Ebay Versteigerung zugunsten des Casey Biggs Scholarshio Funds - SciFi-Forum


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Ebay Versteigerung zugunsten des Casey Biggs Scholarshio Funds

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    Ebay Versteigerung zugunsten des Casey Biggs Scholarshio Funds

    Hi allerseits,
    dachte mir, dass einige von euch vielleicht an einigen Dingen die hier versteigert werden interesiert sind, allen voran alle Cardi oder spezieller Damar fans
    . ...nähere Informationen über die Art der versteigerten Artikel und den Casey Biggs Scholarship fund findet ihr auf Casey's webseite.
    Grob gesagt, unterstützt diese Aktion die Förderung von Kindern/Jugendliche in Pflegefamilien. Der Casey Biggs Scholarship Fund vergibt Stipendien an solche Jugendliche um ihnen eine Collegeausbildung zu ermöglichen. Der Fund wird von Penny Lane verwaltet. Mit dem ersteigern dieser Sachen helft ihr somit einem guten Zweck.

    Hello everyone!

    As you may know, I am the website designer for Casey Biggs' Official Site and we are organizing an E Bay Auction to benefit The Casey Biggs Scholarship Fund.

    What you may not know is that Casey, having been a foster child himself, began this special endeavor to help children in the foster care system go on to college or vocational school.

    It's uniquely, and personally his own charity which (like most charities) needs a much needed boost. More info regarding the auction and his scholarship can be found at http://www.caseybiggs.com

    I have posted the note below to a couple of lists, and I'd be much obliged if you all could pass along the info to anyone who may be
    interested....THANKS SO MUCH!!

    HOORAYYY!!! WE are finally having an E Bay auction benefitting The Casey Biggs Scholarship Fund!!!!!!!!!!!

    Starting Saturday, NOV.1st!! Most of our items will be up right away but you may want to check back as we have a few donations that may be trailing in after the initial start date.

    PLEASE FORWARD THIS INFO TO ANY and ALL lists, websites, bulletin boards, chat rooms, roadside billboards, network advertising, S.E.T.I....well, you get the picture!! Let's get the word out folks,we can't do this without your help!

    Of course, we have Trek and Casey memorabilia (Casey *just* informed me he has "a bunch" of stuff to add) BUT!!! Please remember, we also have a lot of non-Trek/Casey, like collectable dolls, and gifts and what-not. So keep those Christmas/Holiday gift lists in handy, you may find something for that special someone!

    If *you* yourselves have something to donate, please contact Cindy Romero at esmeray@webtv.net She's really the one organizing the whole thing !!! I'm just the gopher on this project ;P


    Take Care~ Diane
    “Oh my, that is quite toxic isn’t it?” (Weyoun) “Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.” (Kilana)
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    So mittlerweile ist die Auktion gestartet worden.
    Eine Liste der zu ersteigernden Objekte findet sich hier
    “Oh my, that is quite toxic isn’t it?” (Weyoun) “Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.” (Kilana)
    Was hältst du von den Vorta? Der Vorta-Fanclub freut sich über deinen Besuch.

