Zitat von ChrisArcher
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Skelettreste im Death Valley : Vermisste Deutsche nach 13 Jahren gefunden - Nachrichten Panorama - DIE WELT
Trotz unserer hoch entwickelten Technik kann die Wüste einen immer noch töten. Platte Reifen oder ein Motorschaden, dazu kein Empfang mit dem Handy. Dann wird aus einer Urlaubsreise ein Überlebenskampf.
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Zitat von ChrisArcher
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Der erste Vorfall war zwar in einer anderen Gegend, aber die äußeren Umstände sind vergleichbar. Der zweite Fall betraf einen Extremsportler, der ausgerechnet das Death Valley Mittags für einen Trainingslauf nutzen musste.
Letztes Edit:
Es könnte sich um diesen Fall gehandelt haben:
"... body was found less than a mile from his car."
Offenbar gibt es jeden Sommer 1-2 Todesfälle im Death Valley:
Viele unterschätzen die Auswirkungen der extremen Hitze:
"It's hard to appreciate what 120 degrees is like and how quickly you can get into trouble if you are exposed to it for any length of time," said Scott Wanek, chief ranger for the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service.
"It feels like you are standing in front of an open oven," said Ranger Nattrass, who has spent the past four summers in the park. "There are times when you stand outside and the heat can take your breath away."
"It feels like you are standing in front of an open oven," said Ranger Nattrass, who has spent the past four summers in the park. "There are times when you stand outside and the heat can take your breath away."
"People are so reliant on their GPS that they fail to look out the windshield and make wise decisions based on what they're seeing," said Alley.
"People don't realize that if they tell the unit to find the shortest route to somewhere, it's not necessarily finding the shortest, safe, paved route," Callagan said.
"People don't realize that if they tell the unit to find the shortest route to somewhere, it's not necessarily finding the shortest, safe, paved route," Callagan said.