So dann fange ich mal an meine Spiel Sammlung aufzuzählen :
Zuerst kommen alle Spiele meines
Atari 7800
-Robin Hood
- Mario Bros.(und das auf den Atari)
-32 in 1 Game Cartridge
- Bobby geht nach Hause
- missle command
- Donkey Kong
- H.e.r.o.
- Chopper Commando
- Scrapyard Dog
- Galaxian
- Matmania
So jetzt kommt mein
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron
- Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
- Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
- Turok 2 Seeds of Evil(US Version)
- Zelda Ocarina of Time
- Zelda Majoras Mask
- Pokemon Stadium 1 und 2
Gameboy +Color Sammlung
- Pokemon Rot,Blau,Gelb,Kristall,Silber Editionen
- eine 42 in 1 Edition unter anderen mit einer
selten Dragonball Z Edition
- Kirby's Dream Land
- Super Mario Land 2
Nintendo Ds
- Children of Mana
- Mario Cart Ds
- The Legend of Zelda the Phantom Hourglass
- Star Wars Lethal Alliance
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron Rebel Strike
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron Rogue Leader
So jetzt kommt meine Spiele zure
Playstation One
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Star Wars Episode 1
- The Legend of Dragoon
- Tenchu 2
- Metal Gear Solid (Dt
Playstation 2
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy VII Derge of Cerberus
- Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty aka Substance
- Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater & Subsistence
- Primal
- Star Wars Battlefront I & II
- Star Wars Episode III
- God of War I & II
- GTA San Andreas
- GTA Vice City
- Kingdom Hearts
- Xenosaga Episode II
- Prince of Persia Sands of Time
- Prince of Persia Warrior Within
- Prine of Persia The Two Thrones
- .hack Infection
- .hack Mutation
- Area 51
- Hitman Contracts
- Hitman Blood Money
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
- Splinter Cell Double Agent
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja
- Gundam Federation vs. Zeon
- Half Life
- Resident Evil 4
- Killzone
- Zone of the Enders
- Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner
- Mercenaries
Playstation Portable
- Killzone Liberation
- Final Fantasy Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy Dissidea
- Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron
- Tekken
- Prince of Persia
- God of War Chains of Olympus
Playstation 3
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Uncharted Drakes Schicksal
- Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
- Killzone 2
- Battlefield Bad Company
- Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare I & II
- Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
- Motorstorm 1 & 2
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
- Red Faction Guerilla
- Resistance 1 & 2
- The Orange Box
- Mercenaries 2
- Soul Calibur 4
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed
- GTA 4
- Unreal Tournament
- Infamous
- The Chronicals of Riddick
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Assasins Creed 1 & 2
- Alien versus Predator
- Heavy Rain
- Far Cry 2
- Lost Planet
- The Darkness
- Devil May Cry 4
- The Elder srolls Oblivian
- Warhawk
- Dead Space
Playstation Network
- Call of Duty Classic
- Flower
- TV Show King
- Supreme Commando
- Star Wars Empire at War
- C&C 3
- C&C Generals
- Half Life & Blueshift (Steam)
- HL Oppossing Force (Steam)
und es werden mehr
Zuerst kommen alle Spiele meines
Atari 7800
-Robin Hood
- Mario Bros.(und das auf den Atari)
-32 in 1 Game Cartridge
- Bobby geht nach Hause
- missle command
- Donkey Kong
- H.e.r.o.
- Chopper Commando
- Scrapyard Dog
- Galaxian
- Matmania
So jetzt kommt mein
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron
- Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
- Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
- Turok 2 Seeds of Evil(US Version)
- Zelda Ocarina of Time
- Zelda Majoras Mask
- Pokemon Stadium 1 und 2
Gameboy +Color Sammlung
- Pokemon Rot,Blau,Gelb,Kristall,Silber Editionen
- eine 42 in 1 Edition unter anderen mit einer
selten Dragonball Z Edition
- Kirby's Dream Land
- Super Mario Land 2
Nintendo Ds
- Children of Mana
- Mario Cart Ds
- The Legend of Zelda the Phantom Hourglass
- Star Wars Lethal Alliance
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron Rebel Strike
- Star Wars Rogue Sqadron Rogue Leader
So jetzt kommt meine Spiele zure
Playstation One
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Star Wars Episode 1
- The Legend of Dragoon
- Tenchu 2
- Metal Gear Solid (Dt

Playstation 2
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy VII Derge of Cerberus
- Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty aka Substance
- Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater & Subsistence
- Primal
- Star Wars Battlefront I & II
- Star Wars Episode III
- God of War I & II
- GTA San Andreas
- GTA Vice City
- Kingdom Hearts
- Xenosaga Episode II
- Prince of Persia Sands of Time
- Prince of Persia Warrior Within
- Prine of Persia The Two Thrones
- .hack Infection
- .hack Mutation
- Area 51
- Hitman Contracts
- Hitman Blood Money
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
- Splinter Cell Double Agent
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja
- Gundam Federation vs. Zeon
- Half Life
- Resident Evil 4
- Killzone
- Zone of the Enders
- Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner
- Mercenaries
Playstation Portable
- Killzone Liberation
- Final Fantasy Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy Dissidea
- Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron
- Tekken
- Prince of Persia
- God of War Chains of Olympus
Playstation 3
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Uncharted Drakes Schicksal
- Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
- Killzone 2
- Battlefield Bad Company
- Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare I & II
- Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
- Motorstorm 1 & 2
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
- Red Faction Guerilla
- Resistance 1 & 2
- The Orange Box
- Mercenaries 2
- Soul Calibur 4
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed
- GTA 4
- Unreal Tournament
- Infamous
- The Chronicals of Riddick
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Assasins Creed 1 & 2
- Alien versus Predator
- Heavy Rain
- Far Cry 2
- Lost Planet
- The Darkness
- Devil May Cry 4
- The Elder srolls Oblivian
- Warhawk
- Dead Space
Playstation Network
- Call of Duty Classic
- Flower
- TV Show King
- Supreme Commando
- Star Wars Empire at War
- C&C 3
- C&C Generals
- Half Life & Blueshift (Steam)
- HL Oppossing Force (Steam)
und es werden mehr