The July issue of ST: The Magazine has an interview with Berman and he
talks a lot about the 5th series and 10th movie. He essentially says all
of the rumors are nonsense (yeah) and that it won't be a Section 31
series (big yeah). The new series should be out in Sept of 2001 and the
movie in Thanksgiving 2001.
Here's the last paragraph. I found it interesting:
"Rick is very aware, however, of the torch he has to carry; that of Gene
Roddenberry's concept of the future. He says, "I would like to think
that the new show will come closer to Gene's vision of what Star Trek is
all about than either of the two previous series. I would say it will
come back to a level equal to Next Generation when it comes to Gene's
vision of the future." So the fans ideals should be safe, and we're all
hoping for announcements very soon of what Star Trek will bring us in
its fifth series and its landmark 10th movie."
Of course the beginning and end of the paragraph is propaganda from
Paramount but it does sound like they are acknowledging the feelings of
the fans. He said he's been following the rumors (ng?) so maybe he has
been listening and has gotten the message. We can only hope.
[This message has been edited by V'Ger (edited 19-06-2000).]
talks a lot about the 5th series and 10th movie. He essentially says all
of the rumors are nonsense (yeah) and that it won't be a Section 31
series (big yeah). The new series should be out in Sept of 2001 and the
movie in Thanksgiving 2001.
Here's the last paragraph. I found it interesting:
"Rick is very aware, however, of the torch he has to carry; that of Gene
Roddenberry's concept of the future. He says, "I would like to think
that the new show will come closer to Gene's vision of what Star Trek is
all about than either of the two previous series. I would say it will
come back to a level equal to Next Generation when it comes to Gene's
vision of the future." So the fans ideals should be safe, and we're all
hoping for announcements very soon of what Star Trek will bring us in
its fifth series and its landmark 10th movie."
Of course the beginning and end of the paragraph is propaganda from
Paramount but it does sound like they are acknowledging the feelings of
the fans. He said he's been following the rumors (ng?) so maybe he has
been listening and has gotten the message. We can only hope.
[This message has been edited by V'Ger (edited 19-06-2000).]