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Your reality was declared a blasphemy against the Spheres of Heaven.
For we are the Concordat of the First Dawn.
And with our verdict, your destruction is begun.
Da ich momentan ganz den Song of Ice and Fire Büchern verfallen bin, hab ich meinen Desktop mal wieder angepasst und mit einem FanArt von Winterfell.org geschmückt:Los, Zauberpony!
"Bin solch erzgutes Geschöpf und habe nun schon drei Menschen ermordet! Und unter den dreien zwei Priester."
You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<
Mein neues Wallpaper.
Man hat ausgerechnet, daß hundert Angestellte hundert Stunden arbeiten müßten,
um einen so gewaltigen Fehler zu machen, wie ihn ein Computer in einer Tausendstelsekunde fertigbringt. Hal Boyle
Was man heute als Science-fiction beginnt, wird man morgen vielleicht als Reportage zu Ende schreiben müssen. Norman Mailer
You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
>>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<