Ich schätze, hier passt das noch am besten.
Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service
"Disney is trying to have a widower's wrongful death lawsuit dismissed and sent to arbitration because the man had signed up for a Disney+ account several years ago...."
Ich möchte hier Albedo zitieren:
Das traurige ist, das ist nicht die erste Nachricht aus den USA, die in diese Richtung geht. Ich erinne nur an diverse Fälle von giftigem Leitungswasser.
Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service
"Disney is trying to have a widower's wrongful death lawsuit dismissed and sent to arbitration because the man had signed up for a Disney+ account several years ago...."
Ich möchte hier Albedo zitieren:
Zitat von Albedo
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