Frisch eingetroffen: Dangerous Attraction mit lovely Paul 
->28 days/28 Tage
->A knight's tale/Ritter aus Leidenschaft
->Angel Season 1
->Anna Karenina
->Black Beauty
->Black Hawk Down (Special Edition)
->Bill & Ted's Bogus journey/ Bill & Teds verrückte Reise in die Zukunft
->Bill & Ted's excellent adventure/ Bill & Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit
->Calcium Kid
->Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/Die Katze auf dem heißen Blechdach (Special Edition)
->Century Hotel
->Cruel Intentions
->Dangerous Attraction
->Dead Poets society/Der Club der toten Dichte (Special Edition)
->Die Augsburger Puppenkiste - Schlupp vom grünen Stern
->Die Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel aus dem Eis
->Dirty Dancing
->Don't say a word/sag kein Wort
->Eye of the Beholder/Das Auge - Eye of the Beholder
->Firefly (US-Box)
->Flash Gordon Box
->Freeze - Alptraum Nachtwache
->G. I. Jane/Die Akte Jane
->Goldeneye Collector's Edition
->Henry V
->How To get Ahead In Advertising (Promotional Copy)
->Hulk (2-Disc-Special Edition)
->Immer wieder Samstags
->Indiana Jones Box
->Interview with the vampire/ Interview mit einem Vampir
->Johnny Cash- Remember Me The Man In Black
->Josh Groban - Live at the Greek
->LOTR (Zeichentrick Version von Ralph Bakshi)
->Manchild/Manchild - späte Jungs Season 1
->Mind Meld
->Moulin Rouge
->Mysterious Museum
->National Treasure/ Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter
->Ned Kelly/Gesetzlos - die Geschichte des Ned Kelly
->Night Scream
->Patriots Games/Die Stunde der Patrioten (Collector's Edition)
->Pin/Deadly Friend
->Pulp Fiction
->Ring-Stars Legacy
->Robin Hood - Men in tights/Helden in Strumpfhosen
->Ronin (Gold Edition)
->Save the Last Dance
->Saving Grace/Grasgeflüster
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 1
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 2
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 3
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 1
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 2
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 3
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 4
->Star Trek Voyager: Season Box 4
->Star Tresh
->Stormy Monday
->The Bank
->The Big Empty
->The fifth element/das fünfte Element
->The Life Bevor This
->(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2-Disc-Edition)
->Where The Heart Is/Zeit der bunten Vögel
->Young Guns Special Edition
->Young Guns II/ Young Guns II - Blaze of Glory - Flammender Ruhm

->28 days/28 Tage
->A knight's tale/Ritter aus Leidenschaft
->Angel Season 1
->Anna Karenina
->Black Beauty
->Black Hawk Down (Special Edition)
->Bill & Ted's Bogus journey/ Bill & Teds verrückte Reise in die Zukunft
->Bill & Ted's excellent adventure/ Bill & Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit
->Calcium Kid
->Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/Die Katze auf dem heißen Blechdach (Special Edition)
->Century Hotel
->Cruel Intentions
->Dangerous Attraction
->Dead Poets society/Der Club der toten Dichte (Special Edition)
->Die Augsburger Puppenkiste - Schlupp vom grünen Stern
->Die Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel aus dem Eis
->Dirty Dancing
->Don't say a word/sag kein Wort
->Eye of the Beholder/Das Auge - Eye of the Beholder
->Firefly (US-Box)
->Flash Gordon Box
->Freeze - Alptraum Nachtwache
->G. I. Jane/Die Akte Jane
->Goldeneye Collector's Edition
->Henry V
->How To get Ahead In Advertising (Promotional Copy)
->Hulk (2-Disc-Special Edition)
->Immer wieder Samstags
->Indiana Jones Box
->Interview with the vampire/ Interview mit einem Vampir
->Johnny Cash- Remember Me The Man In Black
->Josh Groban - Live at the Greek
->LOTR (Zeichentrick Version von Ralph Bakshi)
->Manchild/Manchild - späte Jungs Season 1
->Mind Meld
->Moulin Rouge
->Mysterious Museum
->National Treasure/ Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter
->Ned Kelly/Gesetzlos - die Geschichte des Ned Kelly
->Night Scream
->Patriots Games/Die Stunde der Patrioten (Collector's Edition)
->Pin/Deadly Friend
->Pulp Fiction
->Ring-Stars Legacy
->Robin Hood - Men in tights/Helden in Strumpfhosen
->Ronin (Gold Edition)
->Save the Last Dance
->Saving Grace/Grasgeflüster
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 1
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 2
->Star Trek Enterprise The Original Series: Season Box 3
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 1
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 2
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 3
->Star Trek Deep Space 9: Season Box 4
->Star Trek Voyager: Season Box 4
->Star Tresh
->Stormy Monday
->The Bank
->The Big Empty
->The fifth element/das fünfte Element
->The Life Bevor This
->(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2-Disc-Edition)
->Where The Heart Is/Zeit der bunten Vögel
->Young Guns Special Edition
->Young Guns II/ Young Guns II - Blaze of Glory - Flammender Ruhm