The Mongoliad (Bear, Stephenson u.a.) - SciFi-Forum


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The Mongoliad (Bear, Stephenson u.a.)

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    The Mongoliad (Bear, Stephenson u.a.)

    "The Mongoliad" By Neal Stephenson, Greg Bear, and Friends

    The Mongoliad is a community-driven, enhanced, serial novel that you read with your Web browser, smart phone, or tablet.
    The story, which unfolds week by week, is set in the year 1241 CE when Europe thought that the Mongol Horde was about to completely destroy their world and only a small band of warriors and mystics stood in the way of utter defeat and subjugation by the great Khan.
    Gibt es hier im Forum eigentlich schon Abonnenten dieses "multimedialen Serien-Roman-Online-Projekts" (Fällt gerade keine griffigere Beschreibung ein) von Stephenson, Bear und co.? Falls ja, wie sind eure Eindrücke und welches Abomodell würdet ihr gegebenenfalls empfehlen?