke voll.
          Das nicht aus jedem Kiffer gleich ein Drogentoter wird,
          es gibt genügend beweise dafür.
          Und kriminell sind wir nur,
          weil man uns kriminalisiert.
          Wem soll das nützen?
          Erklärt es mir!

          Das zu verbieten ist schamlos.
          Die könnten`s langsam mal kapieren.
          Haschisch rauchen macht harmlos.
          Also los, Leute, legalisier`n!

          Der Stress bringt uns noch um
          und der kommt vom Konsum.
          Der `st schuld an allem, was kaputt ist in der Welt.
          Etwas mehr Lässigkeit, vielleicht auch Faulheit, wär nicht dumm.
          Wer kifft ist glücklich und braucht nicht viel Geld.
          So würden nach und nach am Ende auch noch Arbeitsplätze frei; genug für alle,
          doch wohl leider nicht ganz.
          Dei Gesellschat würde jedenfalls wärmer dabei; in breiten Köpfen ist mehr Platz
          für Toleranz.

          Das zu verbieten ist schamlos.
          Die könnten`s langsam mal kapieren.
          Haschisch rauchen macht harmlos.
          Also los, Leute, legalisier`n!

          Auch der Staat wird profitier`n,
          weil er Steuern kassiert
          könnt` man im Osten `was vielleicht sanier`n.
          Wenn die Treuhand dann gleich noch ein paar Joints spendiert, würden wir den
          Glauben an den Aufschwung nicht verlier`n.

          Das zu verbieten ist schamlos.
          Die könnten`s langsam mal kapieren.
          Haschisch rauchen macht harmlos.
          Also los, Leute, legalisier`n!
          “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
          They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
          Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


            JO!!! Ein schöner Text!!

            Bin gespannt, wann es die betreffenden Leute kapiert haben.
            "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."Nelson Mandela


              Hm, ist das jetzt nen Text fürs Kiffen doer Dagegen? Find ich grad schwer zu beurteilen, auch wenn es eindeutig auf FÜR verweist. Aber dann ist es teilweise mit soviel Gegenargumenten gespickt, dass es sich selbst widerspricht XD
              Don't you hate it when you look in your closet for clothes and you find Narnia instead??


                Sehe da ein eindeutiges "Pro".

                Das Recht auf Rausch kann man dem Menschen nicht nehmen, man kann ihn aber die Weisheit in der Wahl der Mittel absprechen.
                Und klar, auch der Konsum von THC muss nicht nur positives bedeuten. Alles kann zur Droge werden.

                Das dieser Text Widersprüche darstellt, ist genau diese Nuance, welche ich meine. Was kann schlecht an einem Rausch sein, indem man dennoch (oder gerade?) in der Lage ist, sich selbst und den/die anderen zu sehen?
                Viele können das ja nicht einmal im nüchternen Zustand in heutigen Zeiten.
                "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."Nelson Mandela


                  Nun, J.B.O. ist sicher eine Band, bei denen der Fun sehr im Vordergrund steht, von daher kann man den Text so nicht zu 100 % ernst nehmen - tendenziell ist ihm aber IMO eine ernste Befürwortung der Legalisierung keineswegs abzusprechen.
                  “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                  They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                  Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                    Eine der IMO schönsten Balladen ever.

                    The Fields of Athenry

                    By a lonely prison wall,
                    I heard a young girl call:
                    "Michael, they have taken you away,
                    For you stole Trevelyn's corn,
                    So the young might see the morn.
                    Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay."

                    Low lie the fields of Athenry
                    Where once we watched the small free birds fly
                    Our love was on the wing
                    We had dreams and songs to sing
                    It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

                    By a lonely prison wall,
                    I heard a young man call
                    "Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free
                    Against the famine and the crown,
                    I rebelled, they cut me down.
                    Now you must raise our child with dignity."

                    Low lie the fields of Athenry
                    Where once we watched the small free birds fly
                    Our love was on the wing
                    We had dreams and songs to sing
                    It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

                    By a lonely harbor wall,
                    She watched the last star fall
                    As the prison ship sailed out against the sky
                    For she lived to hope and pray
                    For her love in Botany Bay
                    It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

                    Low lie the fields of Athenry
                    Where once we watched the small free birds fly
                    Our love was on the wing
                    We had dreams and songs to sing
                    It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.
                    “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                    They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                    Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                      Suicidal Tendencies - Can't Stop

                      There's a place I try to go, so far from here
                      I close my eyes, I try to, to disappear
                      I look around in my own way
                      But what I see I never, never really know
                      I wander 'round until I feel it coming on and then it's
                      It's time to go
                      I don't want to be here, falling out of place
                      Confusion's the consensus, fighting for my space

                      Can't stop the running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me
                      Now you got them running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me

                      I lived it, I live it, it's not easy to say
                      I felt it, I feel it, it's just another day
                      It scares me, why does it dare me
                      You know it ain't a fair fight
                      Pain overtakes me, it tries to break me
                      You know that something ain't right

                      Now you got them running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me
                      Now you got them running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me
                      Set my body free

                      They don't make no seatbelt for the mind
                      So I can't fasten up for this ride

                      Running away, can't stop the runaway emotions
                      Not right, can't fight
                      Can't stop the runaway emotions
                      Fighting, hiding, can't stop the runaway emotions
                      Hypnotized, paralized
                      Can't stop the runaway emotions

                      I hate it, I hate me, like my consistency
                      I've seen it, I see it, I'm talking literally
                      So much lying, too much denying
                      It's time to face the facts
                      You can't help me, these cards were dealt me
                      Play out the final act

                      Can't stop the running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me
                      Now you got them running, can't stop the running
                      The runaway emotions in me

                      Oh no you really done it this time

                      Can't stop the runaway emotions
                      Can't stop the runaway emotions

                      There's a place I try to go, so far from here
                      I close my eyes but I can't, can't disappear
                      This post is protected by : Azatoth, demon sultan and master of illusion. ZOCKTAN!, Hiob 30, 16-17, Streichelt mein Ego,
                      "I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all."
                      Yossarian Lives!


                        The Outlaw Torn, Metallica

                        Eine für mich grad erstaunlich zutreffende Rockballade...

                        And now I wait my whole lifetime
                        for you
                        And now I wait my whole lifetime
                        for you

                        I ride the dirt, I ride the tide
                        for you
                        I search the outside, search inside
                        for you

                        To take back what you left me
                        I know I'll always burn to be
                        The one who seeks so I may find
                        And now I wait my whole lifetime

                        My outlaw torn
                        My outlaw torn
                        And I'm torn

                        So on I wait my whole lifetime
                        for you
                        So on I wait my whole lifetime
                        for you

                        The more I search, the more my need
                        for you
                        The more I bless, the more I bleed
                        for you

                        You make me smash the clock and feel
                        I'd rather die behind the wheel
                        Time was never on my side
                        So on I wait my whole lifetime

                        My outlaw torn
                        My outlaw torn
                        My outlaw torn
                        And I'm torn

                        Hear me
                        And if I close my mind in fear
                        Please pry it open
                        See me
                        And if my face becomes sincere
                        Hold me
                        And when I start to come undone
                        Stitch me together
                        Save me
                        And when you see me strut
                        Remind me of what left this outlaw torn
                        Hardcore-Zyniker vom Fach, verletzende Kommentare, All-Inclusive-Sarkasmus
                        " Signaturen, das sind die paar Zeilen, in denen der durchschnittliche Foren-User sich mit pseudophilosophischen Sprüchen, von irgendwelchen mehr oder weniger unbekannten Idioten in geistiger Umnachtung verzapft, zu profilieren versucht..." - Wolle S.


                          Einer meiner absoluten Lieblingssongs...

                          Sleeping Satellite von Tasmin Archer

                          I blame you for the moonlit sky
                          and the dream that died
                          with the eagles' flight
                          I blame you for the moonlit nights
                          when I wonder why
                          are the seas still dry?
                          don't blame this sleeping satellite

                          Did we fly to the moon too soon
                          did we squander the chance
                          in the rush of the race
                          the reason we chase is lost in romance
                          and still we try
                          to justify the waste
                          for a taste of man's greatest adventure

                          I blame you for the moonlit sky
                          and the dream that died
                          with the eagles' flight
                          blame you for the moonlit nights
                          when I wonder why
                          are the seas still dry?
                          don't blame this sleeping satellite

                          have we lost what it takes to advance?
                          have we peaked too soon?
                          if the world is so green
                          then why does it scream under a blue moon
                          we wonder why
                          If the earth's sacrificed
                          for the price of it's greatest treasure

                          I blame you for the moonlit sky
                          and the dream that died
                          with the eagles' flight
                          blame you for the moonlit nights
                          when I wonder why
                          are the seas still dry?
                          don't blame this sleeping satellite

                          and when we shoot for the stars
                          what a giant step
                          have we got what it takes
                          to carry the weight of this concept
                          or pass it by like a shot in the dark
                          miss the mark with a sense of adventure

                          I blame you for the moonlit sky
                          and the dream that died
                          with the eagles' flight
                          blame you for the moonlit nights
                          when I wonder why
                          are the seas still dry?
                          don't blame this sleeping satellite
                          Don't you hate it when you look in your closet for clothes and you find Narnia instead??


                            Von Anisha Cay, tolle Sängerin, leider nicht so bekannt.

                            Learning To Fly

                            You can’t choose where your’re born
                            can’t choose father, mother, your home.
                            Couldn’t choose between riches or rags
                            you come to this world and are lost alone.
                            Haven’t the strength to do a lot of things
                            hear of deep valleys and the ocean.
                            You hear what they say and have no notion
                            still tied to the home fate brought you.

                            But believe me, please believe me
                            your day will come, yes your day will come!

                            One day your arms will turn to wings
                            slowly you open your eyes to yourself.
                            You hear soft voices
                            the motion of your wings causes a breeze.
                            You learn to fly, oh yes you learn to fly.

                            Under your own steam you soar into the skies
                            flying higher and higher to your sun.
                            Your wings cast shadows on the world
                            You start to live your life the way you want.
                            You’ll fly over valleys, over oceans.
                            Alone you’ll fly towards your goals.
                            You hear what they say but don’t believe.
                            You found your home, the place you chose.

                            One day your arms will turn to wings
                            slowly you open your eyes to yourself.
                            You hear soft voices
                            the motion of your wings causes a breeze.
                            You learn to fly, oh yes you learn to fly.

                            Ocean Of Dreams

                            Dreams are like a river winding its way
                            through rocks, nothing stopping its flow.
                            Dreams are like a story with no beginning
                            never finding an end.
                            Sometimes they are sad, sometimes they are happy
                            but they always show a part of me.

                            The dream leaves when daylight breaks,
                            everything that seemed so close turned out
                            to be only the night.
                            Dreams like an ocean, like an endless ocean.

                            My wishes are like a well so deep that
                            never runs dry
                            My wishes turn to dream in which my own truth lie.
                            Sometimes I’m scared of myself but more and more I feel strong
                            but always my dreams are alive just like a song.

                            The dream leaves when daylight breaks,
                            everything that seemed so close turned out
                            to be only the night.
                            Dreams like an ocean, like an endless ocean

                            Sometimes dreams come true everything is within reach
                            searching for a distant land within me.
                            Climb on my ship and sail onto the ocean of dreams, my dreams
                            for distant land within me.

                            My dreams turn to wishes, every wish a new goal.
                            With every wish I see more clearly
                            and know what I want.
                            Sometimes I’m scared but most times I feel strong
                            and new dreams within always come along.
                            >>>Mein YouTube-Kanal<<<
                            „Um das Herz und den Verstand eines anderen Menschen zu verstehen, schaue nicht darauf, was er erreicht hat, sondern wonach er sich sehnt.“ ~Khalil Gibran~


                              The Doors - Break on through

                              You know the day destroys the night
                              Night divides the day
                              Tried to run
                              Tried to hide
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through to the other side, yeah

                              We chased our pleasures here
                              Dug our treasures there
                              But can you still recall
                              The time we cried
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through to the other side

                              C'mon, yeah

                              Everybody loves my baby
                              Everybody loves my baby
                              She get
                              She get
                              She get
                              She get(s high)

                              I found an island in your arms
                              Country in your eyes
                              Arms that chain
                              Eyes that lie
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through, oww!
                              Oh, yeah!

                              Made the scene
                              Week to week
                              Day to day
                              Hour to hour
                              The gate is straight
                              Deep and wide
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through to the other side
                              Break on through
                              Break on through
                              Break on through
                              Break on through
                              Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
                              Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
                              Ich glaube, er sagte: ''Gepriesen sind die Skifahrer.''
                              Was um alles in der Welt ist so besonderes an Skifahrern?
                              Ich glaube, es ist mehr als Gleichnis zu sehen. Weißt du meine Liebe, es bezieht sich auf
                              die ganze Wintersportindustrie.


                                Einer meiner Absuluten Momentanen Lieblings lieder ich verbinde damit Sommer-Sonne-Strand!!!!!

                                Blue Lagoon - Isle of Paradise

                                Dis goes out to all dem Summerbunnys
                                time fe relax time fe do it right
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo my People move out

                                Take me to the Isle of Paradise
                                Summertime is on my side
                                Take me to the place where the Sun is shining
                                to the Isle of Paradise Oh Yes Summertime

                                It`s Summertime and de Sun is burning hot!
                                Give we de special type of Sunshine dat we want nonstop
                                Put de Sunglasses on take a walk pan de beach
                                No ringing Cellphone No one U have fe reach
                                Push away all ur troubles and Push away ur stress
                                Take ur time fe chill an Take ur time fe have a rest
                                Just cool of dat will be very wise
                                And enjoy another Day pan de Isle of Paradise

                                Take me to the Isle of Paradise
                                Summertime is on my side
                                Take me to the place where the Sun is shining
                                to the Isle of Paradise
                                Take me to the place behind your Eyes
                                Come one make me melt like Ice
                                Summertime is here and the Sun is shining
                                One the Isle of Paradise
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo It`s de Isle of Paradise
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo Me! lting baby like Ice

                                Me see dem hot body Gal inna de m tiny tight bikini
                                Gal never know me a dem Gal dem Geenie
                                fullfill all ur Dreams fullfill ur desire
                                Woman U get me hot Woman U light up me fire
                                another sunny Day dat take U fare fare away
                                to a beautyfull World So Party me a say
                                Just have another lick pan a very creamy Ice
                                And U melting away pan de Isle of Paradise

                                Take me to the Isle of Paradise
                                Summertime is on my side
                                Take me to the place where the Sun is shining
                                to the Isle of Paradise
                                Take me to the place behind your Eyes
                                Come one make me melt like Ice
                                Summertime is here and the Sun is shining
                                One the Isle of Paradise
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo It`s de Isle of Paradise
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo Melting baby like Ice
                                Not another Sunshine Reagge Oh Yes It de Isle of Paradise
                                Ur feel good Ur feel wild Ur feel nice da! t right
                                Take me to the Isle of Paradise
                                Summertime is on my side
                                Take me to the place where the Sun is shining
                                to the Isle of Paradise
                                Take me to the place behind your Eyes
                                Come one make me melt like Ice
                                Summertime is here and the Sun is shining
                                One the Isle of Paradise
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo Yes Summertime
                                Om balla eyo Coco eyo Let de Sun inna Ur Heart
                                pretty Gal dem Wine

                                So Far


