Er ist endlich da. Und er ist groß. Und hat für jeden etwas in seinem Säckchen. Nein, hier geht es keinesfalls um die Wochenenden von Kollege Hannes, sondern um weitaus wichtigere (und hübschere) Themen: Den ersten "Unreal Tournament 2003"-Patch!
Eines muss man den Jungs bei "Epic" wirklich lassen: Von der Bedeutung des ersten Patches verstehen sie was! Denn bei der Entwicklung des ersten "UT 2003"-Bugfixes haben sie sich weder quantitativ noch qualitativ lumpen lassen und ein anspruchsvolles Patch-Paket zusammengestellt, das zahlreiche Neuerungen in den Bereichen "Gameplay", "Netzwerk", "Online" und "Grafik" bringt.
Download: Hier
Hier eine vollständige Liste aller Änderungen; direkt von der offiziellen Homepage:
1. suicides count against team score in TDM
2. fixed attenuation flak chunk damage over distance
3. reduced minigun spin up time slightly
4. made shock beam effect thicker
5. always keep dynamic light for shock projectile, even in low detail mode
6. translocation destination adjustment bug fix
7. "kdraw collision" disabled in MP
8. player dies before ball gets through hoop should still get credit for throw
9. fixed redeemer point blank shots
10. double tap time invariant to gamespeed
11. get rid of 03_2 use (duplicate of "three" sound)
12. fixed problems with overtime not ending on first score in some situations
13. fixed transloc camera sometimes taking two taps
14. fixed 4 rocket bug
15. fixed instagib really is instaGIB
16. fixed 10 seconds before can speak again
17. fixed killz in CTF-December, CTF-Face3, CTF-Citadel, and BR-IceFields
18. clamped max view bob
19. fixed tokara forest switching to CTF
20. fix for balllauncher switchaway bug
21. fixed problem with teammates grabbing the flag right when you score
22. fixed No Adrenaline mutator not allowing other mutators to work
23. fixed getting correct bots on configured bot games with no bots on one team
24. fixed falling damage bug
25. straightened lightning bolt (purely visual change to make
it easier to see where you're shooting)
26. fixed shieldgun impact charging effect fps slowdown
27. Fix bug where ragdolls didn't turn skeletal when they fall into lava volume.
28. If there is no momentum on death, add a small random one.
29. Reduces ragdolls just falling to their knees.
30. added mouse acceleration for improved fine aiming control.
31. Can be turned on by adding the following line to the [Engine.PlayerInput] section in user.ini: MouseAccelThreshold=+100.0
32. added "now viewing" message when spectating
33. Fixed: At end of match it says "You've lost the match" while spectating
34. assault grenade faster minimum muzzle velocity
35. fixed water footstep sounds sometimes not playing when touching fluidsurfaceinfo
36. no behindview cheat in net games
37. Simplified using custom ragdolls. 'Ragdoll=xxxx' in the .upl file now overrides the species ragdoll asset for the character. This approach is compatible with the cheat protection.
38. Fix screwed-up vehicle camera.
increased skeletal mesh pool vertex buffer lifetime from 500 to 1000 frames
39. rocket smoke trail whiter
40. rocket launcher max ammo now 30
41. improved instagib beams
42. no shooting through people in classic instagib (just like it was in UT), you can still shoot through them in zoom instagib
43. fixed replicating blood spurts when hit
44. improved sound positioning/attenuation
45. fixed suicide spamming lagging servers
46. fixed AI slowdown when can't reach player's location
1. typed messages stay up on HUD longer
2. don't limit chat when game is paused
3. fixed joystick support in menus
4. added joystick hat support
5. made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
6. new HUD options in menus:
7. Number of console messages shown
8. Console message font size
9. Ability to turn on and off various pieces of the HUD
10. Ability to scale the HUD
11. Cut and Paste in Console and server browser/edit boxes.
12. Change IForce to TouchSense Mouse Settings
13. Added Min/Max players to Map Selection
14. Added Author Name to Map Selection for Non-Epic maps
15. Add Description field for Mod Authors and hooked it to the scrolly
16. Added Announcer volume control to menus
17. 'Speech' binder menu in Settings.
18. Mouse wheel support on speech menu. On by default, but the ut2003.ini option bSpeechMenuUseMouseWheel turns it off.
19. Letter key support in Speech Menu. The ut2003.ini option bSpeechMenuUseLetters turns this on, and you can specify what keys it uses in the .ini file as well.
20. Fix [ALL] being at the bottom of the speech menu player list.
21. added joystick hat support
22. made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
23. fix for particle "priming"
24. enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
25. added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
26. fix for particle "priming"
27. enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
28. added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
30. 'Add IP' and 'Add Buddy' dialog's focus the edit box by
32. can change crosshair color
1. bots supporting player will grab nearby pickups
2. fixed bots rotating to acquire targets too fast
3. added ReactionTime parameter for bots
4. fixed bots stuck in corners wanting to go to paths above
5. bots go after adrenaline more
1. fixed editor crash when rebuild paths with new pickupbase
2. UnrealEd works on Win98
1. added option to cap framerate in netplay (on by default). This improves client smoothness by keeping client physics updates more in sync with server. Its controlled in your UT2003.ini file in the [Engine.LevelInfo] section by bCapFramerate.
2. improved ping measurement shown in scoreboard
3. F6 bound to "stat net" again
4. improved client movement on jumppads
5. Buddy list wildcards
6. Master server cheat protection MD5 support
7. Removed server connect() 10054 warning
8. servers no longer don't reconnect to master server on
9. authentication failure
10. Show server ip in server browser
11. Remove ICMP logspam by default
12. IRC client under 'Chat' tab in Server Browser.
13. Added 'Server Browser' button in-game so you can view servers/chat without leaving game.
14. Remove spurious qhull-related warnings at the console eg. when running a server.
15. Removed a lot of server log spam
16. added AdminSay function which works from log window
17. overtime ends if no one left on server
18. stats compatible with minplayers > 0 (stats start when number of bots drops to 0)
19. fixed bug allowing bots to be added by admins in stats enabled games
20. dedicated servers don't need to load skins/meshes/voices
server CPU improvements (don't find actor channel reference twice)
21. fixed server memory leak
1. fixed CD check problems on some machines
1. fix for SiS 315 and other TnL cards only exposing one vertex stream
2. better debug output for certain fatal failures
3. better handling of running out of memory in default pool
4. possible fix for UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock crash
5. fix for "CreateVertexBuffer failed (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)" crash
6. made code respect D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR caps bit
7. fixed case that led to an invalid stage setup in certain scenarios
8. more Voodoo 3/5 & G400 workarounds (never sending more than 2 texcoords)
9. better error message for UnSetRes
10. changed error message for crash inside
11. D3D8:
12. now tries system memory pool if allocation in default pool
13. fails even after evicting all managed resources
14. made FAuxRenderTarget destructor flush rendering resources
15. added AvoidHitches" option to the D3D renderer which might be useful for people with 64 MByte cards that play on high detail settings. It significantly reduces the occurrence of substantial hitches, but slightly reduces average framerate.
1. replaced 8x8 dummy texture with 1x1 texture
2. increased VARSize from 20 to 32
3. added code to correctly fill in GMachineVideo
4. implemented DesiredRefreshRate
5. implemented ReduceMouseLag
6. friendly error message when trying to run the Editor
7. implemented missing case where neither NV_texture_env_combine4 nor ATI_texture_env_combine3 are exposed
8. changed VAR code to try smaller VAR ranges before giving up
Eines muss man den Jungs bei "Epic" wirklich lassen: Von der Bedeutung des ersten Patches verstehen sie was! Denn bei der Entwicklung des ersten "UT 2003"-Bugfixes haben sie sich weder quantitativ noch qualitativ lumpen lassen und ein anspruchsvolles Patch-Paket zusammengestellt, das zahlreiche Neuerungen in den Bereichen "Gameplay", "Netzwerk", "Online" und "Grafik" bringt.
Download: Hier
Hier eine vollständige Liste aller Änderungen; direkt von der offiziellen Homepage:
1. suicides count against team score in TDM
2. fixed attenuation flak chunk damage over distance
3. reduced minigun spin up time slightly
4. made shock beam effect thicker
5. always keep dynamic light for shock projectile, even in low detail mode
6. translocation destination adjustment bug fix
7. "kdraw collision" disabled in MP
8. player dies before ball gets through hoop should still get credit for throw
9. fixed redeemer point blank shots
10. double tap time invariant to gamespeed
11. get rid of 03_2 use (duplicate of "three" sound)
12. fixed problems with overtime not ending on first score in some situations
13. fixed transloc camera sometimes taking two taps
14. fixed 4 rocket bug
15. fixed instagib really is instaGIB
16. fixed 10 seconds before can speak again
17. fixed killz in CTF-December, CTF-Face3, CTF-Citadel, and BR-IceFields
18. clamped max view bob
19. fixed tokara forest switching to CTF
20. fix for balllauncher switchaway bug
21. fixed problem with teammates grabbing the flag right when you score
22. fixed No Adrenaline mutator not allowing other mutators to work
23. fixed getting correct bots on configured bot games with no bots on one team
24. fixed falling damage bug
25. straightened lightning bolt (purely visual change to make
it easier to see where you're shooting)
26. fixed shieldgun impact charging effect fps slowdown
27. Fix bug where ragdolls didn't turn skeletal when they fall into lava volume.
28. If there is no momentum on death, add a small random one.
29. Reduces ragdolls just falling to their knees.
30. added mouse acceleration for improved fine aiming control.
31. Can be turned on by adding the following line to the [Engine.PlayerInput] section in user.ini: MouseAccelThreshold=+100.0
32. added "now viewing" message when spectating
33. Fixed: At end of match it says "You've lost the match" while spectating
34. assault grenade faster minimum muzzle velocity
35. fixed water footstep sounds sometimes not playing when touching fluidsurfaceinfo
36. no behindview cheat in net games
37. Simplified using custom ragdolls. 'Ragdoll=xxxx' in the .upl file now overrides the species ragdoll asset for the character. This approach is compatible with the cheat protection.
38. Fix screwed-up vehicle camera.
increased skeletal mesh pool vertex buffer lifetime from 500 to 1000 frames
39. rocket smoke trail whiter
40. rocket launcher max ammo now 30
41. improved instagib beams
42. no shooting through people in classic instagib (just like it was in UT), you can still shoot through them in zoom instagib
43. fixed replicating blood spurts when hit
44. improved sound positioning/attenuation
45. fixed suicide spamming lagging servers
46. fixed AI slowdown when can't reach player's location
1. typed messages stay up on HUD longer
2. don't limit chat when game is paused
3. fixed joystick support in menus
4. added joystick hat support
5. made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
6. new HUD options in menus:
7. Number of console messages shown
8. Console message font size
9. Ability to turn on and off various pieces of the HUD
10. Ability to scale the HUD
11. Cut and Paste in Console and server browser/edit boxes.
12. Change IForce to TouchSense Mouse Settings
13. Added Min/Max players to Map Selection
14. Added Author Name to Map Selection for Non-Epic maps
15. Add Description field for Mod Authors and hooked it to the scrolly
16. Added Announcer volume control to menus
17. 'Speech' binder menu in Settings.
18. Mouse wheel support on speech menu. On by default, but the ut2003.ini option bSpeechMenuUseMouseWheel turns it off.
19. Letter key support in Speech Menu. The ut2003.ini option bSpeechMenuUseLetters turns this on, and you can specify what keys it uses in the .ini file as well.
20. Fix [ALL] being at the bottom of the speech menu player list.
21. added joystick hat support
22. made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
23. fix for particle "priming"
24. enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
25. added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
26. fix for particle "priming"
27. enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
28. added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
30. 'Add IP' and 'Add Buddy' dialog's focus the edit box by
32. can change crosshair color
1. bots supporting player will grab nearby pickups
2. fixed bots rotating to acquire targets too fast
3. added ReactionTime parameter for bots
4. fixed bots stuck in corners wanting to go to paths above
5. bots go after adrenaline more
1. fixed editor crash when rebuild paths with new pickupbase
2. UnrealEd works on Win98
1. added option to cap framerate in netplay (on by default). This improves client smoothness by keeping client physics updates more in sync with server. Its controlled in your UT2003.ini file in the [Engine.LevelInfo] section by bCapFramerate.
2. improved ping measurement shown in scoreboard
3. F6 bound to "stat net" again
4. improved client movement on jumppads
5. Buddy list wildcards
6. Master server cheat protection MD5 support
7. Removed server connect() 10054 warning
8. servers no longer don't reconnect to master server on
9. authentication failure
10. Show server ip in server browser
11. Remove ICMP logspam by default
12. IRC client under 'Chat' tab in Server Browser.
13. Added 'Server Browser' button in-game so you can view servers/chat without leaving game.
14. Remove spurious qhull-related warnings at the console eg. when running a server.
15. Removed a lot of server log spam
16. added AdminSay function which works from log window
17. overtime ends if no one left on server
18. stats compatible with minplayers > 0 (stats start when number of bots drops to 0)
19. fixed bug allowing bots to be added by admins in stats enabled games
20. dedicated servers don't need to load skins/meshes/voices
server CPU improvements (don't find actor channel reference twice)
21. fixed server memory leak
1. fixed CD check problems on some machines
1. fix for SiS 315 and other TnL cards only exposing one vertex stream
2. better debug output for certain fatal failures
3. better handling of running out of memory in default pool
4. possible fix for UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock crash
5. fix for "CreateVertexBuffer failed (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)" crash
6. made code respect D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR caps bit
7. fixed case that led to an invalid stage setup in certain scenarios
8. more Voodoo 3/5 & G400 workarounds (never sending more than 2 texcoords)
9. better error message for UnSetRes
10. changed error message for crash inside
11. D3D8:

12. now tries system memory pool if allocation in default pool
13. fails even after evicting all managed resources
14. made FAuxRenderTarget destructor flush rendering resources
15. added AvoidHitches" option to the D3D renderer which might be useful for people with 64 MByte cards that play on high detail settings. It significantly reduces the occurrence of substantial hitches, but slightly reduces average framerate.
1. replaced 8x8 dummy texture with 1x1 texture
2. increased VARSize from 20 to 32
3. added code to correctly fill in GMachineVideo
4. implemented DesiredRefreshRate
5. implemented ReduceMouseLag
6. friendly error message when trying to run the Editor
7. implemented missing case where neither NV_texture_env_combine4 nor ATI_texture_env_combine3 are exposed
8. changed VAR code to try smaller VAR ranges before giving up
Leider überschreibt dieser Patch während der Installation Eure "user.ini"-Datei - Ihr solltet also vorher unbedingt eine Sicherheitskopie davon anfertigen, falls Ihr Eure Charakter-Daten und -Einstellungen behalten möchtet.
Ich habe ihn mir gleich heruntergeladen, da er auch wirklich wichtig ist. Gute Arbeit von Epic.
P.S. Es ist die PatchVersion: 2136